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IMMIGRATION                                                              JUNE 16, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 40

                        Although Section H.10-B Has

                Disappeared in the New ETA 9089,

              Will Its Ghost Continue to Haunt Us?

        CYRUS D. MEHTA &           analogous question in ETA 9141   to section H.14., which lists the   took the position that the entire   H.14 – Special Skills.” The in-
                                   that now links to the new ETA   requirements of the offered po-  PERM application is rendered   formation provided in H.14 does
        KAITLYN BOX*
                                   9089, will the DOL still deny la-  sition, rather than attempting to   incomplete if this question is not   not identify what alternate occu-
             he new ETA 9089 form has   bor certification?    list specific job titles. This is be-  completed properly. The DOL   pations are  acceptable  to meet
             gone into effect and DOL   This blog is part of a series, see   cause foreign national workers   cited to  20  CFR §  656.17(a),   the experience requirements for
        Tstopped using the old ver-  here and here, that  address some   often had a number of job titles   which states that incomplete ap-  the job that is the subject of the
        sion of the form on the evening   of  the  numerous  questions  and   in their prior experience, which   plications will be denied, as the   PERM application. Instead, the
        of May 31, 2023. The new form   issues raised by these new forms.  may  not  have  reflected  the  job   authority for the denials.  application only lists a series of
        does not have Box H.10-B. In   As background, Box H.10-B   offered in the labor certification.   The DOL responded to re-  the special skills requirements
        our previous blog, we discussed   of  the  previous  version  of  the   For instance, with respect to the   ports of increasing PERM deni-  and/or other alternative combi-
        the rise in PERM labor certifica-  ETA 9089 asked employers to   position of Engineering Manag-  als concerning question H.10-B,   nations of education and experi-
        tion denials  related  to  question   “identity the job title of the ac-  er, the foreign worker may have   and posted a notice that read as   ence that the employer is willing
        H.10-B between October 2022   ceptable alternate occupation”   had similar experience in prior   follows as its website on April 14,   to accept. As a result of employ-
        and March 2023. Does that mean   if experience in an alternate oc-  engineering management po-  2023:        ers  providing  insufficient  infor-
        that the problem has gone away?   cupation is acceptable. The DOL   sitions, but may have held titles   OFLC  has  stopped  issuing   mation in either H.10-B. or H.14,
        Not entirely, since the new ETA   had promulgated little guidance   that had little direct connection   denials for this issue for pending   OFLC has recently denied appli-
        9089 links to the Form ETA 9141   on this question, so immigration   to the duties, such as Associate   applications and will not deny for   cations for being incomplete.
        – the application for a prevailing   lawyers completed this question   or Specialist. Hence, it was more   this reason for any application   OFLC evaluated these de-
        wage determination – which asks   in a variety of ways, including   appropriate to describe the expe-  submitted on or before May 30,   nials and determined that while
        an analogous question to H.10-B   describing the experience such   rience gained rather than the ti-  2023, by which point OFLC ex-  they are appropriate, it has not
        regarding the occupation re-  as “2 years of experience in en-  tles in the prior positions, as this   pects to be accepting the updat-  been consistent about when it
        quired if employment experience   gineering management empha-  approach would define the em-  ed version of Form ETA-9089 in   denies an application for this rea-
        is required. If the employer did   sizing cloud-based product de-  ployer’s job requirements with   the Foreign Labor Application   son, which could confuse filers.
        not respond appropriately to the   velopment” and then referring   greater clarity.  Historically, the   Gateway system. Further, OFLC   On April 24, 2023, the
                                                                  DOL had accepted PERM   will overturn denials based solely   Board of Alien Labor Certifica-
                                                                  applications that respond-  on this issue. OFLC will identify   tion Appeals (BALCA) issued
                                                                  ed to question H.10-B in   applications that were denied   an important decision address-
                                                                  this way. Since the spate of   for this issue and for which re-  ing H.10-B denials. In Matter of
                                                                  denials from October 2022,   consideration has not yet been   Charter Communications, Inc.,
                                                                  the Office of Foreign Labor   requested; employers whose   2020-PER-00171 (Apr. 24, 2023),
                                                                  Certification (OFLC) com-  applications have been denied   BALCA held that an employer’s
                                                                  municated the following   solely  for  this reason and have   failure to list specific occupation
                                                                  guidance to the American   not yet requested consideration   titles in box H.10.B. alone was
                                                                  Immigration Lawyers Asso-  are  encouraged  not  to  submit   not sufficient grounds for denial
                                                                  ciation (AILA) in Novem-  a request for reconsideration.   of a PERM application, also not-
                                                                  ber 2022 in response denials   Where reconsideration has been   ing that the OFLC has dealt with
                                                                  on  this  issue:    “Employers   requested, OFLC will prioritize   this issue in an inconsistent man-
                                                                  may list a specific job title,   processing  for  any  pending  re-  ner in its adjudication of PERM
                                                                  a number of related job ti-  consideration requests based on   applications. The employer in
                                                                  tles, or even language such   denials where this is the only de-  this case had inserted the fol-
                                                                  as ‘any occupation in which   nial issue.          lowing in box H.10-B: “Please
                                                                  the required experience    Although  this  notice  has   see  [Section]  H-14.”  Id.  The
                                                                  was gained.’ The answer   now been removed, it is re-  employer’s response to section
                                                                  does not have to be an exact   produced as AILA Doc. No.   H.14 read as follows: “Bachelor’s
                                                                  job title, but employers still   23041700.  In  our  firm’s  experi-  degree, or foreign equivalent, in
                                                                  have to answer the ques-  ence, PERMs denied solely on   Engineering, Computer Science,
                                                                  tion. If employers reference   a question H.10-B issue were   or [a] related field. Must have 7
                                                                  H.14 to answer the  ques-  certified  rather  quickly  after  a   years of experience working with
                     m of                                         tion in H.10-B, employers   Requestion for Reconsideration   DSG/DAVIC set top boxes; and
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          must be sure to answer the   (“RFR”) was filed. Interestingly,   managing, maintaining, and con-
                                                                  H.10-B question. Just pro-  though,  while  OFLC  acknowl-  figuring Linux operating systems.
                                                                                             viding a list of requirements   edges that it has not adjudicat-  Must have 5 years of experience
             is not acceptable.” See   ed H.10-B issues in a consistent   supporting software applications
                                                                  AILA Doc. 22092601.     manner, it states that some of the   for back office servers.” Id. The
                                                   
             ­       The denials concern-  denials were justified, stating:  Certifying Officer denied certifi-
              ‚                                                     ing question H.10-B cen-  …OFLC concluded that   cation, and affirmed its denial af-
                                                                  tered on the idea that ques-  some employers have not consis-  ter the employer filed a Request
                                                                  tion H.10-B is not properly   tently answered the question ac-  for Reconsideration (“RFR”),
                                                                  completed if the employer
                                                                                          curately by providing acceptable
                                                                                                                     asserting that section H.10-B re-
                                                                  fails  to  list  specific  job  ti-  alternate job titles; rather, they   quires an occupation or job title.
          2              6th Floor                                tles. The DOL therefore   include statements such as “see   BALCA vacated the denial and
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