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FUTURE this wEEk JULY 23, 2021 | The Indian Eye 40
NumeROlOGy Prediction JuLY 23 to JuLY 29, 2021
By Business Astrologer & NumBeR 5 (MercUrY)
Astro strAtegist (Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)
Your selfless service to the needy will increase your pres-
HirAv sHAH tige in the society and you will also get spiritual relief. The
Hirav Shah is a PIONEER in introducing ASTRO purchase or sale of any land can also be completed. A
closer look at business and work can pave the way for a
STRATEGY for Business revolution to increase certainty
in business success. He is the top influencer and advisor better future for you.
in the fields of Real Estate, Sports, Hollywood, Bollywood, • avoid wearing silver color
Tourism, Corporate Business, Politics & more. He
combines Business Principles with Astrology and brings • lucky days: Tuesday
strategic solutions to the table while maintaining absolute • lucky color: dark green
confidentiality. Hirav has an astounding Global presence
with his clients based across various business sectors.
[email protected] | NumBeR 6 (VenUS)
(Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)
You are tired of being in one place now. You will think
NumBeR 1 (SUn) about a change in city, home, project or work to make a
(Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month) difference in life. This is the time to remain very positive
This time is becoming a beneficial planetary condition. and productive in the family to help each other. Any big
Through karma and purushartha you can achieve every job opportunity will help you earn more money. You may
success. Also pay close attention to resolving your finan- have headaches.
cial matters at this time. Excessive work can lead to fa- • avoid wearing yellow
tigue and irritability. There may be some discomfort re- • lucky days: Friday
lated to heat in the stomach. • lucky Color: Cream
• avoid wearing green
• lucky days: Thursday NumBeR 7 (nePtUne)
• lucky Color: Navy Blue (Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)
You will move forward with your positive outlook and
NumBeR 2 (Moon) balanced thinking despite some troubles. Going to a re-
ligious place can bring peace of mind and you can feel
(Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month) fresh again. The family atmosphere can be pleasant. Will
Your faith in religion and spirituality is providing positive be in good health.
energy even in the current negative situations. Profession- • avoid wearing purple
al work conditions are becoming favorable for you. Trade • lucky days: Saturday
and jobs are likely to grow. Ongoing misunderstandings in • lucky color: yellow
marriage can be resolved. Don’t be careless about health.
• avoid wearing brown NumBeR 8 (SAtUrn)
• lucky days: Sunday (Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)
• lucky color: Violet color It is also important to be practical. Too much idealism can
be detrimental to yourself. Flowing in emotions can cost
NumBeR 3 (JUPiter) you more than expected. If you have taken out old debt,
(Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month) you can get rid of it this year. A change of business loca-
If there is an idea to relocate, then important work can be tion or job is possible.
done on it. You can also succeed in political matters. It is • avoid wearing red
not appropriate to react immediately by seeing anything • lucky days: Monday
wrong. Avoid it if you are planning to buy a vehicle. • lucky color: purple
• avoid wearing brown NumBeR 9 (MArS)
• lucky days: Wednesday
• lucky Color: Golden Color (Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)
Working with your discretion and ingenuity will be help-
ful in your upliftment. This is the perfect time to start a
NumBeR 4 (UrAnUS) new business. There will be plans for good deeds in the
(Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month) family. Indigestion can cause some health related issues.
At this time the planetary conditions will be favorable. So • avoid wearing golden color
take full advantage of the time. Students can be relieved • lucky days: Monday
to find a solution to a career problem. Strengthen your • lucky color: dark green
relationships with business people. Stay away from bad
habits and company. Your qualifications and abilities are CeleBRITIeS Of The week :
to be made public.
• avoid wearing orange July 23 : himesh Reshammiya July 28 - huma Qureshi
• lucky days: Sunday July 24 - Azim Premji July 28 - Ayesha Jhulka
• lucky color: white July 27 - kriti Sanon July 29 - Sanjay Dutt
www.TheIndianEYE .com