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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                         JULY 07, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 32


                                  SETTING TOOL?

                     What is The RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM (RAS),

                                                      How it works and TIPS

                                                                                                              • Now think about the result or ex-
                                                                                                                perience you want to reach in re-
                                                                                                                gards to that situation/goal.
                                                                                                              • Create a mental movie of how you
                                                                                                                picture that situation/goal ideally
                                                                                                                turning out in the times to come.
                                                                                                              • Notice the conversations, sounds,
                                                                                                                visuals and details of that men-
                                                                                                                tal movie. Replay it often in your
                                                                                                                      Tips to improve
                                                                                                                         your RAS:
                                                                                                              • You can improve your RAS by get-
                                                                                                                ting your subconscious thoughts to
                                                                                                                marry your conscious thoughts.
                                                                                                              • In other words, that’s “setting your
                                                                                                              • This means that, on your goals, if
                                                       A bundle of nerves that sits in your brainstem is called    you focus hard, your RAS will re-
                                           The Reticular Activating System (RAS). And it regulates behavioral arousal, motivation   veal the folks, opportunities and
                   HIRAV SHAH                              and consciousness (Representative photo)             information that help you achieve
                                                                                                              • For  example–If  you  really  care
                 hat  is  Goal  Setting:  The   In a nutshell, the RAS is able to                               about positivity, you will get more
                 process  of  setting  specific,                                 Benefits of RETICULAR          aware of and seek the same aka
        Wattainable goals or targets      control what incoming information   ACTIVATING SYSTEM (RAS) in        positivity.
        for individuals or groups is known as   (stimulus) you know of, so that you’ll   Business:            • Focus on the bad and you will in-
                                          be motivated to behave in a certain
        goal setting. It is a technique for mo-  manner.                                                        vite bad things into your life.
        tivation which can aid employees/staff                                  The new frontier for better busi-  • Focus on the good and positivi-
        members to understand the organi-   How RETICULAR ACTIVATING        ness is knowing how the brain works.   ty will come to you, because your
        zational goals, and encourage them     SYSTEM (RAS) works:          You can use it to navigate real, sustain-  brain is seeking them out.
        to rise to the challenges/threats. Goal                             able  change  in  your  organization  as   • It’s not magic. It’s your Reticular
        settings have to be determined, specif-  The RAS is a “guard” which sits   human behavior and performance are   Activating  System  influencing  the
        ic, calculate, computable, measurable,   between your senses (sight, hear-  at the core of most of the hindrances   universe you see around you.
        attainable, achievable, practical, real-  ing, touch etc.) and your brain and   and opportunities in companies.  • When you change the stories, you
        istic and time bound.             filters  what  input  gets  through  and   Testimony:  Google  and  Netflix.   have been telling yourself and
                                          what doesn’t. We are sure, you didn’t                                 your belief, you shift your STATE,
           Why Goal Setting is important in   know that your brain is not process-  Some of the highest-performing new   therefore, shift your identity.
                    Business:                                               organizations are able to just out-class
        • To Provide Focus                ing all that happens around you!  all their contenders. And analysts        Final Thoughts:
        • To Keep Everyone Motivated          In a nutshell, the RAS is the   spend  loads  of  time  trying  to  figure   Where focus does go, energy does
        • To Promote Teamwork             goal-setting system of your brain, the   out their “magic secret”.   flow. They say, your life is controlled
        • To Increase Morale              evolution design that helps you filter   So, if you actively seek out more   by where you are focusing. That’s why
        • To Measure Success              out needless information. If you were   information about the latest evi-  you got to focus on where you would
                                          to buy a white BMW, you would in-
              What is RETICULAR           stantly notice other white BMWs on   dence-based science around how hu-  like to go, not on what you fear. “Acti-
          ACTIVATING SYSTEM (RAS):        the road. This is because if you are   mans behave and think, you can un-  vating your RAS is the key to achiev-
                                                                                                              ing your set-goals’’.
                                                                            lock even more amazing potential in
            A bundle of nerves that sits in   focusing on this  particular  car,  you   your company.
        your brainstem is called The Reticular   will notice it more.                                               The writer is a well-known
        Activating System (RAS). And it reg-  Your  RAS  gets  the  signal  that   Process to improve RAS:    Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
        ulates behavioral arousal, motivation   this is important to you hence it will   • First, think of the situation or goal   Email: [email protected]
        and consciousness.                help you NOTICE it.                 you would like to influence.

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