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OPINION JULY 23, 2021 | The Indian Eye 12
WTO Waiver and India’s efforts
for COVID-19 vaccine equity
India should use all available means and methods, from trade-offs to
pressurising, to make the waiver happen
rajeeSh KuMar
n October 2020, India and
South Africa had submit-
Ited a proposal to the World
Trade Organization (WTO),
suggesting a waiver of certain
provisions of the Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPS) Agreement for
the “prevention, containment
and treatment of COVID-19”.
The proponents of the proposal
argue that a waiver will enable
timely and equitable access to
affordable health products and
technologies, including vac-
cines. Though many member
countries had supported and
co-sponsored the proposal, a
small but influential group of
countries, mainly Australia,
Canada, the European Union
(EU), Japan, the United King- Because of high demand for vaccines at home at the moment, India is not able to export any doses
dom (UK) and the United to other countries at the moment (ANI)
States (US), opposed it.
India’s response to tiative also aims vaccine equity. ies approve the vaccine. technology. However, manufac-
COVID-19 at the global level As of 29 May 2021, India has If agreed, the waiver would turing mRNA vaccines involves
was primarily two-fold. First, its supplied 663.698 lakh doses of benefit India in many ways. First, complex processes and proce-
proactive engagements in the COVID-19 vaccines to 95 coun- more vaccines will help the dures. Only a very few Indian
regional and international plat- tries. It includes 107.15 lakh country to control the pandem- manufacturers have access to
forms. Second, its policies and doses as a gift to more than 45 ic and its recurring waves. Sec- this technology; however, that
programmes to provide ther- countries, 357.92 lakh doses by ond, it will be a boost to India’s too is limited. Once Indian com-
apeutics and vaccines to the commercial sales, and 198.628 pharma industry, particularly panies have access to mRNA
world. Since the beginning of lakh doses to the COVAX fa- the generic medicine industry. technology, it will help country’s
the COVID-19 pandemic, In- cility.29 The COVAX initiative According to the Biotechnology generic medicine industry and
dia has been advocating inter- aims to ensure rapid and eq- Innovation Organization, 834 boost India’s economy. There-
national cooperation and policy uitable access to COVID-19 unique active compounds are fore, even if the WTO agrees
coordination in fighting it. For vaccines for all countries, re- involved in the current R&D of on a waiver for a period shorter
instance, in April 2020, India gardless of their income level. COVID-19 therapeutics, vac- than proposed, India should ac-
co-sponsored a UN resolution India has decided to supply 10 cines, and diagnostics. It means cept it. In addition, mRNA vac-
that called for fair and equita- million doses of the vaccine to that thousands of new patents cines can be produced in lesser
ble access to essential medical Africa and one million to the are awaited, and that will hin- time compared to the tradition-
supplies and future vaccines to UN health workers under the der India’s ability to produce al vaccines. While traditional
COVID-19. Later, in October COVAX facility. India has also COVID-19 related medical vaccines’ production takes four
2020, India also put pressure on removed the IPR of Covaxin products. Only through a waiver, to five months, mRNA needs
developed countries with a joint that would help platforms like this challenge can be addressed. only six to eight weeks. Access
WTO proposal for TRIPS waiver. C-TAP once WHO and devel- Similarly, scientists note that to this technology will be vital
India’s Vaccine Maitri ini- oped countries’ regulatory bod- mRNA is the future of vaccine Continued on next page... >>
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