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SPORTS                                                                       APRIL 23, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          54

                                              usa crickeT:

                              can cricket capture

           the imagination in the usa?

          usa cricket —two terms                                                                                      for  the 2027 World Cup. The
           that do not go together,                                                                                   following year, Los Angeles
              But did you know:                                                                                       hosts cricket at the 2028 Olym-
                                                                                                                      pics. A few years later, say by
               he  first  international                                                                               2036, USA hosts a T20 World
               cricket match was played                                                                               Cup. Next thing you know, the
        Tbetween            the    United                                                                             MLC regularly starts attracting
        States of America and Canada                                                                                  international stars, spectators
        way back in 1844?                                                                                             increase, funding stabilizes and
            Cricket was played in the US                                                                              there you go, cricket established
        for several decades after inde-                                                                               in the American market within
        pendence with Philadelphia as                                                                                 10-15 years.
        its major center. Even George
        Washington  is said to have                        BroKen cricKet dreams                                       what is most likely going
        played a game of cricket at Val-                                                                                  to Happen: the major
        ley Forge.                                              NITESH MATHUR                                         league soccer (mls) model
            After  the  Civil  War,  popu-                                                                                The issue with the Afghan-
        larity declined and by the time                                          istan Model is it already was a
        World War  I ended, baseball                                                                                  cricket crazy nation. USA is not.
        & The World Series had taken  Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR)  ment with the best USA and in-                         The only template crick-
        over.                                and Trinbago Knight Riders  ternational talent, beginning in  et has for a new sport to mix
                                             (TKR) franchises, buys stake in  2022. According to the organiz- into the mainstream is soccer.
              the sleeping giant             Major League Cricket (MLC).         ers, “MLC is developing crick- After North American Soccer
            USA is the sleeping giant           Satya Nadella, Microsoft  eting infrastructure including  League in 1968, it took Team
        of world cricket. The North  CEO, has expressed interest  international quality stadiums,  USA 22 years to qualify for the
        American sports market has a  in investing in MLC. CEO of  elite youth academies, and  FIFA World Cup (1990), host-
        value of a whopping $71 billion  Adobe, CTOs of Facebook &  high-grade training facilities.”                  ed the 1994 World Cup, and fi-
        and is expected to rise around  Dropbox, and other high-pro-                 T20 leagues like the IPL  nally MLS began in 1996.
        $83 billion by 2023.                 file names have already pitched  have widened cricket’s popular-             Women’s Soccer started to
                                             in.                                 ity, and MLC has a similar po- take shape in the late-1980s
                let that sink in.               Ex-cricketers from other  tential in the USA.                         and won the 1999 World Cup,
            $20 Trillion economy, 330  nations  recruited.  Corey An-                                                 just 10 years later. It has taken
        million population, about 6 mil- derson (New Zealand), Sami                 what i wish to Happen:            a further 20 years for the sport
        lion immigrants from cricket  Aslam (Pakistan), Dane Piedt                   the afghanistan model            to come in the public eye.
        playing nations, and the gradual  (South  Africa), Narsingh De-              The Afghanistan Nation-              If cricket follows a similar
        decline of baseball, surely crick- onarine (West Indies) have re- al Cricket Team is well-known  model, the women USA team
        et in America is a possibility?      tired from their home countries  for its rapid rise. In a war-torn  will qualify by 2030, USA men’s
                                             and signed MLC deals, while  country, it became an Affiliate  cricket team will qualify for the
            recent developments              World Cup winner Liam Plun- Member in 2001. Rising from  2043 World Cup, and host the
            USA Cricket has been in  kett and South African expatri- Division  5,  they  qualified  for  2047 edition. By the team we
        the news for various reasons re- ates are targeted (since Kolpak  the T20 World Cup in 2010, be- hit  2050,  cricket  may  finally
        cently.                              deals expired).                     came an Associate Member in  come into the sports conversa-
            AirHogs Stadium, former                                              2013, a Full Member in 2017,  tion.
        minor league baseball stadium,           major league cricket            and have produced talents like           It may take a generation or
        in Grand Prairie, Texas is being        USA Cricket has partnered  Mohammad  Nabi  &  Rashid  two more for cricket to spread
        converted into a cricket stadi- with the American Cricket En- Khan.                                           to each city, grade level, and
        um. It has support from local  terprises (ACE), who invested                 In my ideal scenario, the  compete with American foot-
        authorities and USA cricket.         $1 billion in MLC.                  newly recruited international  ball, basketball, and baseball.
            Knight Riders group, the            The vision is to create a  cricketers help USA climb up                   The money is here, the au-
        owner of the highly successful  6-team world-class T20 tourna- the  ladder  in  qualification  bid  dience here. Let’s play.

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