Page 20 - The Indian EYE 070122
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 01, 2022 | The Indian Eye 20
B.A.P.S Swaminarayan Research Institute
Inaugurated in New Jersey
narayan-Bhashyam and the Swamina- The ‘BAPS Swaminarayan Re-
rayan-Siddhanta-Sudha. Bhadreshdas search Institute’ is the first such cen-
Edison, NJ Swami delivered the institute’s inau- ter of learning and research of Indian
gural lecture and reinforced His Ho- languages and Hindu scriptures in
n Saturday, June 18, 2022, liness Mahant Swami Maharaj’s mes- the Swaminarayan tradition to open
the B.A.P.S Swaminarayan
OResearch Institute, USA, was sages of global harmony, public service in the United States. The impetus for
the institute in Robbinsville has been
and educational excellence. Elabo-
inaugurated in Robbinsville, New Jer- rating on Mahant Swami Maharaj’s a growing interest from members of
sey, at the site of Swaminarayan Ak- vision, he encouraged children and the community to learn Sanskrit and
shardham - North America. youth to explore their interests in the gain a deeper understanding of Hindu
In the morning, hundreds of swa-
mis and devotees gathered to partici- areas of arts and Hindu philosophy. scriptures.
pate in a ‘Satsang Diksha Homatmak
Path.’ This unique yagna involved of-
ferings in a sacred fire while selected
verses from the Satsang Diksha were
recited. The yagna was performed to live broadcast.
pray for world peace along with an Addressing the assembly, Mahant
auspicious beginning for the research Swami Maharaj said, “Yogiji Maharaj
institute. Children sang Vedic peace had envisioned such an institute and
prayers and recited Sanskrit verses. was passionate about youths learn-
Thousands witnessed the historic cer- ing and discoursing in Sanskrit. The
emony in person and via live telecast research institute has fulfilled this vi-
across North America and worldwide. sion. May students excel in their stud-
ies and work together to serve society,
His Holiness Mahant Swami Ma- expanding the circle of unity across
the world. In the spirit of “Vasudhaiva
haraj joined the ceremony vir- Kutumbakam,” meaning the world is
tually from Ahmedabad, India, one family; let’s reach out to extend
the circle of global harmony.”
and inaugurated the institute The event took place in the pres-
with the lighting of the inaugural ence of over 115 representatives from
over 50 Hindu Mandirs and orga-
lamp (deep -pragatya) symboliz- nizations, guests and scholars. HH
ing the spreading of the light of Mahant Swami Maharaj had sent Ma-
hamahopadhyaya Pujya Bhadreshdas
knowledge throughout the world. Swami from India to preside over the
inauguration event. Mahamahopad-
Diyas were subsequently lit by hyaya Bhadreshdas Swami is one of
members of the assembly present in the world’s leading scholars of Hin-
New Jersey. Mahant Swami Maharaj du philosophy and Sanskrit and the
then blessed the attendees as well as author of the Sanskrit commentarial
all the people who remotely joined the and philosophical texts, the Swami-