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SPORTS                                                                       JUNE 11, 2021  |     The Indian Eye                          54

                            The World is Back

          in the cricket World cup

                 reek philosopher Hera-                                                                               difficult to digest. It is a cricket
                 clitus penned a famous                                                                               sin for Full Members to not be
        Gphrase, “Change is the                                                                                       a part of the World Cup. Zim-
        only constant in life,” and it                                                                                babwe & Ireland did not make
        seems that the Cricket World                                                                                  it to the 2019 WC, and it is likely
        Cup (CWC) formats took this                                                                                   that WC winner Sri Lanka may
        quote a little too seriously.                                                                                 lose out on a spot next time.
            Group stage, round-rob-                                                                                       Case & point is the 2018
        in, Super Sixes, Super Eights,                                                                                CWC Qualifier, one of the most
        knockouts—you name it, the                                                                                    closely fought tournaments of
        format has been experimented                                                                                  recent times.  Scotland  was in
        with.                                                                                                         sight of qualifying at the ex-
                                                                                                                      pense of the West Indies or Af-
            History repeats itself                         BroKen cricKeT dreaMs                                      ghanistan,  when  rain arrived,
            From an 8-team event (1975,                                                                               and Scotland magically lost by
        1979), the CWC gradually grew                           NITESH MATHUR                                         5 runs due to the DL method.
        to nine (1992), then 12 (1996,                                                                                Zimbabwe also missed out on a
        1999),  14  (2003),  and  finally                                        qualification spot due a rained-
        reached  its  inflection  point  of                                                                           out match.
        16 teams with the 2007 Cricket  • World Test Championship Fi-              revisiting the Glory days              Even worse were the T20
        World Cup.                             nal (2023, 2025, 2027, 2029,          Remember          Leverlock’s tournaments. After a 51-match
            One of the fallouts of the         2031)                             one-handed        stunner?      Or qualification          tournament,
        poorly held 2007 WC was halt-           At least one major tourna-       Shapoor Zadran’s emotional  teams would enter a 3-match
        ing the gradual expansion of  ment for both men & women  celebration?                                         ‘pre-qualification’  stage  in  the
        Associate nations in World  every year.                                      This is what World Cups are  actual world cup itself! Ludi-
        Cups. With upsets from Ireland                                           for—discovering new talents,  crous.
        & Bangladesh against Pakistan           expansion is the Will of         cherishing the moments, pro-             In 2016, Bangladesh & Af-
        & India, the ICC lost a major                     nature                 viding a platform for smaller  ghanistan proceeded to the next
        chunk of funding.                       The 54-match ODI World  teams to  grow, and  promoting  round while Zimbabwe, Scot-
            2011 & 2015 World Cups  Cup is expanded to a 14-team  competition, not diminishing it.  land, Hong Kong, Netherlands,
        reverted back to the ‘90s for- affair (throwback  to  2003) –2               The Associate Nations have  Oman, & Ireland crashed out.
        mats with an elongated 14-team  groups of 7, followed by Super  provided numerous moments                         Double  disqualification,  I
        event, while the 10-team 2019  Sixes, and finally semi-finals &  of glory—World Cup’s fastest  like to call it.
        & 2023 events revived the 1992  finals.                                  century via Kevin O’Brien to             it is the  little Moments
        round-robin structure, pro-             The 55-match T20I World  hand England a defeat in Ban- That Matter
        viding more game time for big  Cups will well and truly be a  galore, Broad’s missed run-out                      Did we really need a World
        teams.                               ‘world  cup’—20  team  tour- giving way for a Netherlands  Cup to prove that the West Indi-
                                             nament, 4  groups  of  5, Su- victory, Zimbabwe’s defeat to  ans were a class apart in the ‘80s
              if it is Broke, fix it         per Eight Stage, followed by  world-beaters Australia in 2007,  or the Australians were world’s
            The ICC released a block- semi-finals & finals. The T20I  and Bangladesh’s rise via CWC  best in the 2000s?
        buster World Cup schedule for  World Cup will guarantee at  victories against Pakistan (1999),                    No, but a World Cup or Olym-
        the next decade:                     least 4 games for eight non- India, South Africa (2007), and  pics is much more than that.
        • Men’s ODI World Cup &  Test playing nations. Massive  England (2011, 2015).                                     Surprises & uncertainty,
          Women’s ODI Champions  improvement.                                                                         chills & thrills, sportsmanship &
          Trophy (2023, 2027, 2031)             With     expanded       World          Gruesome Qualifier             hope amidst despair, and unity
        • Women’s  ODI  World  Cup           Cups, this provides incentive &        Tournaments out of the            in a divided world—that is what
          &  Men’s Champions  Trophy  motivation for Associate play-                          Window                  sport is all about.
          (2025, 2029)                       ers to refrain from taking pre-         After Afghanistan & Ireland          It is about time cricket puts
        • Women’s & Men’s T20I World  mature retirements and seek- attained Test Status, the 2019 &  the world back in its so-called
          Cups (2024, 2026, 2028, 2030)      ing  opportunities  elsewhere.  2023  formats  were  even  more  world cup.

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