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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MAY 13, 2022 | The Indian Eye 32
Natya Gurjari’s new Play ‘Cash Karo Aish Karo’
in Washington, DC Metro Area is a Roaring Success!
Washington, DC
fter nearly 3 years of hiatus
precipitated by a raging Covid
APandemic, ‘Natya Gurjari’, a
well-established Gujrati Theater or-
ganization in Washington DC metro
area, presented first two shows of its
new hilarious Play ‘Cash Karo Aish
Karo’ on Saturday April 30 and Sun-
day May 1 at the Kreeger Auditorium
in Rockville, MD. Natya Gurjari was
founded in 2016 under the leadership
of veteran local theater personality,
Jay Joshi. Primary objective of the
Natya Gurjari is to provide a platform
to showcase talents of local artists who
have keen passion for theater. After
producing two hugely popular Plays
‘Parnu to Ene J Parnu’ and ‘Khel
Khel Ma Agan Khel’, the ‘Cash Karo
Aish Karo’ is this vibrant and reputed
theater group’s third full-fledged pro-
duction. The two-act Play is written
by a prolific Gujarati Playwright Vilo-
pan Desai who has written over hun-
dred Plays. ‘Cash Karo Aish Karo’
is a rib-tickling comedy highlighting
plight of a newly married man who
gets entangled into numerous tricky
social and legal problems while trying
to make quick money. His haphazard
efforts to solve self-created mess are
fraught with many funny blunders,
comic fiascos and roaring fun!!
The Play is a highly entertaining
comedy drama with an underlying
meaningful social message. Nearly to describe the feeling of soul satis- groups from India”. Keyur Vaghela and Rahul Patel.
houseful audience on both days thor- faction!! Kudos to amazing team!!! An accomplished Actor, Direc- The Shrinathdham Haveli spon-
oughly enjoyed the presentation and “Awesome play, congratulations tor and Producer Jay Joshi directed sored first two shows of the Play. All
theater goers enthusiastically appre- to entire team, all the actors were the Play. A prominent community net proceeds were donated for the
ciated and applauded this hilarious great, amazing Direction and exe- leader Kirit Udeshi and Bharati Joshi charitable cause of the Shrinathdham
Play! The knowledgeable audience cution! I think in so many years this were producers. The talented cast Haveli. Amit Bhai Shah, Rakesh
roared with laughter throughout the is the first play I have seen with this included Kinnari Koradia, Vishal (Arsy) Shah, Kirit Udeshi, Vijay
Play, bringing house down with tre- much laughter during the entire play!! Parikh, Nilay Bhatt, Aj Parikh, Mihir Bhai Shah and all Trustees as well as
mendous fun and expression of joy “Everyone Rocked it! Play was Shah, Chaitali Mirani, Nidhi Shah, volunteers of Shrinathdham Haveli
at every punch line and at numerous awesome!!! Non-stop punches from Kunjan Butala, Bhavin Parekh and worked tirelessly to make the staging
comic twists and turns in the capti- the actors and non-stop laughter Jay Joshi. The overall presentation of the Play a great success. At the
vating story! The appreciative audi- from the audience! Never a dull mo- was also enhanced by the expert conclusion, Amit Bhai Shah, Vijay
ence gave a standing ovation to the ment! Loved it, loved it, loved it!” contribution of the production crew. bhai Shah, Kirit Udeshi and Jay Joshi
Team ‘Cash Karo Aish Karo’ on Sun- “Excellent performance. Great Daxa Patel and Romil Kinariwala deeply appreciated exemplary coop-
day, providing proverbial ‘icing on teamwork and amazing script! Loved were Stage Managers, Mrugesh Patel eration and support of all involved
the cake’ for the Natya Gurjari the- Sound effects! The Play is enjoyable was a Sound Manager, Paresh Parekh with this program and expressed de-
ater group. The audience showered for all age groups!” managed Lights, Goldie Manocha sire to continue extending assistance
praises on top notch acting of the “Such an outstanding caliber did Make-Up, and Ketul Patel, Raj to do more such programs in coming
cast. Some of the gushing comments presentation by our own communi- Shivjiani and Bala Chandran also ex- years not only to celebrate Gujarati
heard from overjoyed audience were: ty theater group is a matter of great tended their assistance. ‘Cash Karo literature via Plays but also to aug-
“What a treat it was!! By far one joy and pride for us. This Play is at Aish Karo’ title song is written by RJ ment cultural awareness to perform-
of the best comedies, I have seen!! par with top-quality Plays that are Harsh and Sunil Revar, music is com- ing arts and further foster unity in the
Totally brilliant!! Not enough words performed by visiting professional posed by Sunil Revar, and singers are community.