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NATION                                                                  APRIL 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                                      TOP JUDICIARY

         Pressure on Courts? PM Modi and Congress

                   jump into row sparked by letter to CJI

              A group, according to the lawyers, is employing pressure tactics to influence judicial

              outcomes, particularly in cases involving political figures and corruption allegations

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi

           n an unprecedented develop-
           ment,  more  than  600  lawyers
        Ihave addressed a letter to Chief
        Justice of India (CJI) Justice Dhan-
        anjaya  Y  Chandrachud  ,  expressing
        serious concerns against the actions
        of a specific interest group aiming to
        undermine the judiciary’s integrity.
        The letter has been signed by prom-
        inent lawyers, including Swaroopama
        Chaturvedi,  Bar  Council  of  India’s
        Chairman  Manan  Kumar  Mishra,
        and Supreme Court Bar Association
        President Adish Aggarwala.
            This group, according to the law-
        yers, is employing pressure tactics to
        influence  judicial  outcomes,  particu-
        larly in cases involving political figures
        and corruption allegations. These
        actions, they argue, pose a significant             Chief Justice of India Justice DY Chandrachud at an event in Hyderabad on Wednesday (ANI)
        threat to the democratic fabric and
        the trust placed in judicial processes.
            The  lawyers  highlighted  several   The lawyers note the strategic   their selfish interests but desist from   Court declared them to be unconsti-
        concerning  methods,  including  the   timing of these tactics around election   any commitment towards the nation.   tutional - and it is now proved beyond
        propagation of false narratives about   periods,  drawing  parallels  to  similar   No wonder 140 crore Indians are re-  doubt that they were a blatant instru-
        a ‘golden era’ of the judiciary, aimed   activities in 2018-2019.   jecting them,” PM Modi posted on X.  ment of fear, blackmail, and intimida-
        at discrediting current proceedings   Senior members of the bar have    But Congress General Secretary   tion to force companies to donate to
        and  undermining  public  confidence   requested the Supreme Court to take   Jairam Ramesh on Thursday hit back   the BJP,” Ramesh posted on X.
        in the courts. The accusations include   protective measures against these at-  at  Prime  Minister  Narendra  Modi   “Instead of giving a legal guaran-
        ‘bench  fixing’,  disrespectful  compar-  tacks to maintain the judiciary’s integ-  after his criticism of the party over   tee  to  MSP,  the  Prime  Minister  has
        isons of domestic courts to those in   rity. The letter calls for a united stand   a lawyers’ letter to the Chief Justice   given a legal guarantee to corruption.
        lawless regimes, and direct attacks on   in support of the judiciary to ensure it   of India against a “vested interest   All that the Prime Minister has done
        judges’ honor.                    remains a strong pillar of democracy,   group,”  saying  the  PM’s  brazenness   in the last ten years is divide, distort,
            The letter accused that the tactics   urging decisive leadership in address-  in orchestrating an assault on the ju-  divert, and defame. 140 crore Indians
        employed by the interest group involve   ing these challenges.      diciary under the guise of defending it   are waiting to give him a befitting re-
        selective criticism or praise of court de-  The development took anoth-  is the “height of hypocrisy.”  ply very soon,” he added.
        cisions based on their political agenda,   er dramatic turn as reacting to the   Contesting PM Modi’s comment,   Congress  President  Mallikarjun
        described as a “My way or the high-  concerns  raised  by  over  600  lawyers   the Congress leader said that all the   Kharge  also  reacted  to  PM  Modi’s
        way”  approach.  Concerns  have  also   against  a  “vested  interest  group,”   Prime  Minister  has  done  in  the  last   remarks on Judiciary and said that it
        been  raised  about  political  flip-flop-  Prime  Minister  Narendra  Modi  on   ten  years  is  divide,  distort,  divert,   is not proper form for the PM to com-
        ping,  where  politicians  alternate  be-  Thursday took a dig at Congress and   and  defame.  “The  PM’s  brazenness   ment on our judiciary.
        tween accusing individuals of cor-  said that “to browbeat and bully oth-  in orchestrating and coordinating an   “Prime Minister Narendra Modi
        ruption and defending them in court.  ers is vintage Congress culture.”  attack on the judiciary, in the name of   you are obviously not aware, but it is
            The letter further highlighted, the   “To browbeat and bully others is   defending the judiciary, is the height   not proper form for the PM to com-
        use of underhanded tactics and the   vintage  Congress  culture.  5  decades   of hypocrisy! The Supreme Court has   ment  on  our  judiciary.  However,  as
        dissemination of false information to   ago itself they had called for a “com-  delivered body blows to him in recent   you consider India’s institutions to be
        influence  judicial  appointments  and   mitted  judiciary”  -  they  shamelessly   weeks. The Electoral Bonds Scheme   your personal property I have some
        outcomes.                         want commitment from others for   is but one example. The Supreme   questions for you,” Kharge stated.

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