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SPORTS                                                                MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 49

        head coach Stephen Fleming on                                                                         young Gill’s leadership skills saying
        Thursday revealed that CSK was hes-                                                                   he is blessed with a ‘cricketing brain’,
        itant to replace MS Dhoni.                                                                            which will help him to lead the fran-
            Ahead of the curtain-raiser of                                                                    chise in the upcoming edition of the
        IPL 2024 against Royal Challeng-                                                                      cash-rich domestic league.
        ers Bengaluru in Chennai, CSK an-
        nounced that opening batter Ruturaj                                                                   Calling Gill, who scored a cou-
        Gaikwad would take the captaincy
        baton from the 42-year-old. The                                                                       ple of centuris in a phenemonal
        announcement marked the end of                                                                        red-ball series against England
        Dhoni’s long reign at the helm of the
        CSK, during which he led Chennai to                                                                   at home, as a ‘world class’
        five IPL crowns.                                                                                      cricketer, the premier Kiwi bat-
            In IPL 2022, Dhoni handed over
        the captaincy to Jadeja. However, he                                                                  ter said he has already spent a
        returned to lead the franchise again                                                                  bit of time with the 24-year-old
        after just eight matches into the edi-
        tion.                                                                                                 off the field during the last edi-
            “The big thing about a couple                                                                     tion of the league and is ‘excit-
        of years ago was that we probably
        weren’t ready for MS [Dhoni] to                                                                       ed’ for the new season.
        move  aside and what that  did  was
        probably shake us as a leadership                                                                         “Firstly, he is a world class play-
        group or coaches into looking at the                                                                  er and has a really good cricketing
        possibility of when he does go and up                                                                 brain. I spent a bit of time with him
        until that stage that was almost un-                                                                  last year and is excited to play along-
        thinkable,”  Fleming  said  in  a  press                                                              side him again in this IPL season,”
        conference.                                                                                           Williamson said.
            Fleming  stated that Dhoni  had                                                                       Asked if he would share his lead-
        looked encouraging in practice                                                                        ership experience with the young
        matches leading up to the IPL and                                                                     batter  as he gets ready to  don the
        hoped he would not experience any                                                                     skipper’s hat at Gujarat Titans and
        fitness difficulties during the compe-                                                                lead  his  team  out  on  the  field,  the
        tition. The 42-year-old, who remains   Gujarat Titans’ Shubhman Gill plays a shot during the 1st qualifier match of Indian Premier   former New Zealand captain, who
        one of Indian cricket’s most admired   League 2023 against Chennai Super Kings, at MA Chidambaram Stadium, in Chennai  (ANI)  is  ranked  among  the  top  batters  in
        faces, enjoying fandom that rivals                                                                    world cricket today, said he would be
        that of some current stars, captained                                                                 ‘supporting’ Gill in ‘any and whatev-
        Chennai since the inaugural IPL sea-  DC confirmed the 26-year-old as   for India as well because he is a spe-  er way’ he would like.
        son in 2008, barring two years when   the captain of the franchise in an of-  cial talent, a special player,” Ganguly   Williamson  added  that  Gill
        the franchise was suspended from   ficial statement.                reflected.                        needs to be ‘authentic’ and back his
        the tournament over fixing charges.   “He has probably batted more in   Pant has represented DC since   batting and leadership abilities in the
                                          the last week than he has ever batted   2016 and scored 2,838 runs in 98   17th season of the IPL.
          “RISHABH WANTS TO GET           leading into most of the IPLs. I think   matches at an average of 34.61 and a   “I look  forward  to supporting
          BIT OF TRUST BACK IN HIS        from his point of view, he wants to get   strike rate of over 147, with a century   Shubman Gill in any way that I can
                                                                            and 15 fifties to his name.
                                                                                                              or whatever way that he would like.
                                          a bit of trust back in his body again.
           BODY AGAIN”: PONTING           He has been putting himself through   The star wicketkeeper-batter   But ultimately, its about Shubman
               elhi Capitals (DC) head    a few different paces and playing all   was reappointed as the captain of   being authentic to himself and back-
               coach Ricky Ponting revealed   the shots that he plays. He has been   Delhi Capitals earlier this week.  ing himself and I know that everyone
        Dthat after being sidelined for   great, and more importantly, he has   Ponting added that Pant exudes   would really support him with all that
        14 months, captain Rishabh Pant is   got a smile on his face, which is what   an infectious enthusiasm that draws   and look forward to doing that,” he
        putting extra effort into putting a bit   all we love to see,” Ponting said of   teammates to him.    added.
        of trust back in his body again as DC   Pant’s approach at the pre-season                                 Asked if the IPL 2024 would
        gear up for Indian Premier League   camp in an officials statement by DC.  WILLIAMSON HEAPS PRAISE    help all overseas stars to prepare for
        (IPL) 2024.                           Meanwhile, the Director of          ON SHUBMAN GILL             the upcoming T20 World Cup, which
            DC will open their IPL 2024   Cricket Sourav Ganguly shared some                                  would be co-hosted by the Caribbean
        campaign against Punjab Kings     insights on Pant’s readiness for the    head  of  his  debut  as  skipper   and the US, the 33-year-old said it
        (PBKS) at the Maharaja Yadavindra   upcoming season and said the wick-    of his IPL franchise and last   will be a ‘positive thing’ to be playing
        Singh International Cricket Stadium   et-keeper  batter had  gone through  Ayear’s runners-up Gujarat Ti-  the cash-rich league right ahead of
        in Chandigarh on Saturday.        an emotional roller-coaster during   tans, Indian batting prodigy Subhman   the premier world event but his focus
            The wicketkeeper-batter is mak-  his recovery journey.          Gill received glowing praise from   will be on the IPL.
        ing a return to professional cricket   “I’m surprised with the improve-  marquee teammate Kane William-   “I would not say the word prepa-
        after 14 months and has been a part   ments he has made. Hopefully, it’s a   son.                     ration. It’s nice that there’s a lot of
        of the Delhi Capitals pre-season   good season for him because he has   In a chat a day before the cur-  T20 cricket now. If you factor in the
        preparatory camp in Vizag. Pant   gone through a lot emotionally. It’s   tains go up on this year’s Indian   IPL and on the back of it, the T20
        suffered a near-fatal accident in De-  never easy when you go through that   Premier League, Williamson, who   World Cup,. So. I am sure all the
        cember 2022, resulting in a year-long   sort of injury. It will be great to see   carried the leadership mantle on   players involved would enjoy that...
        recuperation period and forcing him   him back not just for the Delhi Capi-  his sholduers for New Zealand for   So, that’s a positive thing but the fo-
        to miss last year’s IPL.          tals, but for the Delhi Ranji team and   a number of years, spoke highly of   cus is on the tournament,” he added.

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