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BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 31, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 36

           Adani Group stocks continue to rise as

           FT’s allegations on coal quality fall flat

            The Adani group denied all allegations and questioned the timing of the latest

                            report when general elections are going on in the country

        OUR BUREAU

            ndian markets appear to have dis-
            missed coal invoicing allegations
        Iby Financial Times and OCCRP
        against the Adani Group. Adani
        Group’s  market  capitalization con-
        tinued to gain for the ninth consecu-
        tive day on Wednesday. The group’s
        market capitalization crossed Rs 16.5
        lakh crore on  Wednesday, gaining
        10.6 per cent in the past nine trading
            The gain continued on a day
        when London-based Financial Times,
        citing  documents  from  George  So-
        ros-backed Organized Crime and
        Corruption Reporting Project (OC-
        CRP), in a report, charged the Adani
        group of fraud and selling low-grade
        coal as high-value fuel in the year
        2013 to Tamil Nadu Generation and
        Distribution Company.                  Adani group chairman Gautam Adani addressing the opening of Adani Green Energy Gallery at the Science Museum in London (ANI)
            This suggests that the markets
        have dismissed the report on the   has increased by 56.6 per cent in the   tions are going on in the country.  gress and Jairam Ramesh of Con-
        group by OCCRP and Financial      last year, outperforming the broader   The latest report is based on coal   gress to demand a probe by Joint
        Times and it continues to see value   market Nifty, which has gained 23.3   supply transactions of 2012-13 when   Parliamentary  Committee  into  the
        in the Adani group stocks.        per cent during the same period.  the UPA government was at the cen-  alleged wrongdoing.
            The consistent rise in the group’s   This is the third time that two   ter. The market appears to be view-  However, the strength and resil-
        market capitalization over the past   foreign media platforms have pub-  ing it as an external interference to   ience shown by Adani group stocks
        year shows that despite allegations,  lished negative reports on the group.  influence the Indian voters.  suggest that the investors seem un-
        investors have reposed faith in the   The Adani group denied all allega-  The news report was cited by   influenced by these kinds of attacks
        Adani group companies.            tions and questioned the timing of   opposition leaders including Mahua   on the group and continue to back
            Group’s market capitalization   the latest report  when general  elec-  Moitra of All India Trinamool Con-  Adani group.

            Adani Energy Solutions Fully Acquires Essar’s Mahan-Sipat Assets

            OUR BUREAU                               line linking Mahan in Madhya Pradesh to Sipat   ity to recognize and tap market opportunities
                                                     pooling substation in Chhattisgarh. The project   within the areas of interest continues to propel
                                                     operates under the Central Electricity Regulatory   and position AESL at the forefront of energy
                 dani Energy Solutions Ltd (AESL),   Commission (CERC) regulated return framework   transition in India,” it added.
                 which is into power transmission and   and was commissioned in September 2018.       AESL has presence across 17 states of In-
            Adistribution, has acquired 100 per cent     The acquisition of the Mahan-Sipat transmis-  dia and a cumulative transmission network of
            stake in Essar Transco Limited after obtaining   sion network will consolidate its presence in cen-  21,182 ckm and 57,011 MVA transformation
            requisite regulatory and other approvals for an   tral India with four operating assets having 3,373   capacity.
            enterprise value of Rs 1,900 crores.     ckt km in the region.                            In its distribution business, AESL serves
               The  share  acquisition  preceded  defini-  The acquisition is consistent with the compa-  more than 12 million consumers in metropolitan
            tive agreements signed back in June 2022, the   ny’s philosophy of augmenting its existing capaci-  Mumbai and the industrial hub of Mundra SEZ.
            Adani Group company informed in a release   ties and bringing in efficiency through operational   AESL said it is ramping up its smart me-
            on Thursday.                             synergies and creating network effect, it said in the   tering business and is on course to become In-
               The acquisition covers a fully operational   release.                               dia’s leading smart metering integrator with an
            400  kV,  673  ckt  kms  inter-state  transmission   “Along with a robust energy demand, the abil-  order book of over 22.8 million meters.

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