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Business EYE                                                                  JULY 02, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          37

                                                                    Tech T@lk

             Zoom buys AI company that                                             Facebook launches newsletter

         worked on real-time translation                                                          platform Bulletin

               roprietary video telecon-                                                acebook  has  launched  most interesting bit is integra-
               ferencing platform re-                                                   a new service, called  tion with Facebook Pages, and
        Pcently announced that it’s                                              FBulletin, that will allow  the fact that the work Bulletin
        acquiring a company known as                                             writers to publish free and paid  writers  do  will  be  eligible  for
        Kites (short for Karlsruhe Infor-                                        newsletters that can be posted  distribution in Facebook News.
        mation Technology Solutions),                                            to the web, sent to subscrib-            “The goal here across the
        which has worked on creating                                             ers’ inboxes, and shared across  company  is  to  support  people
        real-time translation and tran-                                          Facebook.                            making a living doing creative
        scription software.                                                          As per Mashable, an- work,” Zuckerberg said in the
            According to Mashable,  German their professors were                 nounced by Facebook CEO  audio call announcing the news.
        Zoom said that the acquisition  lecturing in.                            Mark  Zuckerberg via  Face- He added, “We’re trying to el-
        is a move to help it make com-          Zoom already has real-time       book’s  Live  Audio  Rooms  on  evate and support those writers
        municating with people who  transcriptions, but it’s limited to          Tuesday,  Bulletin  is  a set  of  and creators who are already
        speak different languages eas- people who are talking in En-             publishing and subscription  producing high-quality work...
        ier and that it’s looking to add  glish. On a support page, Zoom         tools aimed at independent  [I think Bulletin] can be anoth-
        translation capabilities to its  also makes it clear that its cur-       writers  in  the  US.  The  new  er great tool for writers and cre-
        video conferencing app. The  rent live transcription feature             service offers each user their  ators to have in their toolbox.”
        company’s  site  tells  Kites  be- may not meet certain accuracy         own standalone website with a            Initially,  Facebook      has
        gan at the Karlsruhe Institute of  requirements.                         customisable name, logo  and         launched  Bulletin  for a small
        Technology, and its technology          As per Mashable, the com-        colour palette, and tools en- group of creators. The full list
        was originally developed to act  pany has said that it’s consider-       abling them to embed media  of writers who participated in
        as  an  in-classroom translation  ing opening a research centre in       into their posts and style them  the launch included Malcolm
        for students who needed help  Germany, where the Kites team              as they please.                      Gladwell, Jane Wells, Erin An-
        understanding the  English  or  will be staying.                             On the distribution side, the  drews and Adam Gran.

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