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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MARCH 22, 2024 | The Indian Eye 26
Gandhian Society and NYC move forward
on Gandhi Museum in the city
OUR BUREAU Commissioner for International Affairs Edward
Mermelstein, and Deputy Commissioner for Inter-
New York, NY
national Affairs Dilip Chauhan, were enthusiastic
andhi Museum in New York City Moves about the proposal. Deputy Commissioner Murray
Forward Following a productive meeting provided valuable insights into the procedures for
Gbetween the Gandhian Society and New establishing such a venture in NYC.
York City (NYC) officials late last year on Decem- Commissioner Cumbo expressed her excite-
ber 15, discussions regarding a potential Gandhi ment and offered guidance on potential collabo-
Museum in NYC took a significant step forward. rations with other organizations and city agencies.
A virtual meeting was held where Deputy She also extended an invitation to Mr. Mathuria to
Commissioner of international affairs Dilip Chau- visit NYC for further discussions and site visits to
han introduced and welcomed all the participants. similar cultural institutions.
Mr. Nitin Mathuria, representing the Aditya Bir- Commissioner Mermelstein highlighted suc-
la Group (ABG) of companies, presented details cessful past projects where NYC played a facilitat-
about ABG’s global presence and their commit- ing role.
ment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Building on this positive momentum, an
initiatives. He then introduced the Eternal Gandhi in-person meeting is now planned for April 2024
Project, an ABG initiative focused on establishing between the Gandhian Society, ABG representa-
museums worldwide to showcase the life and leg- tives, and NYC officials. This meeting will focus on
acy of Mahatma Gandhi. Mr. Mathuria expressed developing a concrete action plan for establishing
ABG’s strong interest in partnering with NYC to the Gandhi Museum in New York City.
bring a museum to the city. The meeting was attended by Bhadra Butala,
The NYC representatives, including Commis- Gandhian Society Founder Bhadra Butala presenting a Mo- founder of Gandhian Society, Mahesh Wani, Sec-
sioner of Cultural Affairs Laurie Cumbo, Deputy mento to Dilip Chauhan retary of Gandhian Society, Brijesh Kachalia and
Commissioner of Cultural Affairs Alton Murray, Sravan Natakala, directors of Gandhian Society.
IAF announces 26th Dushahra Festival on October 5
Edison, NJ
ndo-American Festivals, Inc
(IAF) is thrilled to announce the
Ieagerly anticipated 26th annual
Dushahra Festival, set to take place
on Saturday, October 5, 2024, at Lake
Papaianni Park in Edison, NJ. In the
event of inclement weather, the rain
date is scheduled for October 12, 2024.
Since its inception, the Dushah-
ra Festival has captivated audiences
with its vibrant celebration of the tri-
umph of good over evil. Drawing on
rich cultural traditions, the festival
has become a cornerstone event in
the Indo-American community, at-
tracting tens of thousands of attend-
ees each year. The festival also boasts a bustling foot effigy of Ravana, accompanied
Guests can look forward to an marketplace, featuring local and in- by a dazzling fireworks display.
array of festivities, including the icon- ternational vendors offering unique The success of the Dushahra
ic Grand Ramleela, showcasing the products and services. Attendees can Festival is made possible through
timeless tale of Lord Rama’s victory explore a variety of goods, from tra- the generous support of Middlesex
over the demon king Ravana. Mes- ditional handicrafts to modern inno- County and the Township of Edi- of charge to the public.
merizing cultural performances will vations. son. The Middlesex County Board Indo-American Festivals, Inc. is a
enchant audiences, while a diverse As the day draws to a close, spec- of County Commissioners provides a non-profit 501(c)(3) volunteer-based
selection of ethnic food and delica- tators will gather for the spectacular significant grant to IAF, enabling the organization dedicated to serving the
cies will tantalize taste buds. finale: the burning of a towering 25- organization to offer this event free community since 1999.