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Op-Ed                                                                        JUNE 11, 2021  |     The Indian Eye                          20

                 inDia’s cOViD-19 crisis

                               is Our faulT, TOO

             Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              his may seem like a pain-                                                                                     Peace with Pak
              fully obvious point, but the
       Tfact is that the government                                                                                            en. Bajwa appears to
        which has failed us so spectac-                                                                                        have won US trust by
        ularly during the biggest crisis                                                                              Gprofessing a complete
        of our collective existence is the                                                                            U-turn and publicly pressuring
        government which was elected                                                                                  the Taliban’s top leadership to
        by the people of India (though,                                                                               participate in talks with Kabul’s
        thankfully, not all the people                                                                                Ashraf Ghani government. But
        of India). The Indian elector-                                                                                the huge spike in violence in Af-
        ate gave Modi and the Bhara-                                                                                  ghanistan in recent weeks must
        tiya Janata Party (BJP) a brute                                                                               raise questions over Pakistan’s
        majority in the Lok Sabha not                                                                                 apparent loosening hold on the
        once, but twice. It is a decision                                                                             Haqqani Network and the Tal-
        many are now deeply regretting,                                                                               iban, once run by the Pakistan
        because  the  same  Modi  that                                                                                army, through the Quetta, Mi-
        so many had placed such great                                                                                 ramshah and Peshawar Shura.
        faith in, has now told the people                                                                                To add to Bajwa’s worries
        of India to be atmanirbhar, that                                                                              is the destabilizing impact that
        they are, for all practical pur-                                                                              the  Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan
        poses, now on their own.             with anti-corruption crusader  civil servant has diminished un-          and other Taliban affiliates are
            This Great Abandonment           Anna Hazare, Hazare skipped  der the Modi government.                    increasingly having within Paki-
        (tears on television notwith-        the joint rally and the unity ef-       The role of the civil services   stan’s own borders.
        standing) has been amply borne                                                                                   This was driven home by the
        out by the fact that, at the time    fort did not work. In 2019, she  has  been  a  controversial  issue      car bomb that the TTP exploded
        of this writing, only a shocking     organized a joint rally of the anti  from the early years of our re-     outside a hotel in Quetta, when
        1.6% of India’s 140 crore people     BJP “Federal Front” or chief  public. In 1969, Indira Gandhi             the Chinese top envoy was vis-
                                             minister’s front in Kolkata with  had called for a “committed”
        have been fully vaccinated. The      a galaxy of opposition leaders  civil service.                           iting the Baloch capital in late
        question, “If not Modi, who?”        sharing the stage, but these uni-       But the Indian Constitution      April. It was, of course, all too
        is  now being  rapidly replaced      ty efforts came to naught, blown  and service rules conceived a          conveniently  blamed on India.
        with an angry “Because of Modi,                                                                                  The need to show that Pa-
        this!”                               asunder by the BJP’s thunder- merit-based civil service, re-             kistan was changing and would
                   rohit Kumar,              ing 300 seat win.”                   cruited through national com-       return to its old role as Wash-
                                                      sagarika Ghose,
                    The Wire                        The Times of India           petitive examinations and re-        ington’s trusted partner in the
                                                                                 quired to undergo professional
            Mamata’s ‘sholay’                                                    training and advance through         region, may have prompted Ba-
                                                                                                                      jwa to ask his dinner guests to
                   moment                            Politics and                an evaluation process conduct-       amplify his message that his first
                                                                                 ed within the respective service,
                                                                                                                      step will be to ‘reset’ Pakistan
                 oes this mean that in a             bureaucracy                 that is, through the judgement       and “divest the country of the
                 Modi versus  Mamata                  ver the past several  of the senior echelons, as re-
        Dcontest, she can defeat                      years, a sizeable num- flected in the Annual Confiden-          terror tag,” of being the nursery
        the Modi-led BJP at the nation- Ober of civil servants  tial Reports (ACR).                                   of jihad that has preyed on its
        al level? Not quite. Remember  in  state  cadres have  refrained             The political masters play no    neighbors, and reinvent itself as
        even in 2016 she won a big 200  from seeking appointments in  role in this evaluation process.                a “normal” state.”
        plus victory in the assembly  the central government, pre- Even the 360-degree appraisal                                 neena Gopal,
        polls but in the general elections  ferring to stay in service at the  system adopted for the All-In-                   The Telegraph
        just three years later, the BJP  state level. This is in sharp con- dia Services in 2015, does not
        streaked to a stunning 18 seats  trast to earlier years when post- provide for a politician’s role,               Every week, we look at what
        in Bengal riding on the “Modi  ings at the Centre were much  say, as minister, in assessing the  the top commentators in the
        wave.” In 2014, after her tsu- sought after. This may be due  quality of an officer.”                         Indian media are talking about
        nami Bengal win in 2011, when  to a growing perception that the                     shyam saran,              and bring to you a slice of their
        she came to Delhi to join forces  role and status of a professional                   The Print               opinions and comments.

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