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NATION                                                                  APRIL 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                       INDIA-RUSSIA RELATIONS

        Defense Minister explains India’s balancing

           act amid China’s growing threat in region

                  “Our policy is not of non-alignment but of multi-alignment”: Rajnath Singh

                                          on India’s relations with the US and Russia

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            crores by 2028-29.
                                                                                                                 “Defense exports of more  than
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              Rs 21,000 crores have taken place...
               efense  Minister  Rajnath                                                                      our target is even higher. But we are
               Singh on Thursday highlight-                                                                   confident  that  we  will  also  achieve
        Ded India’s ability to balance                                                                        that target. Till 2028-29, we want to
        its historically reliable and strategic                                                               take our export of defense items, to
        partnership with Russia while nurtur-                                                                 Rs 50,000 crores,” Singh told ANI.
        ing its growing relationship with the                                                                     He emphasized that the coun-
        US. In an interview, Rajnath Singh                                                                    try’s defense system has been in-
        said, “As of now, this balance is main-                                                               duced with a new energy by the
        tained. Our policy is not of non-align-                                                               Government, as per the vision of the
        ment but of multi-alignment and we                                                                    people of the country.
        can have good relations with anyone.                                                                      Further, on being asked if the
        Our relationship with Russia is good,                                                                 Indian Navy will increase its surveil-
        and so it is with America.”                                                                           lance  in the  Indian  Ocean  region
            This balanced stance is aimed                                                                     amid increasing Chinese ‘interest’ in
        at avoiding alienating Russia while                                                                   the region, the defense minister af-
        maintaining India’s commitment                                                                        firmed that the decision will be made
        to global principles. Notably, India                                                                  as per the situation. “Indian Navy is
        maintains a robust stance on global     Defense Minister Rajnath Singh at a public meeting in Bikaner on Sunday (ANI)  playing its role. If some specific situ-
        issues including the ongoing conflicts                                                                ation arises, we will make our deci-
        in Ukraine and Gaza.              purchase Russian oil under a price   brought  about  by  the  Government,   sions accordingly,” he said.
            Regarding the Russia-Ukraine   cap, despite pressure from Western   which is giving a new shape to In-  India believes in a free, open and
        conflict,  India  has  always  con-  countries.                     dia’s defense sector. He said that   rules-based Indo-Pacific region that
        demned civilian killings and called   Singh also highlighted promot-  India’s defense exports have risen to   promotes shared security and eco-
        for a peaceful resolution to the con-  ing ‘Aatmanirbharta’ in defense   Rs 21,000 crore and the central gov-  nomic development for the region as
        flict.  However,  it  has  continued  to   manufacturing as the biggest change   ernment aims to take it to Rs 50,000   well as for the global community.

                “We have stood up for Canadians”: Trudeau on Nijjar killing

                 anadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who testified at a public in-  government’s commitment to defending the rights and freedoms of Ca-
                 quiry looking into foreign interference in Canada’s electoral pro-  nadians.”
           Ccess said that his government was firm on the issue of protecting   “And the suggestion that we haven’t and we won’t do everything we
            Canadians, including addressing the killing of Khalistani extremist Hard-  can to defend Canadian rules and values and defend Canadians from for-
            eep Singh Nijjar, who was shot dead in Surrey last June.        eign interference is simply misplaced,” Trudeau is heard in a video of the
               During a hearing of the Foreign Interference Commission which is   inquiry proceedings shared by Canadian newspaper The Global and Mail.
            headed by Quebec judge Marie-Josee Hogue, Trudeau accused the pre-  “Our government has always stood up to defend minorities in Cana-
            vious Conservative government in the country of being “cosy” with the   da and the rights of minorities to speak out even if it irritates their home
            current Indian government.                                      countries overseas,” Trudeau said.
               Asked about foreign interference during the 2019 elections and re-  A briefing document from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service
            dacted parts in the 2019 annual report of the NSI, Trudeau said, “In a   (CSIS) says that China “clandestinely and deceptively” interfered in the
            public setting, I can’t speak to redactions made for national security. But   last two federal elections.
            I will say that the principle that anyone who comes to Canada from any-  In a classified February interview with the Commission of Inquiry,
            where in the world has all the rights of a Canadian to be free from extor-  Trudeau called it extremely damaging to the confidence of the people of
            tion, coercion, interference from a country that they left behind and how   Canada in the democratic process. A public summary of the interview was
            we have stood up for Canadians, including in the very serious case that I   revealed at the inquiry on Wednesday, where Trudeau testified at an open
            brought forward to Parliament of the killing of Nijjar, demonstrates our   hearing.

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