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ImmIGRATION                                                                  APRIL 16, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          40

                cOPing with deLayS Facing

             h-4 and L-2 SPOuSeS

        cyruS d. Mehta               months behind their  past to the U.S. Citizen- asked H-4 dependent re-                      Whether the H-4 is
        iSaBeL rajaBzadeh*           principal       applicants. ship and Immigration  lated questions below.                processed abroad or by
                                     Since most of the people  Services (USCIS) for an                                       the USCIS, it is always
            n March 2019, the  impacted by the delays  unrelated immigration                        traveling abroad         important to review the
            Trump administra- are H-4 spouses, we refer  benefit,  or  during  visa                 while H-4/L-2 is         expiration of the I-94.
        Ition implemented a  more to them than L-2s  consular processing.                       Pending and H-1B/L-1  The I-94 is attached to
        new biometrics require- although both face simi-              Nonetheless, spous-        principal has a valid       H-4 approval notices (I-
        ment for some employ- lar issues.                          es are losing their work                i-94              797) when H-4s are ap-
        ment-based and non-              Spousal     processing authorization and are               While consular posts  proved by the USCIS.
        immigrant dependents.        times are left estranged  also inhibited from trav- continue  to  operate  at  If the H-4 spouse either
        H-4 and L-2 dependents  with some H-4 exten- elling abroad while their  a  limited  capacity,  it  is  obtains their H-4 visa
        must complete biomet- sions taking over a year  H-4 extension requests  not always ideal to trav- stamp abroad or travels
        rics each time an exten- while the H-1B option  are  pending  because  of  el outside of the United  outside of the United
        sion of status is filed on  of 15-calendar-day pre- these illogical delays.             States in order to receive  States, the new I-94 will
        Form I-539.                  mium processing re-              There is no need for  an H-4 visa stamp. Still,  appear  on  the  Customs
            This      superfluous  mains in full effect. To  this Trump era senseless  we provide some guid- and                     Border     Protec-
        mandate, paired with  shed light on how absurd  H-4 and L-2 biometrics  ance below when travel  tion  (CBP)  I-94  portal,
        the already backlogged  these delays truly are,  requirement to remain  opportunities arise.                         which should always be
        queue due to Covid-19  it is crucial to note that  as it was part of the prior              The H-4 extension  reviewed upon entering
        processing delays, has re- most dependents have at  administration’s effort  request                can    remain the United States.
        sulted in dependent ex- one time or another pro- to thwart legal immi-                  pending even if the              Please      remember
        tensions being processed  vided biometrics in the  gration. The Biden ad- spouse leaves the United                   that while visas allow a
                                                                   ministration should not  States. The same is also  person to travel to a port
                                                                   only remove this imped- true with respect to the  of entry, the I-94 grants
                                                                   iment, but it should also  request  for  an  employ- the actual status and per-
                                                                   implement        premium ment authorization doc- mits the person to stay in
                                                                   processing of H-4 exten- ument (EAD) through  the United States. The
                                                                   sions and work authori- the filing of the I-765.          CBP has made mistakes
                                                                   zation (EAD) requests.           However, if an H-4  on I-94s in the past,
                                                                   We refer you to a prior  spouse leaves the United  which is why reviewing
                                                                   blog, “Work Authori- States  before  doing  his/ each I-94 is even more
                                                                   zation for H-4 Spouses:  her biometrics, and the  critical. If the CBP made
                                                                   The Experience Thus  USCIS issues a biomet- a mistake, correcting the
                                                                   Far” that discusses the  rics appointment, the  I-94 may be as simple as
                                                                   eligible requirement for  spouse  can  seek  post- contacting the CBP and
                                                                   EADs.  Since  Congress  ponement and complete  requesting the correc-
                                                                   authorized      additional the biometrics when he/ tion. The CBP may also
                                                                   premium processing last  she returns to the Unit- issue an I-94 date that
                                                                   year, which the USCIS  ed States.                         matches the validity pe-
                                                                   has not implemented              Travel during an ex- riod of the underlying
                      m of                                         yet, we urge the agency  tension request should  passport.
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          to act now.                  be distinguished from            Therefore, it is im-

                                                                                              This processing lim- travel during a request  portant to ensure that

                                                                   bo has caused much con- for change of status. If  the passport is renewed
                            fusion among the non- one departs the United  prior to travel abroad
                                                    
              ‚                                                     immigrant population.  States while the change  in order to avoid a mis-
                                                                   As litigation ensues over  of status to H-4 is pend- match in the I-94 validity
                                                                   the delays around the  ing, the underlying I-539  date and the H-4 visa, or
                                                                   country, we have out- application will get de- the H-1B approval no-
          2              6th Floor
                 lined some of our most  nied.                             tice.

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