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SPORTS                                                                    MAY 31, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 54

                                                       T20 WORLD CUP

                 No Pakistan, South Africa, New Zealand in

         former spinner Graeme Swann’s top-four picks

          Former English player has also backed India’s decision to take four spinners for the

                              upcoming T20 World Cup in the USA and the West Indies

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            and  I  think  you  should  never  ques-
                                                                                                              tion that,” Swann said.
                                                                                                                  Former India spinner Harbhajan
             ormer England off-break spin-                                                                    Singh had questioned India’s deci-
             ner Graeme Swann picked his                                                                      sion as he feels that four spinners are
        Ftop four  teams  for  the  highly                                                                    a “bit too much”.
        anticipated T20 World Cup, which                                                                          “I think selecting four spinners
        is just more than a week away from                                                                    is a bit too much. Three would have
        kicking off in the USA. England will                                                                  been enough. I do not think we will
        arrive  in  the  West  Indies  and  the                                                               ever play four spinners in a game.
        USA to defend their crown in a tour-                                                                  Ravindra Jadeja will play. Maybe
        nament that is already in the history                                                                 Kuldeep Yadav and Yuzvendra Cha-
        books before its commencement.                                                                        hal will play with him. Maybe we will
            Since the inception of the tour-                                                                  field  three  spinners  in  a  game.  We
        nament, this will be the first time the                                                               will get to know the combo on seeing
        marquee event will feature 20 teams                                                                   the conditions,” Harbhajan told ANI
        who will fight for World Cup glory.                                                                   earlier this week.
            Swann believes that the four                                                                          India named four spinners in the
        teams that would make their way                                                                       squad, consisting of Ravindra Jadeja,
        into the final four would be England,                                                                 Kuldeep Yadav, Axar Patel, and Yuz-
        India, the West Indies, and, “unfor-                                                                  vendra Chahal. Rohit has played his
        tunately,” England’s arch-rival Aus-                                                                  cards close to the chest and didn’t re-
        tralia. He chose West Indies, ahead                                                                   veal the reason behind the decision.
        of the likes of Pakistan, South Africa,                                                                   “I  definitely  wanted  four  spin-
        and New Zealand.                                                                                      ners we have played a lot of cricket
            “The top four teams I would go                                                                    there, there is a technical aspect in-
        for are India and England, and then                                                                   volved in it. There is a reason for four
        Australia, unfortunately, and then                                                                    spinners which I am not going to say
        the West Indies,” said Swann. In sev-                                                                 now but I wanted four spinners for
        en months, England will once again                                                                    sure and three seamers and Hardik
        step out to defend their crown after                                                                  being fourth,” Rohit said in a press
        their quest went down the slump last                                                                  conference earlier this month.
        year.                                                                                                     Notably, despite having four
            During their ODI World Cup                                                                        spinners in the squad, India still
        title defence in India, England lived                                                                 doesn’t possess an off-spinner in
        through a nightmare. The Three Li-                                                                    their talented pool of players.
        ons were chasing the shadows of the   Yuzvendra Chahal celebrates the wicket of Royal Challengers Bengaluru’s Virat Kohli    Washington Sundar and Ravi-
        2019 winning team throughout the                                                                      chandran Ashwin were the two avail-
        tournament. They failed to qualify                      during an IPL 2024 game (ANI)                 able options to pick from the off-spin
        for the knockout stages and ended                                                                     department. But India decided to go
        up in the seventh spot with just six   India’s decision to take four spinners   spinners in the squad for the high-  against the option due to both play-
        points in nine games. But Swann is   for the upcoming T20 World Cup in   ly-anticipated tournament. Some   ers lacking game time.
        optimistic about England’s chances   the USA and the West Indies. India   sections of fans and former cricket-  The Men in Blue will begin their
        of defending their crown in the up-  took a lot of people by surprise by   ers have questioned India’s decision   T20 World Cup campaign against
        coming edition.                   picking four spinners during their an-  to take four spinners for the tourna-  Ireland on June 5, at the Nassau
            The former spinner feels that   nouncement for the 15-player squad   ment.                        County International Cricket Stadi-
        even though the tag of defending   of the upcoming marquee event,       But Swann believes that India   um, New York, followed by the mar-
        champions is hard to carry, England   kicking off on June 1.        made the right call of picking four   quee clash against Pakistan on June
        have a strong squad to rise to the    During the press conference ear-  spinners in their 15-player squad. “I   09 at the same venue. India will then
        challenge.                        lier this month, India skipper Rohit   think  taking four  spinners is abso-  play against the USA and Canada on
            Graeme Swann has also backed   Sharma revealed that he wanted four   lutely the way to go in the Caribbean,   June 12 and 15 respectively.

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