Page 38 - The Indian EYE 031822
P. 38

BUSINESS EYE                                                           MARCH 18, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 38

                                 oiL iS not WeLL:

           india faces challenge as prices surge

         amid war in ukraine and uS sanctions

                           Cairn Oil & Gas, a unit of Vedanta, to spend as much

         as $4 billion over the next three years to more than triple its production, as

                                        high prices make investments attractive

                                                                                                                  India’s biggest non-state pro-
        OuR BuREAu
                                                                                                              ducer, controlled by billionaire Anil
        New York/Mumbai                                                                                       Agarwal,  plans  to  drill  more  wells
                                                                                                              to explore new oil and gas reserves
               lobal oil prices, as indicated                                                                 across its 51 blocks in the country,
               by the London-traded bench-
        gmark Brent, are expected                                                                             Prachur Sah, deputy chief executive
                                                                                                              officer of Cairn, said in an interview
        to average $117 per barrel by end-                                                                    to Bloomberg TV on Friday. “Our
        March or 30% more than the forecast                                                                   target is to reach half a million pro-
        for last month, the US Energy Infor-                                                                  duction in a very short time by doing
        mation  Administration  (EIA)  said                                                                   these investments,” he said.
        on Tuesday as Western sanctions on                                                                       “This investment is not just a
        Russia boosted prices.
                                                                                                              number, but we have projects in line.
        “We expect the brent price will                                                                       We are looking at exploration heav-
                                                                                                              ily over the next few years to get to
        average $117/b in  march...                                                                           these levels.”
                                                                                                                  Cairn’s plan stands out com-
        and $102/b in the second half                                                                         pared to producers around the world,
        of 2022,” the eia said. it had           India is an importer of oil and the increase in energy prices is going to have    most of whom are staying away from
                                                               a negative impact on the economy
        previously  forecast  $90  per                                                                        committing investments in oil and
                                                                                                              gas and which is leading to a sharp
        barrel for february.              have a negative impact on its econ-   Georgieva said, “Clearly the   increase in prices as rebounding de-
                                          omy, said Kristalina Georgieva, the   most significant channel of impact on   mand outstrips supply.
            The United States and its allies   managing director of the Interna-  the Indian economy is energy prices.”  That’s impacting import-depen-
        have imposed comprehensive sanc-  tional Monetary Fund. During a me-    India is an importer and the   dent nations such as India, which
        tions against Russia in response to its   dia roundtable on Thursday on the   increase in energy prices is going   meets 85% of its oil needs through
        special military operation in Ukraine.  Russian invasion of Ukraine and its   to have a negative impact, she said,  overseas purchases, and prompting
        The sanctions have slowed but not   global impact, Gita Gopinath, who   adding, “India has been very good in   the government to push explorers to
        entirely eliminated the ability of Rus-  is the first deputy managing director   managing its finances.”  expand their oil hunt.
        sian exporters of oil and gas to trans-  of  the  IMF,  observed  that  the  war   She stressed that there are some   The company produces a quarter
        act deals that require world financial   has posed a challenge to economies   fiscal  spaces  to  be  able  to  respond   of India’s overall oil production and
        networks and especially dollars.  around the world, including India.  to the challenge. “Our advice to our   aims to raise the contribution to 50%
            The United States also an-       “India relies heavily on energy   members is first and foremost make   of the country’s total output, accord-
        nounced on Tuesday that it was uni-  imports and the price is going up.  sure that you protect the most vul-  ing to its website. Cairn’s average
        laterally banning imports of Russian   That has implications on the pur-  nerable  populations  from  the  shot   production was at 159,000 barrels of
        oil,  with  President  Joe  Biden  ac-  chasing power of Indian households.   up of prices, not only energy but also   oil equivalent during three months
        knowledging that Europe may not      “If you’re looking at headline in-  foot food prices for countries where   that ended December 31.
        be ready yet to join America in this   flation numbers, inflation in India is   this is going to be a significant factor,”   The company has invested
        direction due to the bloc’s heavy reli-  close to around six per cent, which is   the IMF managing director said.  about $2.5 billion in the past three
        ance on Russian gas supplies.     the upper end of the inflation band   Meanwhile, Cairn Oil & Gas, a   years  when  big  producers  around
            It is having an impact on India   for the Reserve Bank of India,” Go-  unit of Vedanta, will spend as much   the  world  withheld  spendings  after
        too.                              pinath said. This has implications on   as $4 billion over the next three years   oil prices fell. Cairn has made a few
            India has been very good at   the monetary policy in the country   to more than triple its production, as   oil and gas discoveries recently, and
        managing its finances but the surge   and it is a challenge in many parts of   high prices make investments attrac-  expects to strike more as it steps up
        in global energy prices is going to   the world, not just India, she said.  tive.                     exploration.

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