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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                        MAY 28, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          26

                                                         one of the oldest wellness organizations of
                                                         repute. She has been an advocate of holistic
                                                         health and wellness education in hospitali-
                                                         ty. She has been a visiting industry expert
                                                         and on the board of studies for Master of
                                                         Management in Hospitality stream of Mar-
                                                         ian College. She continues to contribute her
                                                         time to social causes.
                                                             She has been part of Peermade Devel-
                                                         opment Society (PDS), one of the largest
                                                         NGOs for nearly two decades. She has
                                                         worked with Tibetan SOS vocational train-
                                                         ing center and is involved with Aashita
                                                         Foundation in Jaipur, a care home for girls.
                                                         She was on the advisory committee of Sa-
                                                         hyadri Institute. A graduate in Physics, she
                                                         has continued to pursue courses that are of
                                                         interest to her, such as Wellness Assessment
                                                         & Lifestyle and Food as medicine from  ing industry veterans who made a successful
                                                         RMIT and Wellness Coaching. She holds  transition to the digital and online world.
                                                         a CIDESCO, studying at Steiner School in
                                                         London and has international diplomas in         she has held leading jobs in the cor-
                  christina Watson                       Cosmetology and Ayurveda.                        porate world and is widely recognized
                                                             She serves as an Independent Direc-
                hristina Watson’s passion and expe-      tor on the Board of the Digital India Fund  for her role as chief Marketing officer
                rience overarch multi-facets of ho-      India’s largest private sector fund of funds
        Clistic health. She founded Wellness             and a part of the MegaFund.                      of hindustan times and head of broad-
        Lifestyle, a multidimensional wellness com-                                                       band for airtel. since 2005, Mrinalini
        pany, with an eclectic international panel of                Mrinalini Gupta
        holistic health and wellness experts.                                                             has held leadership roles in leading
                                                                   rinalini Gupta is India’s leading  non-profit philanthropic organizations
        through her three decades in hospitali-                    Branding and MarTech profes-           and helped set up and manage a school
        ty and holistic health, she has facilitat-       Msional and is rated among the
                                                         most  successful venture capitalists  in the  for girls in rural haryana.
        ed wellness in various capacities that  consumer proserve space.
                                                             Her key strength lies in identifying and
                                                                                                             Since 2010, she has been actively in-
        included  vana  retreat, Mandarin  ori-          translating cultural and consumer insights  volved in the fund management space. She
        ental and oberoi vilas amongst others.           into new businesses in emerging industries  is an active angel investor and a limited
                                                         and new market segments.                         partner in several SEBI registered funds,
            She is credited for Vana’s pathbreaking          She has considerable hands-on func- including India largest private sector fund
        and transformative integrated health offer- tional expertise in brand building, compet- of funds. She currently serves as the Execu-
        ing.  Her  latest creation Equine  Connect,  itive strategy, consumer research, product  tive Director of the Ashmolean Fund.
        a protocol centered on the therapeutic  conceptualization, organization building                     The Ashmolean Fund is a seed stage
        potential of human-horse connect is only  and profit center management.                           co-investor in the conceptualization, cre-
        available at Jaipur Riding and Polo Club,            She is credited with having created and  ation, acquisition and revitalization of
        an exclusive partner of Wellness Lifestyle.      managed some of India’s leading brands in  brands, trade names, copyrights and other
            Widely considered as the high priestess  the post internet world. She led the team  forms of intellectual property for use in the
        of wellness and a global thought leader in  which conceptualized all the IIT Alumni  real and virtual world.
        the integrated holistic health space, she  Council initiatives including HowdyModi                   The 12-year fund is a successor entity to
        serves on the standing Membership com- and MegaLab.                                               the ten-year India AA Fund which reached
        mittee of National Wellness Institute, USA,          She is one of the few old world advertis- end of tenure in 2020.

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