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IMMIGRATION                                                               JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 38

                      Impact of the Overturning of

                    ROE v. WADE on Immigrants

        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA, KAITLYN   cannot fall into the category of   the forced sexual and repro-  would suffer undue hardship due   need access to an abortion. The
        BOX*, AND JESSICA PASZKO**  activities protected by the Due   ductive servitude of black girls   to circumstances outside their   decision will undoubtedly cause
              n June 24, 2022, the   Process Clause. The opinion   and women who were forcibly   control if they were denied access   the most harm to the women
                                   also addresses whether the right
                                                                                                                     who have the least financial re-
                                                                                          to an education. According to
                                                              brought into the country was
              Supreme Court issued
        Oits opinion in Dobbs      to obtain an abortion “part of a   a critical part of the passage   Justice Burger’s dissenting opin-  sources available for reproduc-
                                   broader entrenched right that is
                                                                                                                     tive care. According to some
                                                                                          ion, once the Court established
                                                              of the 13th and 14th Amend-
        v. Jackson Women’s Health   supported by other precedents”.   ments, which sought to protect   that undocumented children are   sources,  immigrant  women
        Organization, overturning the   The Court concludes that over-  them from forced pregnancies   not a suspect class and that edu-  who seek abortions are often
        landmark decision Roe v. Wade,   turning Roe would not upset   and provide them privacy and   cation is not a fundamental right,   lower-income and less likely to
        and holding that there is no con-  other precedential decisions   freedom. The opinion in Dobbs   the Court’s analysis should have   have medical insurance than
        stitutional right to an abortion.   that involve fundamental rights   will likely not be the last word as   considered whether the legisla-  U.S. citizens who seek the same
        Justice Alito, writing for the ma-  not  specifically  mentioned  in   present and future generations   tive classification bore a rational   care. While no states currently
        jority, first held that abortion is   the Constitution, like Griswold   of activists will seek to continue   relationship to a legitimate state   have abortion laws in place that
        not implicitly protected by any   v. Connecticut (contraception),   to restore women’s rights to pri-  purpose. Under this rational-ba-  attempt to prosecute residents
        constitutional provision, includ-  Obergefell  v. Hodges (same-sex   vacy and bodily autonomy.  sis level of scrutiny, Justice Burg-  who travel to another state to
        ing the Due Process Clause. The   marriage), and Lawrence v. Texas   Until then, the Dobbs de-  er opined that it would not be   seek an abortion, a now-blocked
        opinion further states that al-  (same-sex sexual conduct), be-  cision will have a devastating   irrational for a state to conclude   Missouri law would have allowed
        though the Due Process Clause   cause abortion involves a unique   impact on the countless women   that it owes a lesser responsibili-  individuals to sue anyone who
        protects some rights that are   moral question not implicated in   in the United States who will no   ty to undocumented individuals.   assisted a woman in crossing
        not  specifically  enumerated  in   other cases – the destruction of   longer have access to safe and   He further reasoned that be-  state lines to seek an abortion. If
        the Constitution, those rights   “potential life”. Finally, the Court   legal abortions, and the demise   cause unlawfully present individ-  similar state laws follow, a crim-
        must be “deeply rooted in this   held that the doctrine of stare de-  of Roe also carries worrying im-  uals have no right to be here, the   inal conviction of this type could
        Nation’s history and tradition”   cisis does not require the preserva-  plications for other precedential   state may reasonably, and con-  render non-citizens inadmissible
        and “implicit in the concept of   tion of Roe because this doctrine   Supreme  Court decisions,  in-  stitutionally, elect not to provide   to the United States and conse-
        ordered liberty.” Because abor-  is not an “inexorable command”   cluding those that concern the   them with governmental services   quently ineligible for a host of
        tion was not a recognized legal   and other landmark Supreme   rights of immigrants. Though   at the expenses of those who are   immigration  benefits,  including
        right until the latter half of the   Court cases have overturned   the majority asserted that over-  lawfully in the state. In the final   visas and permanent residence,
        20th century, according to the   prior  precedential  decisions.  turning Roe would not under-  part of his dissent, Justice Burger   as well as leaving individuals
        majority, and was until then of-  On the other hand, accord-  mine other decisions  involving   remarked at how the majority’s   vulnerable to being placed in re-
        ten punishable as a criminal of-  ing to one commentator, ending   fundamental rights due to the   opinion effectively set social pol-  moval proceedings.
        fense, the court reasons that it                          unique  moral  question  icy and impermissibly usurped   Even where traveling across
                                                                  posed by the right to abor-  Congress’ policymaking role.  state lines to obtain an abortion
