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ImmIGRATION                                                                    MAY 28, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          44

          The First Step for reforming the Immigration Courts is to

         allow Immigration judges to administratively Close Cases

                                     Attorney General Merrick  The IJ denied his claims  proach.  Under  this  test,  necessarily            encompass
        CyruS d. MeHTa               Garland to withdraw Mat- and issued an order of re- the court must determine            actions of whatever kind
                n May 5, 2021,       ter of Castro Tum. This  moval. Two weeks from  (i) that the regulation is  appropriate, including ad-
                the majority opin-   would have a great impact  the IJ’s decision, the state  “genuinely ambiguous” —  ministrative closure, and
        Oion in the Third            in reducing the immigra- criminal charges were dis- the court should reach this  hence there was no am-
        Circuit Court of Appeals     tion court backlog, bring  missed. As a result of the  conclusion after exhaust- biguity thus necessitating
        decision in Sanchez v. At-   a modicum of fairness and  dismissal of the charges,  ing all the “traditional  Auer deference.
        torney General followed      allow an IJ to focus on se- Sanchez was eligible again  tools” of construction; (ii)        The majority in  in San-
        two other circuit courts     rious cases.                  for DACA status.             if the regulation is genu- chez agreed with this anal-
        in  holding  that  an  Immi-     The Petitioner in San-       On appeal to the BIA,  inely ambiguous, whether  ysis. In a dissent,  Judge
        gration Judge (IJ) has the   chez v. AG, Arcos San- Sanchez challenged the  the agency’s interpretation  Paul Matey said that the
        authority to administra-     chez, a native and citizen  IJ’s  decision  and  request- is reasonable; and (iii) even  rule which states that cas-
        tively close cases. If there   of Mexico, entered the US  ed that the BIA remand  if it is a reasonable inter- es may only be adminis-
        is a case that is deserving   at the age of seven with- the case to the IJ for con- pretation, whether it meets  tratively closed when “ap-
        for an IJ to administra-     out inspection. In 2012,  sideration of administra- the “minimum threshold”  propriate and necessary,”
        tively close a case, this is it.   he  applied for Consider- tive closure so that his  to  grant  Auer  deference,  shouldn’t be interpreted to
        Former Attorney General      ation of Deferred Action  DACA application could  requiring the court to con- grant “unfettered  discre-
        Sessions, under President    for  Childhood Arrivals  be approved, which in turn  duct an “independent in- tion.” According to Judge
        Trump, issued Matter of      (DACA) status, which  would favorably impact the  quiry” into whether (a) it  Matey, “[t]o the contrary,
        Castro Tum holding that      was approved. The DHS  disposition of the remov- is an authoritative or offi- ‘appropriate and neces-
        an IJ and the Board of Im-   periodically granted his  al proceeding. The BIA  cial position of the agency;  sary’ is itself an important
        migration Appeals (BIA)      requests for renewals. In  denied remand, citing the  (b) it reflects the agency’s  restriction  on  the  scope
        did  not  have  this  author-  April 2019, Sanchez was  binding decision of Castro  substantive  expertise;  and  of the attorney general’s
        ity. It is about time that   arrested  and  charged  in  Tum. The Third Circuit  (c) the agency’s interpreta- delegation, and one that
        the Biden administration     New  Jersey  with  sexual  overruled the BIA and  tion of the rule reflects “its  comes with some bite.”
        stop defending Matter of     assault and endangering  held that 8 CFR 1003.10(b)  fair and  considered judg-             In a subsequent opin-
        Castro Tum. There is a       the welfare of a child. As a  and 1003.1(d)(1(ii) unam- ment.”                          ion in June 2020 following
        great and urgent need to     result of these charges, the  biguously grants IJs and         A great example of  Romero v. Barr by now
        reform the immigration       USCIS revoked Sanchez’s  the BIA general authority  a federal court applying  Justice Amy Coney Bar-
        courts, including making     DACA status and placed  to administratively close  Kisor in an immigration  rett,  the Seventh Circuit in
        them more independent,       him in removal proceed- cases by authorizing them  case is the 2019 Fourth  Meza Morales v. Barr also
        but a simple first step is for   ings. Sanchez applied for  to take “any action” that  Circuit decision Romero v  concluded that “the im-
                                     asylum and related relief.  is “appropriate and neces- Barr. The court in Rome- migration regulations that
                                                                   sary” for the disposition of  ro overturned Matter of  grant immigration judges
                                                                   cases.                       Castro-Tum by holding  their general powers [are]
                                                                      The majority in San- that the plain language of  broad enough to implicitly
                                                                   chez relied on the Su- 8 C.F.R. §§ 1003.10(b) and  encompass that [adminis-
                                                                   preme Court’s 2018 de- 1003.1(d)(1)(ii) unambig- trative closure] authority.”
                                                                   cision in Kisor v. Wilkie,  uously confers upon IJs  Although the Sixth Circuit
                                                                   which has come to the aid  and the BIA the general  in Hernandez-Serrano v.
                                                                   of petitioners challenging  authority to administra- Barr a few months later
                                                                   DHS’s interpretation of  tively close cases such that  in November 2020 upheld
                                                                   supposedly ambiguous im- an Auer deference assess- Castro-Tum, the Third Cir-
                                                                   migration regulations. Our  ment is not warranted.  cuit  majority  in  Sanchez
                                                                   prior blogs addressing the  Even if these regulations  sided with the reasoning
                                                                   beneficial impact of Kisor  are ambiguous, the court  in the Fourth and Seventh
                                                                   v. Wilkie on federal court  citing Kisor noted that  Circuit.  The majority in
                                                                   decisions involving immi- Auer deference cannot be  Hernandez-Serrano  was
                                                                   gration law are here and  granted when the new in- concerned that when im-
                                                                   here.  In Auer v. Robins,  terpretation results in “un- migration cases leave an
                                                                   the Supreme Court held  fair surprise” to regulated  IJ’s active calendar they
                                                                   that the same Chevron  parties especially when the  never come back and “[t]
                                                                   type of deference applies  agency’s current interpre- hus  the  reality  is  that,  in
                      m of                                         to the agency’s interpreta- tation conflicts with a prior  hundreds  of  thousands  of

           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          tion of its own regulations.  one. The Fourth Circuit in  cases,  administrative  clo-
                                                                   After Kisor, no longer can  Romero v. Barr focused  sure  has  amounted  to  a

             the DHS invoke Auer def- on    the  specific  language  decision  not  to  apply the
                                                                   erence  with  respect  to  its  “may take any action….. Nation’s immigration laws
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             ­       ability to interpret its own  appropriate and necessary  at all.” But even if that is
                                                                   regulations. The majority  for the disposition” of the  a legitimate concern, the
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                                                                   opinion  in  Kisor    essen- case” in 8 CFR 1003.1(d) Sanchez court reasoned
                                                                   tially “cabined the scope”  (1)(ii) & 1003.10(b).  Ac- that the Attorney General
                                                                   of Auer deference, and  cording to the Fourth Cir- can amend the regulation
          2              6th Floor                                 set forth a three-step ap- cuit, this language would  and it is not the role for the
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