Page 6 - The Indian EYE 062422
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NATION JUNE 24, 2022 | The Indian Eye 6
National Herald case: Congress hits streets as
ED grills Rahul for money laundering
Apart from Delhi, the Congress holds protests in several parts of the country including
Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, and Rajasthan
OUR BUREAU gress protest was against the High
Court’s order. “High Court had ear-
New Delhi/Mumbai
lier ordered those protests will not be
ongress leader Rahul Gand- held anywhere except Freedom Park.
hi has been asked to rejoin We conveyed it to them. They gave
Cthe probe by the Directorate us in writing about protest but we re-
of Enforcement (ED) in connection jected it. We conveyed it to them in
with the National Herald case after the morning too. If they proceed, we
the Congress leader left the ED office will take them into preventive custo-
on Wednesday. The former Congress dy,” said Bheemashankar S Guled,
chief appeared before the ED for the Deputy Commissioner of Police,
third consecutive day on Wednesday Bengaluru East.
for questioning. Congress workers also held a
Regarding his questioning by ED protest in Chandigarh against the
on Monday, as per official sources, questioning of Rahul Gandhi by ED.
the Congress leader, was confront- Several workers of the party were
ed with several documents collated detained by police. “I cannot under-
by the ED as evidence recovered so stand what has Rahul Gandhi done
far in the case to get his version. Ra- that he has been called for 3 days?
hul Gandhi was questioned in detail Yesterday, Delhi Police barged into
about the ownership of Young Indian Congress supporters wear masks of party leader Rahul Gandhi during a protest rally ‘Raj AICC office and beat up our MPs.
Private Limited (YIL) by the Gandhi Bhavan Chalo’ in Bengaluru on Thursday. (ANI Photo) Such vendetta politics has never been
family and its shareholding pattern in seen before. Government should not
Associated Journals Limited (AJL), try to suppress voices,” Punjab Con-
the company that runs the National gress chief Amarinder Singh Warring.
Herald newspaper, said sources. “We will continue protesting. We
Investigators in the ED, sources were going to Raj Bhavan. Congress
said, have also asked Rahul Gandhi party stands with Sonia and Rahul
to describe the circumstances under Gandhi. We will not step back. We
which AJL was acquired by YIL in will not be scared,” said a Congress
2010, making it the owner of all as- worker.
sets owned by the National Herald In an attempt to resist detention
newspaper. The National Herald, during the Congress party’s protest
started by India’s first Prime Minis- over the Enforcement Directorate
ter Jawaharlal Nehru, was published (ED) summons to Rahul Gandhi,
by the AJL. In 2010, the AJL, which party leader and former union minis-
faced financial difficulties, was taken ter Renuka Chowdhury on Thursday
over by a newly-floated YIL with Su- held a policeman by his collar while
man Dubey and Sam Pitroda as di- being taken away by other police per-
rectors. sonnel here in Hyderabad.
In a complaint in the Delhi High Congress supporters stage a demonstration in Jaipur on Friday. (ANI Photo) Telangana Congress held a mas-
Court, Bharatiya Janata Party leader sive protest here over the ED investi-
Subramanian Swamy accused Sonia tests in several parts of the country workers of the party were detained gating Rahul Gandhi in the National
Gandhi and her son, Rahul Gandhi, including Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab, by police during their protest in Ben- Herald case. Several Congress work-
and others of conspiring to cheat and ers and leaders were detained by the
misappropriate funds. Telangana, Tamil Nadu, and Rajas- galuru. police. Chowdhury was seen engag-
Officials familiar with the probe than over the Enforcement Director- “The protest is our right. We will ing in a heated argument with the po-
said Rahul Gandhi is being asked ate investigating former party presi- fight for justice. They (ED) are not liceman as she held his collar. Wom-
questions about the takeover of the dent Rahul Gandhi in the National taking cases of any BJP leaders. They en police personnel then dragged the
AJL by YIL since the Gandhis have Herald case. are harassing only Congress people,” former union minister towards the
stakes in the latter. The Congress Congress workers held a pro- Karnataka Congress chief DK Shiva- police van.
leader is being questioned under test march in Bengaluru on Thurs- kumar. Bengaluru witnessed traffic Congress had given a “Chalo Raj
criminal sections of the Prevention day over the questioning of Rahul snarls ahead of another Congress Bhavan” call and at Telangana’s Raj
of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). Gandhi by ED. Karnataka Congress protest march. An ambulance was Bhavan police detained several par-
Meanwhile, apart from Delhi, chief DK Shivakumar, CLP leader also seen stuck in the traffic. ty workers who attempted to stage a
the Congress on Thursday held pro- Siddaramaiah and other leaders and Bengaluru Police said the Con- protest there.