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IMMIGRATION                                                                  JUNE 11, 2021  |     The Indian Eye                          48

                     state Department’s new Guidance Broadening

            Transmission of citizenship to children Born abroad is

              Welcome and consistent with federal court Decisions

        cYrus D. MehTa               other at the time of the  the citizenship transmis- to birth, and the egg is not  was intended to keep fam-
                                     birth, will be U.S. citizens  sion requirements estab- hers and the sperm is from  ilies together. It should
                 n May 18, 2021,  from birth if they have a  lished  in  the  INA.      Re- a non-US citizen father,  be construed in favor of
                 the State De- genetic or gestational tie  quirements for children  US citizenship could not  family units and the ac-
        Opartment  issued  to at least one of their par- born  to  unmarried  par- be passed onto the child.  ceptance of responsibility
        guidance broadening the  ents and meet the INA’s  ents remain unchanged. Thus, under the prior pol- by family members. See,
        path for transmission of  other requirements.  Pre-           At the same time, we  icy, such a mother who for  e.g., Kaliski v. Dist. Dir.
        US citizenship to a child  viously, the Department’s  remain vigilant to the risks  medical reasons was un- of INS, 620 F.2d 214, 217
        born abroad to married  interpretation  and ap- of citizenship fraud, ex- able to establish a biolog- (9th Cir.1980) (discussing
        parents. The  guidance  is  plication of the INA re- ploitation, and abuse.  As  ical link to her child, and  the “humane purpose” of
        reproduced below:            quired that children born  with all citizenship and  also could not serve as the  the INA and noting that
            Recognizing the ad- abroad  have  a  genetic  or  immigration  benefits  we  gestational mother her- a “strict interpretation”
        vances  in assisted  repro- gestational relationship to  examine, the Department  self, was unable to trans- of the Act, including an
        ductive technology the  a U.S. citizen parent.             will implement this policy  mit US citizenship to her  “arbitrary distinction” be-
        State Department is up-          This updated inter- in a manner that addresses  child. This was unfair for  tween legitimate and ille-
        dating our interpretation  pretation and application  these concerns.                   such mothers.                gitimate children, would
        and application of Sec- of the INA takes into ac-             This new interpreta-          The  nationality  provi- “detract from … the pur-
        tion 301 of the Immigra- count the realities of mod- tion allows a U.S. citizen  sions of the INA were writ- pose  of  the  Act  which
        tion and Nationality Act  ern families and advances  who has a child through  ten long before the advent  is to prevent continued
        (INA), which establishes  in ART from when the Act  surrogacy, an egg donor,  of ART. The State De- separation of families.”);
        the requirements for ac- was enacted in 1952.              in vitro fertilization as well  partment is to be heartily  H.R.Rep. No. 85-1199,
        quisition of U.S. citizen-       This change will allow  as other advances in assist- congratulated for bringing  pt.  2  (1957),  reprinted  in
        ship at birth.               increased numbers of mar- ed reproductive technolo- them into the 21st century.  1957 U.S.C.C.A.N.2016,
            Children born abroad  ried couples to transmit  gy (ART)  to transmit U.S.  The willingness and ability  2020  (observing  that  the
        to parents, at least one of  U.S. citizenship to their  citizenship to their child,  to understand parentage  “legislative history of the
        whom is a U.S. citizen and  children born overseas,  even if there is no genetic  in a broader sense is some- Immigration and Nation-
        who are married to each  while continuing to follow  or gestational relationship  thing for which advocates  ality Act clearly indicates
                                                                   to the U.S. citizen parent  have long contended. It  that Congress intended to
                                                                   so long as such a link ex- is precisely what a consis- provide for a liberal treat-
                                                                   ists with the other married  tent line of Ninth Circuit  ment of children and was
                                                                   parent. As stated in the  case law and more recent- concerned with the prob-
                                                                   State Department’s an- ly a Second Circuit case,  lem of keeping families of
                                                                   nouncement,  this  change  which did not deal with  United States citizens and
                                                                   in policy “takes into ac- ART, has long exempli- immigrants united).
                                                                   count the realities of mod- fied. See Scales v. INS, 232      Solis-Espinoza, supra,
                                                                   ern families.” This is wel- F.3d 1159 (2000); Solis-Es- at 1094.
                                                                   come news for a growing  pinoza v. Gonzales, 401 F.           The Second Circuit in

                                                                   number of families who  3d 1090 (9th Cir. 2005);   Jaen v. Sessions did not
                                                                   rely on the advancements  Jaen v. Sessions, 899 F.3d  insist on a genetic or ges-
                                                                   of reproductive technolo- 182 (2d Cir. 2018).  In  tational tie with the US cit-
                                                                   gies to build their families. these cases,  so long as a  izen parent, and the State
                                                                      For instance, prior  child was not born out of  Department’s new policy
                                                                   State Department policy  wedlock, or if born out of  is consistent with Jaen v.
                                                                   deprived the US citizen  wedlock was subsequently  Sessions. David Isaacson’s
                      m of                                         mother who may neither  legitimated,  the child did  blog, Jaen v. Sessions: The
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          have been the gestational  not need to prove that he  Government Reminds Us
                                                                   mother nor have a genetic  or she was the biological  That Government Man-

             relationship with the child  child of the US citizen par- uals Aren’t Always Right,
                                                                   from passing US citizen- ent to acquire citizenship.      correctly pointed out that
                                                    
             ­       ship. A US citizen moth-  Public policy supports  the prior US government
              ‚                                              
                                                                   er is medically unable to  recognition  and  main- policy or guidance may
                                                                   bear a child and needs to  tenance of a family unit.  not actually be the law,
                                                                   use a surrogate mother  The  Immigration  and  and federal courts need

          2              6th Floor                                 overseas to carry the child  Nationality Act (“INA”)  to step in to point this out.
              

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