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BIG STORY MAY 05, 2023 | The Indian Eye 6
women,” he said. and back-to-back three public rallies.
“The BJP government was not The Prime Minister has entered
formed with your votes. BJP has the campaign in the last leg of the
stolen the mandate by purchasing campaigning in which he will conduct
MLAs with corruption money. They a spate of roadshows and rallies in an
have destroyed the Constitution. effort for the BJP to retain power in
They (BJP) steal everything, starting its “gateway to the South”.
from the sugar mills to MLA. BJP is
asking for power for giving a golden On the lines of Gujarat’s
future to people. But they are them-
selves in power for three years, what Ahmedabad, the party has also
have they done?” he added. decided to organize a mega
The former MP added, “Do you
want the 40 per cent government in roadshow of Prime Minister
the state, where the party leaders Narendra Modi in the Karnata-
themselves talk about purchasing
MLAs? The Karnataka Association ka Legislative Assembly aiming
also wrote to the Prime Minister, but to ensure victories of the party
he didn’t even receive their letter be-
cause there were accusations of a 40 Congress leader Rahul Gandhi eats a meal with party General Secretary in-charge (Organiza- candidates.
per cent commission. A BJP MLA’s tion) KC Venugopal and Karnataka party chief DK Shivakumar in Mangaluru on Thursday (ANI)
son was also caught red-handed with Training guns on the Con-
money”. gress over its President Mallikarjun
“On one side there is scam after politics in the name of development PM Modi further noted that the Kharge’s ‘venomous snake’ barb
scam, and on the other side, there is and is full of negativity. Congress upcoming Karnataka polls will de- at Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
inflation. Petrol costs Rs 90, gas costs had only made fake promises to the cide the role of the state in India’s Union Home Minister Amit Shah on
Rs 1100. They ruined small business- farmers and people of Karnataka,” journey to becoming a developed na- Friday said the party and its leaders
es with GST. Today, the youth don’t PM Modi said while addressing an tion. “This election is to make Kar- have lost their minds. “PM Modi is
have employment. 90 lakh small com- election rally here. nataka the number one state in the welcomed across the world with a
panies got closed under BJP rule. 1.6 “When we started this scheme country. This election is to decide the lot of respect, he said the Congress
lakh crore people lost their jobs. This (Kisan Samman Nidhi), there was a role of Karnataka in the making of a cannot instigate people with such
is BJP’s development,” he said. Congress-JDS government here. But developed India. India will be devel- statements, because the support for
The former Congress president they created obstructions in sending oped when every corner of Karnata- the Prime Minister will increase, as
further alleged that he was disquali- the list of the beneficiary farmers. ka will be developed,” he said. much as they abuse him,” Shah said.
fied from the parliament because he Can you imagine how much hatred “Foreign investment has in- “One hand, there is the Congress
“asked questions on corruption”. Congress-JDS have for the farmers? creased thrice in the state under the under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi
“When I asked questions on The state government did not have BJP regime compared to the Con- and on the other, is the BJP under the
corruption issues, I was disqualified to spend any money. We were send- gress regime. The meaning of dou- leadership of Prime Minister Modi.
from the Parliament. I had asked a ing money from Delhi. The problem ble-engine government is a double This (Karnataka Assembly) election
question from the Prime Minister; they had was that the money was go- benefit, double speed. When there is an opportunity for you to decide if
I had asked about the relationship ing directly into the bank accounts of was no double-engine government you want a double engine sarkar led
between PM Modi and Adani. I had the farmers,” he added. in Karnataka, it used to take years to by PM Modi, which will take Kar-
asked whose money is invested in the The Prime Minister also stat- complete small projects,” he added. nataka forward, or the Congress’s
shell companies outside India,” Ra- ed that Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh The campaign of Bharatiya Ja- reverse gear sarkar, which will take
hul Gandhi added. where Congress is in power and had nata Party for the battle of Karna- Karnataka backwards,” he added.
But taking on Congress in poll- promised loan waivers for farmers taka has turned into an aggressive Lashing out at the Congress in
bound Karnataka, Prime Minister but the still the farmers are waiting mode with Prime Minister Narendra poll-bound Karnataka on Friday,
Narendra Modi on Saturday said that for the fulfilment of the promises. Modi’s mega roadshow in Bengaluru Union Home Minister Amit Shah
the grand old party lacks capability on Friday said the former would put
to understand poverty and is “full of the state into “reverse gear”, depriv-
negativity”, while also accusing it of ing it of the benefits of “double-en-
doing politics on development. gine sarkar”.
The Prime Minister accused “Each vote counts. So, ensure
Congress and Janata Dal (Secular), that it goes to the right leadership.
which are contesting the Karnataka When you cast a vote in favor of lo-
Assembly elections separately, of tus (the BJP’s symbol), you will not
harboring “hatred” for farmers and vote to elect an MLA or a minister
said that they created obstructions or Chief Minister. Your vote will fur-
in the implementation of the central ther strengthen PM Modi’s hands in
scheme for farmers. Karnataka will creating a ‘Mahan Karnataka’. Your
go to Assembly polls on May 10 and vote will protect Karnataka from the
the counting of votes will take place PFI.”
on May 13. With both the parties making big
“Congress will never understand promises and throwing allegations at
the struggle and pain of the poor. each other, the Karnataka voters may
Congress slowed the pace of hous- Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra along with party leaders waves to support- have some difficulty in making their
es here. They have not seen pover- ers during a public rally ahead in Navalgund on Saturday (ANI) minds. But it all be clear on May 10
ty. Congress is the party which does when they head to polling booths.