Page 48 - The Indian EYE 061424
P. 48
SPORTS JUNE 14, 2024 | The Indian Eye 48
‘We have painstakingly worked on
Kho-Kho’s internationalisation,
transitioning it from mud to a mat’
mat. In aligning it with international
ho-Kho, the traditional Indi- standards, we incorporated elements
an sport, is one of the oldest
Kforms of outdoor sport, dat- showcasing its agility, speed, and re-
flexes. Today, Kho-Kho boasts partic-
ing back to prehistoric India. Once ipation from 38 countries, not just ex-
a local pastime losing its foothold, patriate Indians, but locals engaging
this game is now experiencing a re- in Malaysia, Korea and Iran, among
vival, thanks to the newly constituted others. The Asian Games Champi-
Kho Kho Federation of India which onship held in Kokrajhar, Assam,
is dedicated not just to promote the witnessed unmatched success, em-
sport but also to enhance and im- braced with immense enthusiasm.
prove the lives of its players.
The credit for Kho-Kho steadily How has ‘Ultimate Kho-Kho’ impacted
garnering its well-deserved attention the lives of its players?
and acclaim goes to the Federation’s Reflecting on the transformation
guiding light and President, Sudhan- in players’ lives evokes emotions.
shu Mittal, well-known Indian politi- These were kids from impoverished
cal thinker and Bhartiya Janata Party backgrounds, struggling for even two
leader under whose relentless guid- square meals a day. Today, as these
ance and efforts, players now find children earn substantial sums, it
themselves elevated with recognition sparks a dream in their families and
and employment opportunities. communities—a realisation that their
India’s progress in Kho-Kho was children can achieve success. Conse-
lauded at the closing ceremony of the quently, there’s growing interest and
Senior National Kho-Kho Champi- acceptance of the game among fami-
onship in New Delhi recently which lies, aspiring for their children to em-
was covered widely by national me- brace Kho-Kho as a career.
dia and saw many luminaries from With initiatives like Khelo India foster-
across varied fields. As many as 73 ing a sports culture nationwide, what
teams took part in the tournament steps are being taken to promote Kho-
and Maharastra’s men’s and wom- Kho?
en’s teams won the respective com- The government’s support has
been instrumental. Recently, Kho-
Kho was included in the sports quota
In a free-wheeling interview, for recruitment in the Uttar Pradesh
The Indian Eye’s New Delhi correspondent Police. Today, among various job op-
caught up with Sudhanshu Mittal, the portunities under the sports quota,
dynamic President of the Kho Kho Kho-Kho players find their place.
Federation of India. Excerpts: A girl who represented India in the
Asian Games Championship, where
As a result of your constant efforts and India secured the top spot, received
support, Kho Kho has gained immense an offer to join the Assam govern-
place in India. What was traditionally ment as a DSP as soon as she at-
seen as a grassroots sport has been el- tained eligibility. Imagine, a girl from
evated by you onto a global level. What a struggling family, through Kho-Kho
sets this game apart? and representing India, embarks on a
The journey of Kho-Kho from journey to become a DSP—a monu-
local fields to a global stage spans mental achievement. This achieve-
a long, enriching path. Its speciality ment not only illuminates hope
lies in the smile it brings to people’s within families and society but also
faces when mentioned. I’ve played it dia. Its accessibility, needing minimal its widespread popularity. We pains- underscores the unmatched agility
myself. From streets to villages, this resources to play—two poles, a line, takingly worked on its internationali- and reflexes inherent in this game on
game resonates with the soul of In- and any open space—contributed to sation, transitioning it from mud to a an international stage.