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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 03, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 36

                 India bans sugar export as

                         inflation bites economy

           After India banned wheat exports to control price rise, the country exported wheat worth

                          USD 177 million in March and USD 473 million in April this year

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            low wheat production as a result of
                                                                                                              an extreme heat wave that enveloped
                                                                                                              the northern part of the country that
                                                                                                              caused shriveled grains and resulted
              he global shortage of sugar                                                                     in drop in yield per acre.”
              has triggered the demand,                                                                           Sources earlier this month said
        Thence Indian government has                                                                          that the government’s wheat pro-
        taken a precautionary step by put-                                                                    curement  dropped  by  53  per  cent
        ting a cap on the export of sugar to                                                                  so far in the 2022-23 marketing year
        100 lakh metric tons (LMT), the idea                                                                  as compared to the year-ago period
        behind the sugar export restriction is                                                                due to aggressive buying by private
        to make prices of sugar stable, said                                                                  players for export purposes.
        Sudhanshu Pandey, Secretary, De-                                                                          The   government   data  on
        partment of Food and Public Distri-                                                                   Wednesday further mentioned that
        bution.                                                                                               the export restrictions have been a
            Pandey, while addressing a press                                                                  regular feature of major food pro-
        conference here, said, “The govern-                                                                   ducers which has adversely affected
        ment wants to ensure enough sugar                                                                     India too.
        stock availability in India, especially                                                                   On the other hand, India has
        during sugar lean season of October                                                                   taken the step towards the regula-
        and November which is the festival                                                                    tion of wheat exports in order to en-
        season in India. The global situation                                                                 sure food security of India, its neigh-
        reflects a shortage of sugar, this may                                                                bors and vulnerable countries.
        trigger the demand globally and so                                                                        Amid  surging  prices  of  food
        as to safeguard domestic availability                                                                 items due to the ongoing Rus-
        and interests the step has been taken                                                                 sia-Ukraine  conflict,  Union  Com-
        by the government.”                                                                                   merce and Industry Minister Piyush
           “Our  first  priority  is  to  ensure   A farmer inspects ears of ripe wheat at a farm in a village near Amritsar. Because of a   Goyal on Wednesday said India will
        sufficient  availability  of  sugar  for   heat wave,  the wheat production is likely to decline this year (ANI)  continue to allow wheat export to
        consumption at a reasonable rate,                                                                     countries that are in serious need,
        thereafter maximum sugar to be                                                                        are friendly and have the letter of
        diverted to ethanol. Closing stocks   in April this year.              “Among the wheat exporting     credit.
        should be approximately 60 LMT if     The government data high-     countries, India ranked 19th in 2020,   Speaking at the World Econom-
        any are to be exported. This Year In-  lighted that while India’s expected   35th in 2019, 36th in 2018, 36th in   ic Forum, Goyal highlighted that
        dia has produced 355 LMT of sugar,  production of wheat for 2022-23 re-  2017, 37th in 2016, which shows   while a  7-8  per cent  rise in wheat
        the highest in the world. India is the   mains at near 105 million metric tons   that India has an insignificant share   production was expected this year,
        second-largest exporter of sugar. To-  (MMT),  it  needs  to  fulfil  domestic   (0.47 per cent) while seven countries   severe heat waves led to early har-
        tal export should be about 100 LMT   consumption requirements for its   (Russia, the USA, Canada, France,  vest and loss of production. “Given
        in the current sugar season 2021-22,”  130 crore population (30 MMT re-  Ukraine, Australia, Argentina) have   this situation, what we are producing
        he said.                          quired for food security schemes   the largest share in the overall quan-  is  about  enough  for  domestic  con-
            Secretary said that the industry   such as National Food Security Act   tity of wheat export in the past five   sumption,” the minister said.
        indicates that sugar exports would   (NFSA), Pradhan Mantri Garib   years. A negotiation-based approach   He pointed out that India was
        hardly reach a 100 LMT figure, but   Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMJKAY)    instead  of  conflict  would  have  pre-  never a traditional player in the in-
        still the government imposed a cap   and other welfare schemes for near   vented removal of nearly a quarter   ternational wheat market and the
        on exports as a Precautionary mea-  80  crores  poor  and  vulnerable pop-  of wheat exports from Russia and   export of wheat only began about 2
        sure.                             ulation) while also providing hu-  Ukraine,” the data read.         years ago.
            Meanwhile, weeks after the Cen-  manitarian assistance to neighboring   It further read, “Still, after the   “India wheat exports are less
        tral government banned wheat ex-  countries and other vulnerable na-  conflict began on February 24, 2022,  than 1 per cent of world trade and
        ports to control price rise, the Centre   tions. The government said that 42.7   India has exported wheat worth USD   our export regulation should not af-
        on Wednesday announced that India   MMT of wheat has been distributed   177 million and USD 473 million in   fect global markets. We continue to
        exported wheat worth USD 177 mil-  under NFSA and PMGKAY in FY      March 2022 and April 2022 respec-  allow exports to vulnerable countries
        lion in March and USD 473 million   2021-22.                        tively despite facing challenges of   and neighbors,” Goyal added.

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