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IMMIGRATION                                                               MAY 05, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 40

          Making Sense of USCIS’s Twitter Posts

                  on Applying for Jobs or Attending

           Interviews While in Visitor Visa Status

        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA and      tion for B-1/B-2 visa holders  ment  within  the  domestic
                                   to work in the United States.  labor market (also known as
        KAITLYN BOX*
                                       The tweet read as fol-  “local labor for hire”) while
                                   lows: “Many people have  in  B-1  status  or  engage  in
               n April 11, 2023, US-  asked if they can look for a  any employment while in B-2
               CIS’s  post on Twit-
        Oter    created  a  great   new job while in B-1 or B-2  status”
                                                                  “Before  beginning  any
                                   status.  The  answer  is,  yes.
        deal of interest and some   Searching  for  employment  new employment, a petition
        confusion.  The  tweet  indi-  and interviewing for a posi-  and request for a change of
        cated  that  nonimmigrants   tion  are  permissible  B-1  or  status from B-1 or B-2 to an
        can apply for jobs or attend   B-2 activities.”       employment-authorized  sta-
        job interviews while in B-1 or   The  USCIS  clarified  its  tus must be approved, and
        B-2 status. The post was the   response in a series of three  the new status must take ef-
        subject of numerous press ar-  additional tweets stating:  fect.”
        ticles,  with  some  incorrectly   “If you are in B-1 or B-2   “Alternatively, if the
        interpreting it as a change in   status, please remember you  change  of  status  request  is
        USCIS  policy  or  authoriza-
                                   may not engage in employ-  denied or the petition for new
                                                                  employment requested
                                                                  consular or port of entry
                                                                  notification, the individ-
                                                                  ual must depart the U.S.
                                                                  and be admitted in an
                                                                  classification  before  be-
                                                                  ginning the new employ-
                                                                      A  screen  shot  of
                                                                  these  tweets,  the  first
                                                                  of  which  received  over   for employment and inter-  depart the United States and
                                                                  130,000 views, is repro-  viewing for a position are  be admitted in an employ-
                                                                  duced below.            permissible B-1 or B-2 activi-  ment-authorized  classifica-
                                                                                          ties. By statute, however, you  tion before beginning the
                                                                                          may not engage in employ-  new employment.
                                                                  USCIS also linked to    ment  within  the  domestic   In a previous blog, we
                                                                                          labor market (also known as  suggested that terminat-
                                                                  a page on its web-      “local labor for hire”) while  ed  noncitizen  workers  who
                                                                  site entitled “Options   in  B-1  status  or  engage  in  needed to remain in the U.S.
                                                                                          any employment while in B-2  beyond the 60-day grace pe-
                                                                  for    Nonimmigrant     status. Before beginning any  riod  could  file  a  change  of
                     m of                                         Workers     Following   new employment, a petition  status to B-2.
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                                                  and request for a change of   9  FAM  402.2-5(B)  lists
                                                                  Termination of Em-      status from B-1 or B-2 to an  activities  that  a  B-1  visitor

             ployment” that in-  employment-authorized  sta-  may  engage  in  in  the  U.S.,
                                                                                          tus must be approved, and  which  include  negotiating
                            cludes the following  the new status must take  contracts,  consulting  with
                                                   
              ‚                                                     effect.  Alternatively,  if  the  business associates, and par-
                                                                                          change  of  status  request  is  ticipating  in  conferences  or
                                                                                          denied or the petition for  seminars.  Visitors  for  plea-
                                                                      Q: Can I look for a   new employment requested  sure may enter the United
                                                                  new job while in B-1 or
          2              6th Floor                                B-2 status?             consular or port of entry no-  States for purposes including
                                                                      A:  Yes,  searching
                                        tification, the individual must  tourism, making social visits

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