                                                                  tion, Justice Thomas in his   The idea that Plyler could   does not carry the possibility of
                                                                  concurring opinion recom-  be the next landmark decision   criminal convictions, this option
                                                                  mended that “in future cas-  that is threatened is not pure-  will not be available to incarcer-
                                                                  es, we should reconsider all   ly speculative. Governor Greg   ated women, including those in
                                                                  of this Court’s substantive   Abbott of Texas has already in-  immigration detention facilities.
                                                                  due process precedents,   dicated that he would like to see   Of the thirteen states that have
                                                                  including Griswold, Law-  Plyler to be revisited in the after-  “trigger laws” in place that im-
                                                                  rence, and Obergefell.  math of Roe’s demise. On the   mediately  banned  or  restricted
                                                                      Plyler v. Doe, which   other hand, Abbott’s attempts   abortion upon the overturning
                                                                  held that children of un-  to  get  Plyler overruled  will  not   of Roe, seven, including Ida-
                                                                  documented  immigrants  be a slam dunk even under the   ho, Oklahoma, South Dakota,
                                                                  have  the  right  to  receive   Supreme Court’s current com-  Wyoming, Kentucky, Arkansas
                                                                  a K-12 education in the   position since providing undocu-  and Mississippi, have some of
                                                                  United States, escaped   mented children access to public   the country’s highest rates of in-
                                                                  Justice Thomas’ mention,   education was not based on sub-  carcerated women. Reports of
                                                                  but has much in common   stantive due process but equal   women in immigration detention
                                                                  with decisions like Roe   protection.              facilities being denied access to
                                                                  and Obergefell. The Court   In addition to leaving open   abortions, or receiving delayed
                                                                  in Plyler stopped short of   the possibility for other funda-  or insufficient reproductive care,
                                                                  calling education a “funda-  mental rights cases to be over-  were already rampant. After the
                                                                  mental right”,  focusing in-  turned, the Court’s decision in   Court’s decision in Dobbs, it is
                                                                  stead on the Equal Protec-  Dobbs will also have a dispro-  likely that women with the least
                                                                  tion Clause argument that   portionately severe impact on   freedom to seek reproductive
                                                                  undocumented   children  certain immigrant women who   care will suffer even more.
                     m of                                         ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          Cyrus D. Mehta, a graduate of Cambridge University and Columbia Law School, is the Managing Partner of Cyrus D.
                                                                  Mehta & Partners PLLC in New York City. Mr. Mehta is a member of AILA’s Administrative Litigation Task Force; AILA’s
                                                                                             EB-5 Committee; former chair of AILA’s Ethics Committee; special counsel on immigration matters to the Departmental
             Disciplinary Committee, Appellate Division, First Department, New York; member of the ABA Commission on Immigra-
                                                                  tion; board member of Volunteers for Legal Services and board member of New York Immigration Coalition.  Mr. Mehta
                            is the former chair of the Board of Trustees of the American Immigration Council and former chair of the Committee on
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             ­       Immigration and Nationality Law of the New York City Bar Association. He is a frequent speaker and writer on various
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                                                                  immigration-related issues, including on ethics, and is also an adjunct professor of law at Brooklyn Law School, where he
                                                                  teaches a course entitled Immigration and Work.  Mr. Mehta received the AILA 2018 Edith Lowenstein Memorial Award
                                                                  for advancing the practice of immigration law and the AILA 2011 Michael Maggio Memorial Award for his outstanding
                                                                  efforts in providing pro bono representation in the immigration field. He has also received two AILA Presidential Com-
                                                                  mendations in 2010 and 2016.  Mr. Mehta is ranked among the most highly regarded lawyers in North America by Who’s
          2              6th Floor                                Who Legal – Corporate Immigration Law 2019 and is also ranked in Chambers USA and Chambers Global 2019 in
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                                                                  immigration law, among other rankings.

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