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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MARCH 24, 2023 | The Indian Eye 22
Ratan N. Tata Awarded 2022 Hoover Medal
OUR BUREAU able; and N. R. Narayana Murthy,
the founder of Infosys, who was rec-
ognized for establishing a foundation
atan Naval Tata, prominent that forged outstanding improve-
engineer, entrepreneur, in- ments in health care, social rehabil-
Rdustrialist, and philanthropist itation, rural uplift, and education.
of India, has been awarded the 2022 Murthy provided one of the referenc-
Hoover Medal by a board represent- es for Tata’s nomination, saying “Mr.
ing five engineering organizations: Tata has successfully modernized a
the American Society of Mechanical philanthropic approach that empha-
Engineers (ASME); the American sizes knowledge- and research-based
Society of Civil Engineers; the Ameri- holistic solutions.”
can Institute of Mining, Metallurgical Tata was the chairman of Tata
and Petroleum Engineers; the Amer- Sons, the holding company of the
ican Institute of Chemical Engineers; Tata Group, from 1991 through 2012,
and the Institute of Electrical and when he was named chairman emeri-
Electronics Engineers. Established tus of Tata Sons, Tata Industries, Tata
in 1929, the medal commemorates Motors, Tata Steel and Tata Chemi-
the civic and humanitarian achieve- ASME Executive Director & CEO Tom Costabile presents the 2022 Hoover Medal to Ratan Tata cals. He was the chairman of the ma-
ment of engineers and is conferred jor Tata companies, including Tata
upon an engineer whose professional sented the gold medal to Tata. Na- Past recipients of the Hoover Motors, Tata Steel, Tata Consultan-
achievements and personal endeav- tarajan Chandrasekaran, chairman Medal include U.S. Presidents Her- cy Services, Tata Power, Tata Global
ors have advanced the well-being of of the board for the Tata Group, also bert Hoover, Dwight Eisenhower Beverages, Tata Chemicals, Indian
humankind. attended the event. and Jimmy Carter, Apple Founder Hotels and Tata Teleservices and
Tata was recognized as the 74th The board summarized its se- Steve Wozniak, Founder of HP Da- during his tenure, the group’s rev-
recipient of the Hoover Medal in a lection of Tata “for leading the Tata vid Packard, Moderna Co-Founder enues grew manifold, totaling over
private award ceremony in January Trusts that have helped millions of Robert Langer, Texas Instruments $100 billion in 2011-12. He is the
at Somerset House in Mumbai, In- under-privileged people directly or Co-Founder J. Erik Jonsson, and chairman of the Tata Trusts which are
dia. Ponisseril Somasundaran, Ph.D., indirectly through outstanding im- CEO of General Motors Alfred amongst India’s oldest, nonsectari-
chair of the Hoover Board of Award provements in education, medicine, Sloan. an philanthropic organizations that
and La von Duddleson Krumb Pro- and rural development and for chair- Two of the past recipients of the work in several areas of community
fessor in the Columbia University ing the Tata Group, an innovative Hoover Medal are from India: the development. He is also the chair-
School of Engineering and Applied company that provides products, late President of India A.P.J. Abdul man of the Council of Management
Science, and Thomas Costabile, ex- business consulting, and services in Kalam, who was honored for making of the Tata Institute of Fundamental
ecutive director/CEO of ASME pre- over 100 countries.” state-of-the-art healthcare afford- Research.
Towards Better Living
Wisdom from the life and talks of HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Throughout 2022, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha
presents a bi-monthly article series to help us
navigate our existence towards better living.
When: Every second & fourth
Friday of the month
This series is dedicated to Pramukh Swami Maharaj,
whose centennial in 2022 gives an occasion to celebrate
the life of a person who will inspire generations towards
goodness, happiness and harmony.