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WELLNESS APRIL 30, 2021 | The Indian Eye 40
indian, Korean & Chinese
Long-term Care at a. Holly Patterson
Our Bureau vided with ethnic food, cele-
New York brations of cultures, recreation
events, personalized care, reli-
he mission of the Loving gious services and other ameni-
care Health Manage- ties such as TV, attractions and
Tment at A. Holly Patter- activities respectively.
son is that every life is precious. The basic considerations for
We value life and quality of qualification to enroll in this
life. Its ultimate goal is to im- facility is documentation and
prove the quality of life of ev- verification of residency and
ery single member living here. health coverage status. We ac-
We provide individualized care cept Medicaid, Medicare, Out
with values such as integrity, of pocket, Private Insurance.
respect, responsibility and sup- The admission is open to ev-
portive environment for its res- ery individual, who meets these
idents. The residents can live needs irrespective of their state
freely in terms of religion, eth- The facility has a beauti- cellent medical supervision of residency within the United
nicity and orientation without ful & spacious environment. which is supported by a team States.
any inhibitions or bindings. We provide services under ex- of dedicated specialized staff. Location-wise, its proximity
We also provide long term and to the city and large capacity
Short-Term care, Long term makes,
and short-term rehab, dialysis, A. Holly Patterson is an ide-
secure Alzheimer and Demen- al choice if you are looking for
tia care. We are affiliated with excellent service with dedicat-
many major medical facilities. ed staff, individualized . The
This ensures that the health facility is in a secluded private
and wellbeing of residents fall- area but not cut off from the
ing in different spectrums of city. The spacious grounds, am-
social status are covered. ple parking, special areas for
Considering the dynamics in recreation, rehab, Picnics and
the diverse population, A. Hol- leisure are its major attractions.
ly Patterson decided to expand Every resident receives the
its services dedicated to serving love, respect and dignity as you
the Asian division, especially to would offer your parents.
the Indian and Southeast Asian We are ready to serve you!
ethnicities with a growing cen- You can reach us directly at
sus. The residents will be pro- 516-566-5180.
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tel: 732-397-2871
email: [email protected]
www.TheIndianEYE .com