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SPORTS                                                                MARCH 22, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 48

        ing which is always gonna be special.                                                                 irritating as he had to do the same
        Malinga is like my brother from the                                                                   thing again and again.
        start and Boucher is been wonder-                                                                         “Firstly, the rehab is very irritat-
        ful. We will make sure that we will                                                                   ing I would say. In rehab, you have
        play a brand of cricket which all will                                                                to do the same thing again and again
        be proud of and at the same point                                                                     but at the same time, you have to do
        of time, that’s going to be a ride no                                                                 it because you don’t have any oth-
        one will forget,” the right-arm seam-                                                                 er choice. It’s boring. You have to
        er said in a video posted by Mumbai                                                                   do the same stuff and see the same
        Indians on X.                                                                                         people at the end of the day. But the
            The Baroda-born cricketer is                                                                      more boring you do the more better
        set to captain Mumbai Indians (MI),                                                                   you get,” Pant said in a video posted
        replacing their five-time Indian Pre-                                                                 by BCCI on Saturday.
        mier  League  (IPL)  trophy-winning                                                                       The southpaw further spoke
        skipper Rohit Sharma in the 2024                                                                      about the treatment that he got at the
        season of the cash-rich league.                                                                       National Cricket Academy (NCA) in
            In November last year, the                                                                        Bengaluru. He said that after a par-
        30-year-old player moved back                                                                         ticular  time,  a  person  starts  getting
        from Gujarat Titans (GT) to his for-                                                                  frustrated as he is fighting his injury
        mer franchise. The star all-rounder                                                                   for a long time.
        spent two momentous years with                                                                            “People around in NCA are very
        GT, spearheading their campaign in                                                                    welcoming all the’s easier
        the cash-rich league with aplomb. In                                                                  said than done I would say because
        GT’s debut season in 2022, Hardik                                                                     you are feeling frustrated and at the
        got them off to a fairytale start, with                                                               same time they take it in a good sense
        the team lifting the coveted trophy.                                                                  as I was going through a tough time.
                                                                                                              Everyone wants you to recover but
         Rinku making good decisions:                                                                         at the same time, you are not in the
                 Eoin Morgan                                                                                  same mood. You get frustrated when
                                                                                                              you are injured for a long time,” the
              ngland’s World Cup-winning                                                                      Delhi-born cricketer asserted.
              skipper Eoin Morgan lauded                                                                          “The  people  of  NCA  are  sup-
        EIndia batter Rinku Singh for                                                                         portive. I asked them instead of stay-
        his finishing abilities, saying that he is                                                            ing in a hotel, can I stay in a house
        making a “lot of good decisions”.                                                                     because I used to wake up late in the
            Rinku will be seen in action                                                                      morning. It took me time to adjust to
        for  Kolkata  Knight  Riders  (KKR)                                                                   it and they were very welcoming to it
        during the Indian Premier League                                                                      that don’t worry, we will do the ses-
        (IPL) this year, starting from March                                                                  sion in the second half,” the wicket-
        22.                                                                                                   keeper-batter stated.
            Ahead of  the  IPL  2024  which                                                                       The wicketkeeper-batter said
        begins on March 22, in an episode of                                                                  BCCI supported him throughout his
        Legends Lounge on JioCinema, IPL                                                                      recovery.
        experts Anil Kumble, Mike Hesson,                                                                         “Great support from BCCI over-
        Eoin Morgan and Robin Uthap-                                                                          all, I would say. Whatever I needed,
        pa spoke about the emerging stars                                                                     they tried to give me. I am thankful
        of IPL and Indian cricket. The IPL                                                                    for the support I got all over and
        2024 will be aired live exclusively on                                                                really appreciate that. I think really
        JioCinema.                                               Rinku Singh in full flow (ANI)               confident  getting  back  to  the  field
            Eoin Morgan, JioCinema IPL                                                                        and it’s been amazing because I feel
        expert, on Rinku Singh’s role as a                                                                    so happy when I go out to the ground
        finisher,  said,  “I  was  in  the  KKR   role he plays for KKR and India and   “I love cricket more now...”:   each and every day. I think the love
        squad  with  him  from  2020 to  2022.   the opportunities that he has got, it   Rishabh Pant         for cricket has gone up rather than
        You sit back and admire the work   has been extremely difficult to come                               going down and I love cricket more
        ethic over everything, combined with   in at number six or number seven    elhi  Capitals  skipper  Rish-  now,” the 26-year-old said.
        his attitude. It’s a role that can be   and win a game for your team. That,   abh Pant has said his love   BCCI  took  to  their  official  so-
        very unforgiving at times. You have   to me, is special. There are quite a  Dfor cricket has gone up after   cial  media  handle  and  wrote,  “The
        to be concise and calm but also have   few. Sai Sudharsan was very impres-  his recovery from injuries suffered   Greatest Comeback Story. In Part 2
        to pick your time and match up to   sive. I think he is someone who can   during a car accident and that he feels   of the #MiracleMan, we bring you
        accelerate the run rate. Right now,   play all three formats. He has the   happy on being able to the ground ev-  insights from @RishabhPant17’s
        Rinku Singh is making a lot of good   technique and the ability. I would   ery day.                   road to recovery, where determi-
        decisions.”                       like to see more wrist spinners com-  The noted wicketkeeper-batter   nation and perseverance ultimately
            Anil Kumble, on youngsters who   ing through,” said Kumble.     missed the IPL 2023 after suffering   triumph. From intense rehabilitation
        could become future stars, said that   Rinku was the ninth-leading   multiple injuries in a horrific car acci-  sessions, training regime, and nutri-
        Rinku is going to be extremely spe-  run-scorer last year, scoring 474 runs   dent on December 30, 2022. He will   tion - the coaches at the National
        cial.                             in 14 matches at an average of 59.25   take  part  in  this  year’s  Indian  Pre-  Cricket Academy take us deeper
            “Rinku Singh is someone who is   and a strike rate of almost 150, with   mier League.             into this inspiring journey - by @Ra-
        going to be really special. With the   four fifties.                    He admitted that the rehab was   jalArora & @Moulinparikh.”

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