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BUSINESS EYE                                                             APRIL 29, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 38

               Despite big challenges, India’s

         economic recovery is pronounced,

                                          says Sitharaman

             International Monetary Fund praises India’s resilient economy while underlining the

                         structural reforms carried out by the government in the recent years

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            particularly lauded India’s help to Sri
                                                                                                              Lanka in the face of the ongoing eco-
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              nomic crisis.
             inance Minister Nirmala Sitha-                                                                       Sitharaman called upon the IMF
             raman on Tuesday said India’s                                                                    to  support  and  urgently  provide  fi-
        Feconomic recovery from the                                                                           nancial assistance to Sri Lanka. The
        impact of COVID-19 has been “dis-                                                                     Managing  Director  assured  the  Fi-
        tinct and pronounced” and the coun-                                                                   nance Minister that the IMF would
        try will continue to be one of the fast-                                                              continue to actively engage with Sri
        est-growing economies in this decade.                                                                 Lanka, the Ministry stated.
           “In spite of the severe lockdown                                                                       Discussing the recent geopolit-
        during the first quarter of 2020-2021,                                                                ical developments, Sitharaman and
        the recovery has been distinct and                                                                    Georgieva raised concerns about its
        the recovery has been pronounced.                                                                     impact on the global economy and
        And today, therefore, we are able to                                                                  the challenges linked to the rising
        get back where we were earlier--- one                                                                 energy prices.
        of the fastest-growing economies in                                                                       An end to the conflict in Ukraine
        the  world,” Sitharaman  said in her                                                                  would become the most positive de-
        speech at the Washington-based                                                                        velopment for the recovery of the
        think tank Atlantic Council. “As we                                                                   global economy at present, Interna-
        look at India -- given the pandemic   Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman met Gita Gopinath, Depuyy Managing Director of   tional Monetary Fund (IMF) Man-
        and recovery from it and also where   the IMF, on the sidelines of the IMF-WB Spring Meetings 2022, in Washington DC on Thursday.   aging Director Kristalina Georgieva
        we stand today --- we see the decade                 (ANI Photo/: Ministry of Finance Twitter)        said on Wednesday.
        before us ending in 2030 as a very ro-                                                                   “Our immediate hope must be
        bust decade, where India would defi-                                                                  for the war to end - that would have
        nitely be one of the fastest continu-  main resilient in her meeting with   fective policy mix followed by India   the single most positive effect on the
        ingly growing economies,” she added.  Finance Minister Nirmala Sitha-  that was well targeted. She lauded In-  global recovery right now,” Geor-
            The  minister also referred  to   raman on Monday in Washington   dia for its contribution to the capaci-  gieva told reporters. The IMF chief
        the reforms done by the government   DC. Georgieva highlighted the re-  ty development activities of the IMF,  urged the international community
        including those before and in the sit-  silience of India which remains the   the Ministry added in the statement.  to do everything in their power o
        uation created by COVID-19. “GST   fastest-growing country across the   Explaining India’s policy ap-  help Ukraine and other countries
        (Goods and Services Tax) was done   globe despite challenges posed by   proach, Sitharaman mentioned that   that are affected by the current crisis.
        before the pandemic, equally, mea-  the COVID-19 pandemic.          an accommodative fiscal stance was   “The IMF has already provided
        sures for digitizing the Indian econo-  Sitharaman had a bilateral meet-  also accompanied by major structur-  USD 1.4 billion in emergency financ-
        my had been undertaken prior to the   ing with Georgieva on the sidelines   al reforms, including the bankruptcy   ing to Ukraine, and set up a special
        pandemic,” she said.              of  the  IMF-World  Bank  Spring   code and targeted help to MSME   account through which others can
            Even while the world faces eco-  Meetings. The Finance Minister and   and other vulnerable sections.  securely contribute,” she said.
        nomic challenges in the face of var-  the IMF MD were accompanied by    Sitharaman said that Mone-        Georgieva also noted that the
        ious waves of COVID-19 pandemic,  senior officials like Anantha V. Nag-  tary Authority fully supported and   IMF is working with other impacted
        the International Monetary Fund   eswaran, Chief Economic Advisor   complemented these efforts with an   countries, including Moldova, in or-
        (IMF) has praised India’s resilient   and Gita Gopinath, FDMD of IMF,  accommodative stance. India is en-  der to mitigate the negative effects of
        economy while underlining the struc-  said the Ministry of Finance in an of-  tering into new economic activities   the crisis that they are facing.
        tural reforms carried out by the gov-  ficial statement.            which will help resolve some of the   After the meetings conclude in
        ernment in the recent years.          During the meeting, they dis-  global supply chain issues, she added.  Washington, Sitharaman will head to
            Earlier, the IMF Managing Di-  cussed several issues currently being   Georgieva also praised India’s   San Francisco on April 24, where she
        rector Kristalina Georgieva lauded   faced by the global and the regional   vaccination programme and the help   will engage with business leaders and
        India’s well-targeted policy mix that   economies.                  extended to its neighbor and other   will also interact with the faculty and
        has helped the Indian economy re-     Georgieva also referred to an ef-  vulnerable economies. The IMF MD   students at Stanford University.

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