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OPINION                                                                   JULY 01, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 12

        the  direct  purchase  of  oil  and  gas,                                                             sakhapatnam is around 9,256 km.
        is through ONGC Videsh Limited’s                                                                      At an average speed of 13 knots, it
        (OVL) direct investments in Russian                                                                   would take approximately 16 days for
        energy projects.                                                                                      these oil shipments to reach all major
            Apart from Sakhalin-1, OVL                                                                        Indian refineries on its eastern coast.
        holds 100 per cent stake in Russia’s                                                                  This is a significant reduction in trav-
        Imperial Energy Corporation and 26                                                                    el time as compared to Russian oil
        per cent stake in the Vankorneft field.                                                               coming to India’s western coast from
        Also, 23.9 per cent stake in Russia’s                                                                 its Baltic Sea ports, for which average
        Vankorneft field and 29.9 per stake                                                                   transit time is 23 days.
        in the Taas-Yuryakh field, are jointly                                                                    If we compare India’s oil ship-
        held by the consortium of Oil India                                                                   ments coming from US Gulf Coast
        Limited, Indian Oil Corporation and                                                                   to  Mumbai  port,  the  approximate
        Bharat PetroResource Limited.                                                                         transit time is 31 days and this further
            In the aftermath of the Ukraine                                                                   increases to 35–40 days, if the ship-
        crisis, Russia’s offer to supply India                                                                ments need to reach Indian refiner-
        with cheaper crude oil (US$ 35 lesser                                                                 ies on the country’s eastern ports.
        than the international market price),                                                                 The only limitations that currently
        was criticized by the West. Indian                                                                    hinder enhancing  India–Russia  oil
        companies  though  significantly  in-                                                                 trade relate to payments, availability
        creased their volumes of oil imports                                                                  of shipping vessels and cargo insur-
        from Russia. India’s total import of   could enhance geopolitical dispari-  ment is the fact that it would be dif-  ances. Western sanctions on shipping
        Russian oil despite buying addition-  ties, owning to the presence of Japan   ficult  for  China  to  stop  Russian  oil   companies and insurance providers
        al volumes in March 2022, remained   and India as the other two partners in   shipments to India, given the China–  are  hindering  the  transportation  of
        less than 1 per cent of its total oil im-  these projects. But, if India becomes   Russia strategic partnership. Still, if   Russian crude to its required desti-
        port.  These  figures  increased  to  18   successful in increasing its stakes in   ever the situation arises, India may   nations. If India and Russia develop
        per cent in May, 2022 as per a report   Sakhalin,  it  would  not  only  benefit   also use similar leverage against Chi-  credible mechanisms to bypass West-
        published by CREA.                Indian oil refineries with high-grade   na on its energy shipments passing   ern  economic  sanctions  or  can  find
            The  Western  exit from  Russian   sweet crude (especially Sokol grade   through the Malacca Strait.  suitable alternatives complying with
        oil projects could become a big op-  form Sakhalin-1) to sustain domes-                               international norms, there remains
        portunity  for  Indian  oil  companies   tic  needs,  but  Indian  oil  companies   SHIPPING FACTOR AND   immense potential for both the coun-
        to directly invest in Russian energy   could  also  process  and  can  further   DISTANCE ANALYSIS    tries to cooperate in Sakhalin.
        projects to secure the country’s long-  sell Sakhalin crude and its derivatives   India  has  four  major  oil  refin-
        term energy needs. ExxonMobil’s   to South East Asian, South Asian   eries located on its eastern coast.       CONCLUSION
        decision to sell its 30 per cent stake   and even European markets.  These include Haldia Refinery (West   India in 2019 issued a US$ 1
        from Sakhalin-1 needs to be careful-  An increase in energy invest-  Bengal),  Paradip  Refinery  (Odis-  billion line of credit for the develop-
        ly thought through, and India’s OVL   ments in the Russian Far East would   ha), Manali Refinery (Chennai) and   ment of the Russian Far East region.
        could consider increasing its stakes   further enhance India–Russia naval   Visakhapatnam  Refinery  (Andhra   The government’s vision inclines well
        in Sakhalin-1. Similarly, OVL or a   cooperation  and  would  significant-  Pradesh). The shipping distance be-  with the current emerging opportu-
        joint consortium of companies led by   ly strengthen Indian naval presence   tween Russia’s De-Kastri oil export   nities in Sakhalin. The government is
        OVL,  could  consider  buying  Shell’s   in  the  Indo-Pacific.  Indian  oil  ship-  terminal (Sakhalin-1) and Chennai   in talks with state-run oil companies
        27.5 per cent stake that it intends to   ments coming from the Russian Far   Port is 9,626 km. It would take ap-  to consider increasing their stakes in
        sell in Russia’s Sakhalin-2 project.   East would also be free from piracy   proximately 16 days and 15 hours   Russian energy projects. Though the
        OVL already maintains the techni-  risks which remains a threat near   for a large oil cargo ship to cover   Middle East remains India’s most
        cal expertise required for drilling   the Horn of Africa. One may argue   this distance, running at an average   viable choice for energy imports,
        in these harsh terrains. Therefore,   that in an adverse case scenario, Chi-  speed of 13 knots. Similarly, the aver-  emerging geopolitics and shifting
        such investments would significantly   na may put a blockade to Indian oil   age distance between Korsakov port   traditional alliances compels India to
        strengthen and diversify India’s en-  shipments coming from the Russian   (Sakhalin-2) and the Indian ports of   diversify its partners. Russia, with its
        ergy supply chains and reduce the   Far East. But a valid counter argu-  Haldia, Chennai, Paradip and Vi-  abundant energy resources, coupled
        country’s dependency on Middle                                                                        with the exit of Western oil compa-
        East countries for oil imports.                                                                       nies from its energy projects, offers
                                                                                                              tremendous opportunity for India.
            Both Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2                                                                       Bipandeep Sharma is a Research
        offer tremendous opportunities for                                                                       Analyst at the Manohar Parrikar
                                                                                                                 Institute for Defense Studies and
        India. Though there looms the cur-                                                                            Analyses, New Delhi
        rent fear of Western economic sanc-
        tions and other technical shipping                                                                     Views expressed are of the author and
        hindrances, India needs to pragmat-                                                                    do not necessarily reflect the views of
        ically think through the long-term                                                                     the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        energy  benefits  from  this  region.                                                                        Government of India.
        Western exits  from  Sakhalin  ener-                                                                   This is the abridged version of the In-
        gy projects may negatively impact                                                                      troduction of the book which appeared
        Russia  economically, but it  would                                                                     first in the Comment section of the
        simultaneously create investment                                                                      website ( of Manohar Par-
        voids, thereby giving a free hand to   Narendra Modi addressing at the plenary session of 5th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in   rikar Institute for Defense Studies and
        China to make long-term energy in-                 Vladivostok, Russia in September 2019 (ANI)         Analyses, New Delhi on June 21, 2022
        vestments. China’s stakes in Sakhalin

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