Page 29 - The Indian EYE 061722
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BOLLYWOOD SPEACIAL JUNE 17, 2022 | The Indian Eye 29
Bollywood in crosshairs: Threat
letter to Salman Khan sparks fear
CBI issues clarifications on reports regarding the Red Corner Notice request against Goldy Brar, a Canada-based
gangster who claimed responsibility for the recent murder of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala
OUR BUREAU of Investigation (CBI) on Thurs-
day issued clarifications on reports
regarding the Red Corner Notice
n a major breakthrough in the (RCN) request against Goldy Brar,
Salman Khan threat letter case, a gangster who claimed responsibil-
IMumbai police have identified ity for the recent murder of Punjabi
the persons involved in delivering singer Sidhu Moose Wala.
the letter to Salim Khan, the actor’s On Wednesday, Punjab Police
father. The information has been said that on May 19, 2022, ten days be-
revealed during the interrogation of fore the murder of Sidhu Moosewa-
accused Siddhesh Hiraman Kamble la, they had already sent the propos-
alias Mahakal, who is a member of al to the CBI to issue a Red-Corner
the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. Accord- notice against Goldy Brar, which will
ing to Mumbai police, accused Ma- pave the way for his extradition to
hakal revealed that Bishnoi’s aide India. In a statement, CBI said that
Vikram Barad had taken the letter to the International Police Cooperation
Salim Khan. Unit (IPCU) of CBI, New Delhi co-
“Jailed gangster Lawrence Bish- ordinates the requests of sister law
noi had issued the letter to Salman enforcement agencies for informal
Khan and his father Salim Khan. coordination through the Interna-
Three people from his gang had tional Criminal Police Organization
come from Jalore, Rajasthan to (INTERPOL) including requests for
Mumbai to drop the letter and had the issuance of colour-coded notices.
met accused Saurabh Mahakal,” said In the present matter, the pro-
the police on Thursday. The police posal for issuance of a Red Notice
further said that the crime branch against Satinderjeet Singh alias
has identified the people who had Goldy was received on May 30 at
delivered the letter. 12:25 pm from the Bureau of In-
“There are clues related to them. vestigation, Punjab Police through
They will be arrested soon. Right af- e-mail. In this e-mail dated May 30, a
ter their identification, 6 teams have copy of a letter dated May 19 was at-
been dispatched to different parts of tached. Also, a hard copy of the same
India,” said the police. proposal was received from Punjab
Earlier, a team of Mumbai Po- police in IPCU, CBI, New Delhi on
lice reached Pune to interrogate May 30.
Sourabh Kamble alias Mahakal who It is stated that the request for is-
was arrested in connection with Bol- (FIR) against an unknown person as slain singer Siddhu Moosewala suance of a Red Notice against Har-
lywood actor Salman Khan threat for sending a ‘Threat letter’ to the (Tera Moosawala bana denge), said winder Singh Rinda has already been
case. According to police, Mahakal Bollywood actor Salman Khan and the police sources on condition of sent to INTERPOL (HQ) Lyon.
is an accomplice of shooter Santosh his father Salim Khan. anonymity. It is further clarified that IN-
Jadhav and a suspect in Singer Sidhu Amid the ongoing investiga- Earlier, the Maharashtra depart- TERPOL channels are used for in-
Moose Wala murder case. tions of Sidhu Moose Wala’s killing ment of Home Affairs increased the formal international police to police
Mahakal was arrested in MCO- gangster Lawerence Bishnoi who’s security for actor Salman Khan after cooperation and a Red Notice is nei-
CA act registered at Manchar Police being interrogated in the case was the threat letter. According to the ther mandatory nor a pre-requisite
station of Pune district in connec- also questioned about the threat let- police, Salim Khan found the letter for sending an extradition request
tion with a 2021 murder case. He ter addressed to Salman Khan. Ad- on a bench where he sits daily after more so when the location of the
has been sent to police custody till dressed to the actor had ‘L.B.’ writ- jogging in the morning. He found the subject is known.
June 20 by the special court. Sourav ten at the end, thus pointing to the letter at around 7.30 AM-8.00 AM CBI has been assisting all Law
Mahakal was arrested in connection gangster’s initials. The threat letter addressed to him and Salman Khan. Enforcement Agencies in the matter
with the murder of Omkar Bankhule was sent to him and his father Salim As per police, the letter was found of international cooperation and is
last year. Khan on June 5. The letter in Hin- near the Bandra Bandstand prome- committed to assist in the best possi-
The Mumbai Police on Sunday di said that both Salim Khan and his nade in Mumbai on Sunday. ble manner through various interna-
lodged the First Information Report son would soon meet the same fate Meanwhile, The Central Bureau tional channels.