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North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                                    MAY 06, 2022

               Gift of Life USA holds its Gala 2022

                       for supporting differently-abled

             individuals as “Wings without Limbs”

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY

               ift of Life USA celebrated
               its Annual Gala last week-
        Gend under the theme “Wings
        without Limbs” followed by unique
        message of “Celebrating Life”.  The
        Gala  highlighted the  compassionate
        work of the organization, over the
        years - advocating, supporting and
        raising awareness of the exceptional
        talent and will-power of several dis-
        tinguished differently-abled individ-
        uals with various disorders – Autism,
        Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, Asperger,
        Visual & Hearing Impaired etc.
            Their differently-abled abilities
        have not stopped them achieving the
        impossible and The Gala serves as
        a unique platform where sponsors,
        donors and supporters get the op-
        portunity to meet inspiring Differ-
        ently-abled Speakers, Entrepreneurs,   ing rocked the floor. Directors Shashi
        employers, performers and beneficia-  Malik, Kamlesh & Mrudula Parekh,
        ries they will be supporting and see for   Amarish  Kachhy,  Neela  Pandya and
        themselves the beautiful talents these   blessings from Mrs. Purnima & Tejal
        individuals bring to the world.   Desai, Welcomed and Thanked Sev-
            Emceed  by  Dr.  Harshil  Parekh   eral organizational Presidents, Com-
        and Heeta Thakkar, the Gala advo-  munity Leaders, Sponsors, Supporters
        cated, raised awareness and honored   well-wishers for their continued sup-
        the support of our own Double ampu-  port year over year. Directors Kalpana
        tee Suffolk County Police Officer Ma-  Patel & Mayur Dalal shared their re-
        tias Ferreira and 14 World Records   mote wishes. Kaul Photography cov-
        as well as 3 Guinness Books Records   ered great event memories. Our heart-
        Maker Amputee Athlete Amy Palm-   felt Thank you to all our Committee
        iero-Winters who are true role models   Members, Performers, Donors, Sup-
        with  the  message  that  “Life  without   porters, Volunteers and well-wishers   promote and showcase talent of the   of the differently abled.
        Limbs Is Limitless.” Epileptic Kidney   for their continued support our years.   differently abled, help special needs   Gift of Life USA, is a 501 (C) (3)
        Donor  Honoree  Sheila  Carpenter     With the mission of accumulat-  community with health and education   non-profit  organization,  founded  by
        gave a confident message that we all   ing resources in support and benefit   needs and much more.    Paresh, Flora and Dr. Harshil Parekh,
        have an extra kidney and should con-  of specially-abled individuals, the   Apart from combatting social   with the aim to help the specially-abled
        sider donating and saving lives.   organization conducts various pro-  stigma by raising awareness about dif-  and nurture acceptance and empathy,
            Event started with Patriotic Na-  grams and activities, namely, “Save   ferent disorders, the true strength of   bridging  the gap across  the various
        tional Anthem by FREE Ensemble    a Child” Support, “We are Special”   Gift of Life USA lies in the funding   communities that form our society.
        followed by a Kick-off to “Azadi Ka   Talent  &  Skill  Recognition,  “Health   and support it gives to individuals with   The organization functions with
        Amrut Mahotsav’’ -- a tribute to In-  & Education,” “Awareness”, “College   these various physical and mental dis-  generous donations from the com-
        dia’s 75 years of Independence by   Scholarships  for  Differently-Abled”   orders. The Indian American com-  munity and is operated by volunteers.
        Jagdish Sewhani. Young & energetic   and “Service Dog Support Program”.   munity is whole heartedly appealed to   Gift of Life USA appeals donors to
        Angel’s live dancing, as well as   Varsha   The organization awards Scholarships   embrace and share the organization’s   come, see, believe and support these
        Joshi and group’s melodious live sing-  to Autistic College going students,   vision of acceptance and compassion   true abilities and beyond.

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