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IMMIGRATION                                                              JUNE 09, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 41


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        noncitizen took up the job or report-  (respondent who left certified train-  ee  Matter  of  Rajah,  25  I.&N.  CFR § 204.5(e) when starting all over
                                                                                        Simply go to your App Store or Play Store
        ed for work, and then left later due  ee weaver job after 5 days for a fiber  Dec. 127 (although the foreign work-  with  a  new  labor  certification  and
        to a change in intention (as a result  glass repairer job because he did not  er is not required to be employed at  I-140 petition. If the date is current at
        of finding a more attractive job else-  like the former job was not found to  the time of adjustment, he must still  the time the I-140 will be filed, then a
        where), this individual could not be  be deportable because he still had a  show the continued existence of an  concurrent I-485 application can also
        found  excludable  or  deportable.  In  valid certification at time of entry).  offer of employment as set forth in  be filed.
        Matter  of  Cardoso,  13  I.&N.  Dec.                               the labor certification and I-140, and   Given the glacial pace in adjudi-
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        228  (BIA  1969),  the  respondent,  a  Notwithstanding, the USICS during  must also demonstrate an intent to  cating I-485 applications to comple-
        Portuguese citizen, was sponsored to   a naturalization interview may still   accept  employment).  Therefore,  it  tion, it is unlikely that the USCIS will
        work for a Rhode Island employer as   determine that lawful permanent   would be safest if there has been a  currently  issue  an  RFE  within  180
        a braider tender. Upon reporting to   residence  status  was  not  properly   termination during the twilight pe-  days from its filing, although this blog
        the employer with his wife for work,   obtained, or  even prior to  natural-  riod – when the I-485 has not been  provides guidance on steps that need
                                                                                        Login|Register with your eMail then
        the foreman indicated that there was                                pending for 180 days – to have anoth-  to be taken just in case the USCIS be-
        a possibility that both would be laid   ization, the USCIS could rescind   er employer file an H-1B extension.  comes efficient!
        off if they both worked for the em-  that status. Even if the foreign work-  Even if the USICS denies the I-485   *Jessica Paszko is an Associate
        ployer. Based on the foreman’s well   er can argue that they intended to   application if there is an RFE before
        intentioned  advice,  who  also  stated   accept employment there may have   the 180 days, which cannot be com-  at Cyrus D. Mehta &  Partners PLLC.
        that he would keep the braider ten-  still not been a valid offer of employ-  plied with, the foreign worker will be   [This blog is for informational purposes
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        der  job  offer  open,  the  respondent  ment after the foreign worker was  in H-1B status through another em-  only and should not be considered as a
        worked elsewhere first as a shoelace  terminated.                   ployer and that new employer can re-    substitute for legal advice]
        tipper and then as a bobbin machine                                 capture the old priority date under 8
        operator. The BIA held that it could   _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
        not impugn  the validity  of such an   Cyrus D. Mehta, a graduate of Cambridge University and Columbia Law School, is the Managing Partner of Cyrus D. Mehta & Partners
        admission where a person reported   PLLC in New York City. Mr. Mehta is a member of AILA’s Administrative Litigation Task Force; AILA’s EB-5 Committee; former
        for work and did not take up the job   chair of AILA’s Ethics Committee; special counsel on immigration matters to the Departmental Disciplinary Committee, Appellate
                                                    You can click
        under the circumstances described   Division, First Department, New York; member of the ABA Commission on Immigration; board member of Volunteers for Legal Ser-
        above or if the person worked for   vices and board member of New York Immigration Coalition.  Mr. Mehta is the former chair of the Board of Trustees of the American
                                          Immigration Council and former chair of the Committee on Immigration and Nationality Law of the New York City Bar Association.
        some  time  with  the  certified  em-  He is a frequent speaker and writer on various immigration-related issues, including on ethics, and is also an adjunct professor of law at
        ployer  but  quit  because  he  did  not   Brooklyn Law School, where he teaches a course entitled Immigration and Work.  Mr. Mehta received the AILA 2018 Edith Lowenstein
        like the work or found a better  job   Memorial Award for advancing the practice of immigration law and the AILA 2011 Michael Maggio Memorial Award for his outstand-
                                                    on your browser and watch IndiaLife TV 24 Hours
        elsewhere.  See  also  Matter  of  Mar-  ing efforts in providing pro bono representation in the immigration field. He has also received two AILA Presidential Commendations
        coux, 12 I.&N. Dec. 827 (BIA 1968)   in 2010 and 2016.  Mr. Mehta is ranked among the most highly regarded lawyers in North America by Who’s Who Legal – Corporate
                                          Immigration Law 2019 and is also ranked in Chambers USA and Chambers Global 2019 in immigration law, among other rankings.


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