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IMMIGRATION                                                           AUGUST 04, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 40

                Canada Begins New Program for Holders

          of U.S. H-1B Visas – And They Really Do Mean

          H-1B Visas, Not H-1B Status, Although Family

               Members Need Not Have Any Kind of H-4

        BY DAVID ISAACSON          nouncement of the program                                                         • Form I-94, Arrival/De-
                                   and backgrounder issued by                                                          parture Record
               pdate:  on  July  18,  Immigration, Refugees and                                                      • a recent utility bill
               2023,  IRCC  posted  Citizenship Canada (IRCC)                                                        • an income tax report
        Uan         announcement   referred t“H-1B specialty                                                         • any document that proves
        that the cap of 10,000 appli-  occupation visa holders in                                                      you live in the US
        cations for the new program  the US” in such a way as                                                           The separate bullet
        had been reached on July  tsuggest that an actual H-1B                                                       point for “a copy of your
        17 and the program was  visa stamp was necessary.                                                            current H-1B visa” implies
        closed. Sthe below post may  As I explained in that post,                                                    that neither the Notice of
        be only of theoretical inter-  there are multiple circum-                                                    Action showing approval of
        est  unless Canada  reopens  stances under which one                                                         an H-1B application, nor a
        the program at a later date.  can be in valid H-1B status,                                                   Form I-94, will suffice with-
            In a previous blog post,  but  not  possess  an  H-1B                                                    out the visa. It is not clear
        I described a new Cana-    visa stamp as such, such as   whether this seeming re-  tus, and indeed some family   why IRCC has imposed this
                                                                                          members whcould not qual-
                                                              quirement for a visa stamp
        dian program for holders  in the event of a change of   was  merely  an  imprecision   ify for H-4 status will be el-  requirement, but it appears
        of  H-1B  visas,  and  flagged  status or extension of stay.   in  language.  There  were   igible for the new program.  that they have done so.
        the issue that the initial an-  At the time, it was unclear                                                     One piece of good
                                                              alsother issues left open by   Part 1, section 1(iii.) of   news, however, is that there
                                                                  the announcement.       the temporary public pol-  is nsimilar requirement for
                                                                      IRCC has now pub-   icy  specifies  as  one  of  the
                                                                  lished the application   conditions tbe met that an   family members of prin-
                                                                                                                     cipal H-1B applicants. In-
                                                                  guidance for the new    applicant for a work permit   deed, not only are family
                                                                  program, and has als-   under the policy “holds an   members of principal ap-
                                                                  posted the underlying   H-1B (Specialty Occupa-    plicants not required thave
                                                                  temporary public pol-   tions  category)  visa  issued   an H-4 visa stamp, they are
                                                                  icy established under   by  the United States of   not even required thave H-4
                                                                  section 25.2 of the Im-  America that was valid at   status, or be eligible for H-4
                                                                  migration and Refugee   the time the work permit   status. As long as they are
                                                                  Protection Act. (The    application referred tin (i)   a family member of an ap-
                                                                  temporary public poli-  was submitted”. This ref-  proved  principal applicant
                                                                  cy is dated June 23, but   erence ta visa, like the one   under  the  definition  con-
                                                                  was  only  made  public   in the original IRCC an-  tained in subsection 1(3) of
                                                                  on its effective date of   nouncement, could poten-  the Immigration and Refu-
                                                                  July 16.) Unfortunate-  tially be read as ambiguous,   gee Protection Regulations
                                                                  ly, it appears from the   but the application guid-  (IRPR), and reside in the
                                                                  temporary public poli-  ance  specifies  that  a  visa   United States, that is suffi-
                                                                  cy  and  the application   is a separate document re-  cient.
                                                                  guidance that IRCC      quired in addition tan H-1B   The  definition  of  a
                                                                  will indeed be requiring   approval notice and poten-  family member under sub-
                                                                  principal applicants for   tially Form I-94.
                     m of                                         an open work permit        The guidance states:    section 1(3) of the IRPR is
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          under the new program       To apply, you’ll need  somewhat broader than the
                                                                                                                     definition of a family mem-
                                                                  thave an H-1B visa      • a  copy  of your  current
                                                                                                                     ber for H-4 purposes under
             stamp, and not merely   H-1B visa  U.S. law.
                                                                  H-1B status, as well as   • Form I-797/I797B, Notice
                            reside  in the  United   of Action        The  IRPR  definition
                                                   
             ­                                               includes “the spouse or
              ‚                                                     States. The good news   • This is a letter from the   common-law partner of the
                                                                  is that there is nsimilar   US  government  confirm-  person” (here, of the prin-
                                                                  requirement  that  de-   ing your H-1B application
                                                                  pendents  of  principal   was approved.            cipal applicant);  “a depen-
                                                                  applicants have either   • proof that you live in the   dent child of the person or
          2              6th Floor                                                                                   of the person’s spouse or
                H-4 visas or H-4 sta-    US, such as               common-law partner”; or

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