Page 26 - The Indian EYE 052424
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 24, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 26

                          Supreme Sikh Spiritual Leader

        Giani Raghbir Singh felicitated in Chicago

        OUR BUREAU
        Chicago, IL

             upreme Spiritual head of Sikh
             faith Giani Raghbir Singh who is
        Sa head Granthi of India’s Gold-
        en Temple, the Jathedar of the Akal
        Takht and the highest temporal seat of
        Sikhs   was felicitated at the highest lev-
        el in Chicago with United States Con-
        gressman Hon. Raja Krishnamoor-
        thi and Consul General of India Mr.
        Somnath Ghosh joining high ranking
        community and business leaders in
        the felicitation ceremony organized
        and hosted by Harry & Shilpa Mohan
        on May 4, 2024 in Kildare, Illinois.                                                                  ry Mohan said this spiritual leader’s
             This reverential felicitation cer-                                                               visit has deeply touched the hearts of
        emony elicited words of praise and                                                                    devotees of Sikh faith and inspired
        honor for Giani Raghbir Singh as a                                                                    them to join in advancing peace, love
        spiritual leader who commands high-                                                                   and harmony in the world of strife ad
        est respect as a spiritual guide and an                                                               unrest. Harry Mohan offered special
        educator in Sikhism. Consul General                                                                   words of praise for Consul General
        of India Chicago, Mr. Somnath Ghosh                                                                   of India Mr. Somnath Ghosh and US
        and Congressman Raja Krishnamoor-                                                                     Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi
        thi delivered special remarks that                                                                    for their distinguished presence.
        shed light on the significance of bilat-                                                                  Ajeet Singh, President of Indian
        eral relations, community empower-                                                                    American Business Council joined the
        ment, and global cooperation and the                                                                  hosts in welcoming Sahab Giani Ra-
        role of faith in inspiring purpose and                                                                ghbir Singhji to Chicago and said his
        strengthening the society.                                                                            visit marks a new chapter, a new be-
            Consul General of India Somnath                                                                   ginning that builds bonds of new rela-
        Ghosh and US  Congressman  Raja                                                                       tionship; and assured of the unbroken
        Krishnamoorthi in genteel conver-                                                                     bonds of faith-based comradery with
        sation thanked spiritual leader Giani                                                                 the renowned spiritual leader.
        Raghbir Singh for his visit to Chicago                                                                    The exceptional gathering of sev-
        and praised him for his inspirational                                                                 eral prominent leaders includes Dr.
        life of devout faith in Sikhism.    Sahab Giani Raghbir Singhji with Baba Daljit Singh, Harry Mohan and Shilpa Mohan family  Sreenivas Reddy, Chairman of Illinois
            Soft spoken Sahab Giani Raghbir                                                                   Medical Board, Vinesh Virani, Nag
        Singhji bestowed blessings upon the                                                                   Jaiswal, Mrs. Santosh Kumar, Neil
        gathering and gave a brief spiritual                                                                  Khot and many others offered words
        discourse that reflected his deep spir-                                                               of praise and appreciation for his visit
        itual wisdom emphasizing the timeless                                                                 to Chicago and said they are inspired
        values of Sikhism and their relevance                                                                 by  his  life  of  piety  and  exceptional
        in contemporary society. Sahab Giani                                                                  spiritualism.
        Raghbir Singhji graciously engaged                                                                        This exclusive felicitation recep-
        in conversation and praised the Indi-                                                                 tion brought together a distinguished
        an diaspora for their eminent role in                                                                 class of people of different faith in-
        promoting peace, love and harmony                                                                     cluding diplomatic, political, business
        through  faith. Sahab Giani  Raghbir                                                                  and spiritual spheres under one roof
        Singhji said he looked forward to con-                                                                that helped foster exchange of dia-
        tinued engagement with the Indian                                                                     logue, camaraderie, and community
        community leaders in forging new con-                                                                 cohesion. The leaders engaged with
        nections and deepening the friendships.                                                               spiritual leader Giani Raghbir Singh ji
            Earlier, Harry Mohan and Shilpa                                                                   on various contemporary topics span-
        Mohan   welcomed the distinguished                                                                    ning cultural diplomacy, civic engage-
        guests of honor and profusely thanked      Ajeet Singh, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Mrs. Santosh Kumar,    ment, and spiritual enlightenment.
        Spiritual leader Giani Raghbir Singh                  Mr. Somnath Ghosh and Harry Mohan               The reception concluded with lunch.
        ji for his historic visit to Chicago. Har-                                                                -- Asian Media USA

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