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SPORTS APRIL 30, 2021 | The Indian Eye 50
T10 cricket in Olympics?
You have got to Be Kidding
ricket in Olympics has
long been a hot topic send a team for the 1998 Com-
Cand has re-emerged in monwealth due to scheduling
the latest round of ICC meet- conflicts with County cricket.
Similar concerns drive the
ings. opposition to T20 cricket in the
One revelation from this Olympics. Such a tournament
meeting reminded me of a would imply having qualifica-
scene from Madagascar 2. It
goes like this. tion tournaments, which would
“Attention. This is the ICC hamper the T20 calendar and
speaking. We have good news decrease value of the T20 World
Cup, which leads to possibly de-
and bad news. The good news is creasing revenues.
we have made a landing in the
Olympics. The bad news is—it the Verdict: Yay or Nay?
is T10 cricket.” broKeN CriCKet dreams T10 cricket is not the ideal
glance to the Past: a brief NITESH MATHUR format.
History Some people say it is a short-
Did you know cricket fea- ened version of T20. Wrong. It
is just an expanded Super Over.
tured in the 1900 Paris Olympics? Cricket is a game of skills and
• 1900 Olympics format. India declined to send which would give chances to talent, but T10 may just be a
Although cricket was initial-
ly scheduled in the inaugural teams, while Bangladesh, Sri multiple teams rather than fluke, and nobody is interested
1896 Athens Olympics, it was Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the 10-team two-month long in that. No place for bowlers
& even Japan won medals
slug fest known as the World and not great advertisement for
cancelled due to lack of inter- across the two tournaments. Cup. cricket.
est. For the 1900 edition, Neth- Apart from hosts China & 4. T10 takes about 2 hours to However, the game has
erlands and Belgium pulled out, South Korea, teams like Mal- complete, which is a plus for evolved. There was even a time
while Great Britain & France
sent club teams for the 2-day dives, Nepal, and Hong Kong short-spanned 21st century when colored clothing, day-
match. participated. spectators. night cricket, DRS, and T20
Eventually Great Britain Pros & Cons cons: cricket had doubters.
won by 158 runs with only five 1. T20 World Cup, ODI World "So, should cricket be tried
minutes remaining on day two. Pros: Cup, World Test Champi- in the Olympics? Well, why not?
It never hurts to try.
It would take 98 years for crick- 1. Women’s Cricket will bene- onship, & Olympics, not to Of course, technicalities
et to feature in another such fit from expansion to newer mention T20 leagues. Too
tournament. teams. One of the stories many tournaments will cre- about the format and qualifica-
tion process can be decided later.
• 1998 Kuala lumpur com- of the 2020 Women’s T20 ate dilution & overkill of
monwealth games: 16 teams, World Cup was Thailand’s cricket, which could have an When Can We see Cricket
4 groups, and 50-overs format. qualification. Imagine how adverse effect on the sport in the olympics?
The tournament saw teams other smaller countries 2. T10 in the Olympics would
like Jamaica & Barbados com- could similarly rise from the imply making it the fourth Cricket will be played in the
pete independently along with Olympics. official international format. 2022 Birmingham Common-
Malaysia, Canada, Northern 2. Cricket has the potential to With T20I & Test cricket do- wealth Games. Only women’s
Ireland, and Scotland. Even- go from a ‘niche sport,’ only ing well, this would be cur- edition will take place—T20,
tually South Africa, Australia, played in a fraction of the tains for the struggling 50- 8 teams, round-robin tourna-
and New Zealand won the former British common- over ODI format. ment, and a qualifier for a Ca-
gold, silver, and bronze re- wealth, to a much broader ribbean nation.
spectively. Yes, South Africa world audience due to tele- opposition to the idea Finally, USA Cricket’s long-
actually won something. vision & media promotions. Cricket’s inclusion in the term goal has been to host the
• guangzhou 2010 & Incheon 3. Due to shorter window, the Olympics has historically been 2028 LA Olympics, although
2014 asian games: Men/ format would have to be opposed by teams like England 2032 Brisbane Olympics is
Women competitions in T20 a knock-out tournament, & India. England declined to probably a better bet.
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