Page 12 - The Inidian EYE 073021
P. 12

OPINION                                                                       JULY 30, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          12

                                         “China plus One”:

           supply Chain resilience Initiative

                and Beijing in Indo-pacific area

        Jagannath p. panDa

              upply chain management
              has been a subject of ex-
        Stensive  study  over  the
        past decade, especially with the
        rise of China as a manufactur-
        ing powerhouse and the global
        supply chains becoming in-
        creasingly China-centric. This,
        coupled with China’s increas-
        ingly revisionist and authoritar-
        ian behaviour in the region, has
        highlighted the vulnerabilities
        resulting from dependence on
        a single source for manufac-
        turing. COVID-19 has served
        as a reveille and showed that
        extensive dependency on Chi-
        na vis-à-vis supply chains is not
        limited to smaller nations but
        also major global powers such
        as the United States (US), In-
        dia, Japan, Australia, South                        Confederation of All India Traders members protest against Chinese products and
        Korea, and others. This realisa-                        launch the China Quit India campaign at Sadar Bazaar in New Delhi (ANI)
        tion  has advanced an immedi-
        ate focus on the idea of “China  Southeast Asian states, amidst  tariffs Washington has imposed  trade war.
        Plus One” in the global supply  the  pandemic. Similarly,  the  on Chinese items is critical in                   Indian government has
        chain (GSC) network, espe- Supply Chain Resilience Ini- deciding the diversion of trade.  initiated a wide range of proj-
        cially as complete decoupling  tiative (SCRI) by the India–Ja- Moreover, US companies were  ects across various sectors to
        from China remains an unlike- pan–Australia trilateral, which  already diversifying in the wake  support manufacturing in the
        ly scenario.                         seeks to de-risk supply chains  of the US–China trade war, as  country, with “Make in India”,
            Simply put, the “China  and create a sustainable GSC  firms  reduced  purchases  from  “Digital India” and “Aatmanir-
        Plus One” strategy aims at ex- network, has marked a shift in  China and started buying more  bhar  Bharat” (self-reliant In-
        panding and diversifying the  policy towards collective bids  from the rest of the world, no- dia) leading the way. Still, com-
        GSCs by developing addition- at implementing a “China Plus  tably India, Taiwan, Malaysia,  petition from Southeast Asian
        al manufacturing sites outside  One” outlook.                            South  Korea  and  Vietnam,  states like Vietnam and India’s
        China. The past decade has              Despite challenges, con- where a production footprint  rather low ease-of-doing-busi-
        witnessed deliberations and  sensus on the need to diver- already existed.                                    ness rankings are challenges
        gradual implementation of this  sify from China has emerged                  Concurrently, for India,  New Delhi must surf through
        strategy by countries; however,  strongly amongst powers like  there exists an immense oppor- first. In addition, India’s some-
        the COVID-19 pandemic has  India, Japan, Australia, the US,  tunity to emerge as a winner in  what  inward-focused  financial
        prompted greater execution  the UK and some EU states.  the  “China  Plus  One”  diversi- policies do not serve well in
        by nations,  both  individually  However, the degree of diver- fication  trend.  Though  not  as  gaining  an  edge over its  com-
        and regionally via multilateral  sification  varies.  For  instance,  much as Southeast Asia, India  petitors. India’s average import
        platforms. For instance, Japan  for the EU and the US, the top  has already witnessed modest  duties have also significantly in-
        is one of the first major econo- 10 goods by volume imported  benefits from the trade diversi- creased over the last few years.
        mies that offered subsidies to its  from China are similar. In the  fication in machinery and con-               With China’s weakening
        companies to move production  case of the US, trade redirec- sumer goods (such as toys and  global position, India is set to
        out of China into neighbouring  tion because of the additional  furniture) amid the US–China                     Continued on next page... >>

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