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OPINION                                                                      APRIL 09, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          18

                        Reliance Group chairman Mukesh Ambani                           Public sector bank employees on strike against privatization

        pressurized the PSUs to pay  man  affirmed  that  all  the  an- ty CPSE Index made up of 11                   raised Rs.85,000 crore through
        more dividends. For example,  nounced disinvestment pro- PSU stocks from the energy,  disinvestment in 2018–19. The
        Modi government ordered  posals including the LIC IPO  metals,  financial  services  and  trend has continued and in-
        ONGC to pay Rs. 7764 crores  would be completed this fiscal.  industrials space. The Bharat  creasing. Ms. Nirmala Sithara-
        in 2016-17 and Rs. 8470 crores  She  had  first  made  the  mega  22 ETF, managed by ICICI  man has targeted Rs.1.75 lakh
        in 2017-18. LIC paid Rs. 2697  announcement of the IPO in  Prudential Mutual Fund, fea- crores from disinvestment  in
        crores during 2019-20 which  the last year’s budget.                     tures 22 companies drawn  her latest budget on February
        ideally belonged to policy hold-        However, the reserves of  from 11 different sectors, with  1, 2021. Apart from this, Modi
        ers as you never know when a  LIC belong to policy holders,  private  sector  firms  such  as  government  has  finalized  a
        calamity like COVID-19 can  and not to Modi government.  L&T and ITC thrown in. Then  plan even to monetize the land
        happen and require LIC to pay  But Modi government is simply  the Employees Provident Fund  and other assets of PSUs like
        large sums to relatives of the  bent upon robbing all and fill- Organization (EPFO), a stat- Air India and BSNL which
        deceased. For its policyholders,  ing the pockets of his cronies.  utory body under Ministry of  are located in most expensive
        LIC had reserved the remain- Previously, new PSU IPOs  Labor, was forced to invest  part of metropolitan cities
        ing surplus of Rs 51,257.12  have been launched in a such  workers’ money in CPSE ETF  by appointing Department of
        crores during the same period. senseless manner that they  and got returns of a pathetic  Investment and Public Asset
            The third disastrous policy  flopped  at  the  stock  market  1.89% while it has to pay 8.5%  Management (DIPAM) as the
        for PSUs had been that Modi  where market price per share  interest to the workers on their  executioner.
        government forces them to buy  sunk far below the issue price  EPF savings.                                      To conclude, we can say that
        back their own shares. Under  leading to heavy losses creat-                 The trade unions rightly  the ineptitude of Modi govern-
        such pressure of Modi govern- ing favorable conditions and  protested the EPFO’s decision  ment in managing a sound fis-
        ment, ONGC did a share buy- enough  justification  for  pri- well in advance. In all, using  cal policy having enough bud-
        back for Rs.4022 crore under  vate corporates to  grab  them  ETFs including that of Anil  getary sources of income, and
        which a percentage of govern- throwaway prices.                          Ambani, Modi Government  the greed of his cronies to pri-
        ment holdings were technical-           The  fifth  route  is  PSUs  raised Rs.48,325 crore though  vatize PSUs at throwaway pric-
        ly transferred to the company.  disinvestment through mutu- all ETFs.  The Department of  es, is taking the country in the
        The forced share buybacks  al funds and exchange traded  Investment and Public Asset  dangerous direction of bank-
        from  11  PSUs—Coal  India,  funds (ETFs). In disinvest- Management  (DIPAM) Joint  ruptcy, poverty, and inequality
        NTPC, NALCO, NMDC, NLC,  ment through the ETF route,  Secretary Venudhar Reddy  through stunted or even nega-
        BHEL, NHPC, NBCC, SJVN,  the government sells its equity  Nukala revealed that in 2018– tive GDP growth. Once the sale
        KIOCL, and even from a  holdings in select PSUs to a  19, LIC and PSBs were asked  of all PSUs has been complet-
        cash-strapped HAL—fetched  fund  company  which  runs  an  to invest `25.000 crore in ETFs  ed, even Modi’s cronies cannot
        Modi Government another  ETF mirroring a readymade  trading in PSU stocks. This is  survive under such calamitous
        `1,03,000 crore. Share buyback  index. After that the ETF sells  how Modi Government has  fiscal policy. Privatization with
        is nothing but another name of  units  in  this readymade  port- been sucking the PSUs dry,  the professed goal to achieve
        extracting cash dividend from  folio to thousands of public in- so  that  they  get  the  excuse  efficiency and wealth creation
        the unwilling PSUs.                  vestors to partly own the basket  of loss-making units to sell at  under such circumstances is
            The fourth route to drain  of PSU stocks being offloaded  throwaway prices to their cro- just a joke.
        PSUs of their cash is issue new  by the government. However,  nies.
        initial public offerings (IPOs).  the ETFs are run by Modi’s                 The sixth rout is outright        Views are personal and do not
        Presenting the Union Budget  cronies such as the CPSE ETF,  sale of  PSUs. Finance Min-                        reflect the editorial opinion of
        on February 1, 2021 Finance  managed by Reliance Nippon  ister Arun Jaitley had an-                            The Indian EYE Newsweekly
        Minister Nirma la Sithara- Mutual Fund, tracks the Nif- nounced                       that    government

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