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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                     AUGUST 04, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 34

          CAC: Customer Acquisition Cost to

              acquire new customer in Business

             By optimizing your CAC, you can improve your profitability and grow your

                                                  customer base more efficiently

                                                                                                                businesses can make informed de-
                                                                                                                cisions about their marketing and
                                                                                                                sales strategies, and optimize their
                                                                                                                efforts for maximum ROI.
                                                                                                              • A high CAC can indicate inefficien-
                                                                                                                cies in the sales funnel or targeting,
                                                                                                                while a low CAC can signal a strong
                                                                                                                value proposition and effective
                                                                                                                marketing tactics.
                                                                                                              • Ultimately, businesses that can low-
                                                                                                                er their CAC while maintaining or
                                                                                                                increasing customer lifetime value
                                                                                                                will be better positioned for long-
                                                                                                                term growth and success.
                                                                                                               How to track and analyze CAC
                                                                                                                         over time.
                                                                                                              • Tracking and analyzing your CAC
                                                                                                                over time is essential for optimizing
                                           By identifying your ideal customer and tailoring your messaging and channels to reach them,   your customer acquisition strategy.
                   HIRAV SHAH             you can increase the likelihood of acquiring high-value customers who are more likely to make   • To do this, start by calculating your
                                                                                                                CAC for a specific period, such as a
                                                             repeat purchases (Representative photo)
                                                                                                                month or quarter. Divide your total
              ustomer acquisition cost, or                                                                      sales and marketing expenses for
              CAC, is a crucial metric for     How to calculate CAC.          increase the likelihood of acquiring   that period by the number of new
        Cbusinesses looking to grow       • To calculate your CAC, you need   high-value customers who are more   customers acquired during that
        and expand their customer base.     to divide your total marketing and   likely to make repeat purchases.  same period.
            By understanding how to mea-                                    • Another strategy is to optimize   • Once you have this baseline CAC,
        sure and optimize your CAC, you can   sales expenses by the number of   your sales funnel to improve con-  you can track changes over time
                                            new customers acquired during a
        make informed decisions about your   specific period of time.         version rates and reduce the num-  and identify areas for improvement.
        marketing and sales strategies, and   • For example, if you spent $10,000   ber of leads lost at each stage.   • For example, if your CAC increas-
        ultimately drive more revenue for   on marketing and sales in a month   • This  can  include  tactics  such as   es, it may be time to reevaluate
        your business.                                                        improving website design and user   you’re targeting or sales tactics.
                                            and acquired 100 new customers,   experience, offering incentives for   • Conversely, if your CAC decreas-
                                            your CAC would be $100.
           What is CAC and why is it      • It’s important to track your CAC   sign-ups or purchases, and provid-  es, you may want to invest more in
                  important?                over time and compare it to your   ing personalized follow-up commu-  the channels or campaigns that are
                                                                              nications to nurture leads.
        • CAC, or customer acquisition cost,   customer lifetime value (CLV) to   • Finally, consider partnering with   driving the most efficient customer
          is the total cost incurred by a busi-  ensure that you are generating a   other  businesses  or  influencers  in
          ness to acquire a new customer.   positive return on investment.                                    Conclusion: It’s one of the most im-
        • This  includes all marketing and   • If your CAC is higher than your   your industry to expand your reach   portant tools to understand Customer
                                                                              and tap into new audiences.
          sales expenses, such as advertising,   CLV, you may need to adjust your   • By working together, you can share   Acquisition Cost to acquire new cus-
          promotions, salaries, and commis-  marketing  and  sales  strategies  to   resources and expertise to drive   tomer in Business
          sions.                            improve efficiency and profitability.
        • CAC is important because it helps                                   down costs and increase your over-         Exercise:
                                                                              all effectiveness.
          businesses understand the effec-     Ways to reduce CAC.                                            • List down 3 most spending amount
          tiveness of their marketing and   • There are several ways to reduce your   The impact of CAC on      for your marketing
          sales efforts, and whether they are   CAC and improve your profitability.                           • List down 3 most spending amount
          generating a positive return on in-  • One strategy is to focus on target-  business growth.          for your staff who are working for
          vestment.                         ing the right audience with your   • Customer acquisition cost, or   Marketing and Sales
        • By optimizing your CAC, you can   marketing efforts.                CAC, is a critical metric for busi-
          improve  your  profitability  and   • By identifying your ideal customer   nesses looking to grow and scale.   The writer is a well-known
          grow your customer base more ef-  and tailoring your messaging and   • By understanding how much it   Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
          ficiently.                        channels to reach them, you can   costs to acquire a new customer,   Email: [email protected]

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