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IMMIGRATION JUNE 06, 2024 | The Indian Eye 48
Who Are the Undocumented
Immigrants That Would Become
Targets of Trump’s Deportation
Army If He Got Reelected
BY CYRUS D. MEHTA would be an unmitigated states. Trump once called “shithole” ployment authorization year
disaster for families, the US According to New York countries. By raiding work- after year. All these noncit-
f Trump gets reelected, economy and the standing of Times’s columnist Jamelle places and staging public izens would be lumped to-
he has hinted that his ad- the United States. Bouie in Trump’s Taste for roundups, this deportation gether as undocumented
Iministration will create a “The Trump immigra- Tyranny Finds a Target im- force would create a climate immigrants that would be
deportation force that would tion plan would be the sec- migrants would be the most of fear and intimidation. red meat for Trump’s depor-
deport 15 million undocu- ond largest forced displace- easy target for Trump to play Mistakes are bound to tation force.
mented immigrants. Radley ment of human beings in out his autocratic fantasies. happen as legal immigrants Since it would be be-
Balko’s newsletter on sub- human history, on par with Trump has already said that and even US citizens may get yond the capacity to quickly
stack, Trump’s Deportation Britain’s disastrous partition undocumented immigrants caught up in the roundups. deport the people caught up
Army, provides chilling de- of India, and second only to are “poisoning the blood of There could not be any no- in these roundups, especially
tails on how this deportation total forced displacement this country.” The Supreme tion of selective enforcement since countries may not even
would be executed, which during World War II, ” Balko Court in Trump v. Hawaii in these roundups, and those be willing to accept them eas-
allowed Trump to enforce caught up in them would be ily, there would be holding
his Muslim ban. because they appeared to be facilities that would serve as
Stephen Miller, the immigrants. There would be staging centers on land near
architect of Trump’s an- mass racial and ethnic profil- the Texas border. This would
ti-immigrant policies, ing. And by the time this gets not be too dissimilar from in-
has stated on Charlie sorted out it may be too late ternment camps, which were
Kirk’s show how this if the person already got de- set up in the United States to
deportation force would ported. detain Japanese Americans
fulfill Trump’s fantasy. Moreover, one thinks after the attack by the Jap-
The deportation force of an undocumented im- anese military on Pearl Har-
would comprise agents migrants as a person who bor in 1941.
from Immigration and entered the United States
Customs Enforcement, without inspection or who In addition to the round
the Drug Enforcement came to the US legally on a
Administration, the visa and overstayed. Howev- ups, the second Trump
Border Patrol and other er, the term is broader to en-
federal agencies, as well compass persons who were administration would
as the National Guard previously unauthorized and sign an executive order
and local law enforce- who have been authorized
ment officials. They to stay such as recipients to withhold passports,
would look all over the of the Deferred Action of social security numbers
country for unautho- Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
m of rized and undocument- program, applicants for and other government
CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC ed immigrants moving Temporary Protected Sta- benefits from children
from state to state, city
tus (TPS), those who have
to city, neighborhood pending asylum applications born of undocumented
to neighborhood and, and applications for other
finally, house to house. relief such as under the Vi- immigrants in the Unit-
These are people who in olence Against Women Act
the view of Trump and (VAWA) or crime victim U
ed States never mind
Miller do not belong, visas. that the Fourteenth
not that because are not There are also those who Amendment says the
authorized but because are on supervised release or
2 6th Floor they are also nonwhite who have obtained stays of exact opposite.
and who are from what removal and eligible for em-