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SPORTS                                                                    MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 52

                                                       T20 WORLD CUP

                              Pandya in, Rinku out?

         Team selection raises questions

                             about India’s chances

          The addition of the two wrist spinners —  Yuzvendra Chahal and Kuldeep Yadav — means that

         India have four spinners in their squad of 15, Ravindra Jadeja and Axar Patel being the other two

        OUR BUREAU

                 ith India declaring its T20
                 World Cup 2024 squad that
        Whad a few surprising calls
        from among the contenders, skipper
        Rohit Sharma and chief selector Ajit
        Agarkar on Thursday explained that
        the choices were made due to combi-
        nations that the team wanted.
            Addressing a press conference,
        Rohit Sharma and Ajit Agarkar an-
        swered queries about Rinku Singh
        not being part of the 15-member
        squad and the omission of Shubhman
        Gill. Calling it one of the “tough-
        est decisions”  the  selectors had  to
        make, Agarkar said the two players
        had done “nothing wrong” and the
        choice dictated by the desired team
            “It [Rinku Singh’s omission from
        the  first  15]  is  probably  the  tough-
        est thing we have had to discuss,”
        Agarkar said. “He has done nothing
        wrong, not even Shubman Gill for
        that matter. It’s about combinations.
        There are a couple of wrist spinners
        included to give Rohit more options.
        It’s just unfortunate. He’s in the re-                    Kolkata Knight Riders’ Rinku Singh plays a shot during an IPL match (ANI)
        serves, so that tells you how close he
        came to being in the 15. But at the   “I don’t want to go into too much   as well. Based on opposition compo-  between Ash and Axar. Ash hasn’t
        end of the day, you can only pick 15   detail because I am sure opposition   sition we can decide who we want to   played the format lately. Axar was
        players in the squad,” Agarkar said.  captains will listen to this,” he said.   play with,” he added.  in good form when he played those
            The addition of the two wrist     “I wanted more spinners; we       Explaining why India didn’t pick   five  matches  against  Australia.  He
        spinners -- Yuzvendra Chahal and   know what the conditions are like.   an off-spinner despite the presence   has been bowling well and gives us
        Kuldeep Yadav -- means that India   Matches  start  at  10-10.30  in  the   of four spinners in the squad, Rohit   that left-handed option in the middle
        has  four  spinners  in  their  squad  of   morning. There’s a technical aspect   said that it came down to Ravichan-  [with the bat] if we want to do some-
        15, Ravindra Jadeja and Axar Patel   involved in this. I wanted four spin-  dran Ashwin and Axar Patel fighting   thing different.”
        being the other two. Rohit didn’t go   ners and three seamers and with Har-  for one spot, with the latter’s recent   The other contentious call was
        into the details behind the decision   dik being there you get the balance.   form helping him grab the spot.  around the wicketkeepers with India
        but revealed that India playing morn-  With two spinners being all-round-  “We  discussed  a  lot,  unfortu-  leaving out KL Rahul, who shone in
        ing games in the tournament was a   ers, then two attacking spinners give   nately,  Washy  [Washington  Sundar]   the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup
        factor behind it.                 you balance in the spin department   hasn’t played a lot lately. It was then   Continued on next page... >>

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