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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah MARCH 22, 2024 | The Indian Eye 40
Negative Thoughts vs Positive thought
How do they affect our lives, our emotions, and our overall well-being?
Hirav Shah
n the battle of the mind, negative
thoughts and positive thoughts are
Iconstantly vying for dominance. It’s important to note that negative and positive thoughts are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they often coexist in our minds and can influence each other
With every passing moment, we have
a choice - to succumb to the darkness pessimistic. They are characterized plishments that we’re overlooking? ity by seeking out uplifting media,
of negativity or to embrace the light of by a focus on what’s wrong, what’s • Second technique is to reframe the spending time with positive people,
positivity. But what truly differentiates missing, and what’s lacking. These negative thought in a positive light. and engaging in activities that bring
these two types of thoughts? thoughts tend to be automatic and For example, if we have a thought us joy and fulfillment. When we sur-
habitual, and they can be triggered like “I’m not good enough,” we can round ourselves with positivity, it
The power of our thoughts cannot be by a variety of factors, including reframe it as “I’m doing the best I becomes easier to cultivate positive
underestimated. stress, fear, and uncertainty. can, and that’s enough.” This can thoughts.
• Negative thoughts have a way of What are Positive thoughts? help us shift our focus towards Conclusion: Embracing positivity for a
creeping in, clouding our judgment • Positive thoughts, on the other what’s working and what’s possible.
and sapping our energy. They can hand, are those that are self-af- • Third Technique: It’s also helpful to healthier mindset
lead to self-doubt, anxiety, and even firming, self-encouraging, and op- practice self-compassion when we’re • Negative thoughts can have a pro-
depression. timistic. They are characterized by experiencing negative thoughts. In- found impact on our mental and
• On the other hand, positive thoughts a focus on what’s possible, what’s stead of beating ourselves up, we physical health.
have the ability to uplift us, motivate working, and what’s good. These can offer ourselves kindness and • When we constantly dwell on neg-
us, and propel us forward. They can thoughts tend to be intentional and understanding. We can remind ative thoughts, our brain releases
boost our self-confidence, improve deliberate, and they can be cultivat- ourselves that everyone experienc- stress hormones such as cortisol,
our relationships, and attract abun- ed through practice and repetition. es negative thoughts, and that it’s which can lead to a variety of health
dance into our lives. • It’s important to note that negative okay to feel the way we’re feeling. problems.
• In this article, we will explore the and positive thoughts are not mutu- 3 Techniques to cultivate positive • Studies have shown that chronic
stark contrast between negative ally exclusive. In fact, they often co- stress caused by negative thinking
thoughts and positive thoughts. We exist in our minds and can influence thoughts can weaken the immune system, in-
will delve into the science behind each other. The key is to recognize • Cultivating positive thoughts re- crease the risk of heart disease, and
their impact on our mental and when negative thoughts are taking quires intentional effort and practice. even impair cognitive function.
physical health, as well as provide over and to consciously shift our fo- • First technique is to practice grat- • Furthermore, negative thoughts can
practical tips on how to cultivate a cus towards positivity. itude by focusing on what we’re create a feedback loop in our brains.
positive mindset. thankful for in our lives. This can • The more we focus on negative
• So, if you’re ready to transform your 3 Techniques for challenging negative help us shift our focus towards thoughts, the more our brain be-
thinking and unlock the incredible thoughts what’s good and what’s working. comes wired to think negatively.
power of positivity, read on. Your • Challenging negative thoughts can • Second technique is to practice • This can make it increasingly dif-
journey towards a brighter, more be a powerful way to shift our mind- mindfulness by staying present in ficult to break free from negative
fulfilling life starts here. set towards positivity. the moment and observing our thought patterns and can perpetu-
• First technique is to identify the neg- thoughts without judgment. This ate a cycle of negativity in our lives.
Understanding negative thoughts and ative thought and ask ourselves if it’s can help us become more aware of
positive thoughts really true. For example, if we have our thought patterns and take con- The writer is a well known Business
What are Negative thoughts? a thought like “I’m a failure,” we scious steps towards positivity. Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
• Negative thoughts are those that can ask ourselves if that’s really true. • Third Technique: It’s also helpful and BestSelling Author.
are self-defeating, self-critical, and Are there any successes or accom- to surround ourselves with positiv- [email protected]