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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                        JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 46

                   Bollywood Gup-Shup

          SANYA MALHOTRA                                                    HINA KHAN

          Actor to head to Australia for ‘Mrs’ premiere                     Actor resumes work amid breast cancer treatment

                  ctor Sanya Malhotra’s  film                                                                    elevision actor Hina Khan,
                  ‘Mrs’  will  have  its  Aus-                                                                   who  is  battling  breast  can-
          Atralian premiere at The                                                                        Tcer  has resumed work de-
          Indian Film Festival of Mel-                                                                      spite undergoing chemotherapy.
          bourne 2024 (IFFM). She will                                                                          In a post shared by her on
          also  attend  the  film  gala  with                                                                Instagram, the actress can be
          director Arati Kadav. Sanya said                                                                   seen getting ready for a shoot
          she is thrilled and honoured that                                                                  for  her  first  work  assignment
          ‘Mrs’ will have its Australian pre-                                                               since her diagnosis.
          miere at the Indian Film Festival
                                                                                                              In a heartfelt post, Hina wrote,
          of Melbourne.                                                                                 “My  first  work  assignment  after  my
              “This film is incredibly special                                                       diagnosis..Walking the talk is challeng-
          to me as it explores the complex and                 nuanced       ing, espe-       cially when facing life’s biggest challenges. So,
          journey of a woman trying to find her own voice amidst the ex-     give yourself a break on bad days; it’s okay... you deserve it. How-
          pectations of society. Working with Arati Kadav and the entire     ever, don’t forget to live your life on the good days, no matter how
          team has been a profound experience,” she said.                    few they are. These days still hold importance. Accept the change,
              “I believe the story will resonate with audiences everywhere,   embrace the difference, and normalize it.”
          and I can’t wait to share it with the viewers at IFFM. The fes-       “I look forward to the good days because I get to do what I
          tival has always been a significant platform for celebrating di-   love: Work. I love my work. I live my dreams when I’m working,
          verse narratives, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a    and that is my greatest motivation. I want to keep working. Many
          part of it,” she added.                                            people work regular jobs during their treatment without issues,
                                                                             and I am no different. I met a few in these months and trust me,
                                                                             it changed my perspective,” she added.

          Star on cloud nine after ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ success
          D       eepika Padukone, who is basking in the success of ‘Kalki 2898 AD,’ has finally react-

                  ed to the film’s response since its release.
                      The mom-to-be on Tuesday, took to her Instagram account, to share a video
          showcasing the reaction of her husband and the fans who enjoyed the show at a cinema hall.
              Ranveer Singh appears in the video, looking completely speechless after watching Nag
          Ashwin’s directorial.
              “It’s really trippy to see a movie like this where her character is pregnant and she is preg-
          nant and it’s like (holds his head in disbelief) what is happening?” Ranveer said in the video.

              Expressing her delight, the actress can be heard saying in the video, “I don’t know what to
          feel. I’m just a bit overwhelmed with the reactions.”

              Ever since ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ was released, fans and the film industry have been gushing over
          the performances and the appreciation has been pouring in for the cast and team of the film
          from every corner.

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