Page 16 - The Indian EYE 031822
P. 16

OpINION                                                                MARCH 18, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 16

        of the Supreme National Security                                                                      Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. In the
        Council, Ali Shamkhani tweeted that                                                                       In addition to the geopolitical
        Iran is selling its oil and getting its                                                               and geoeconomics convergences and
        money, something that has become                                                                      challenges facing Iran and Russia in
        ‘irreversible’ and therefore the US                                                                   the Eurasia,  strengthening of  Iran–
        cannot use its sanctions as leverage                                                                  Russia bilateral relations and its re-
        any more. The success of such alter-                                                                  gional dimension is also facilitated by
        native financial and banking mecha-                                                                   the inter-factional struggle for power
        nisms is crucial to conservative Raisi                                                                in Iran which has for now settled in
        administration’s narrative of ‘active                                                                 favor of Iran’s conservatives. When
        resistance’, namely that Western                                                                      Raisi’s predecessor Rouhani pursued
        sanctions can be rendered ineffective                                                                 the Western-vector of Iran’s foreign
        through partnership with non-West-                                                                    policy with the overarching goal of
        ern powers.                                                                                           normalizing Iran’s international rela-
            At the SCO  summit  in  Sep-                                                                      tions and integrate it with the global
        tember 2021, President Raisi pro-                                                                     economy, the conservatives sought
        jected  Iran  as  the  link  between  the                                                             discrediting them ideologically as
        three key infrastructure projects in                                                                  ‘Westerners’ and ‘liberals’. However,
        Eurasia—the Eurasian Economic                                                                         with the failure of moderates’ West-
        Union, China’s Belt and Road Initia-                                                                  ern outreach in the aftermath of the
        tive and the North–South Corridor.                                                                    US withdrawal from the JCPOA, the
        He said, “Iran is the link between the                                                                conservatives have seized the initia-
        above three infrastructure projects.                                                                  tive in consolidating the Eastern di-
        Iran could be the connecting link                                                                     mension of Iran’s foreign policy. For
        between South and North Eurasia                                                                       conservatives now in power, a long-
        through the North-South Corridor,   India External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar meets Iran President Ebrahim Raisi and handed   term partnership with Russia can
        connecting Central Asia and Russia                                                                    contribute to stability and security
        to India.  The north-south corridor   over a personal message from Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Tehran last year (ANI Photo)  in their shared neighborhood, bring
        can strengthen the convergence in-                                                                    geoeconomics opportunities and also
        frastructure in the form of the ‘Great   build a transit road on the Armenian   in October 2019.      weaken  the  influence  of  moderates
        Eurasia’”. Moscow, for its part, has   soil, and quickly launched six Cas-  Iran turned to regionalism in the   and reformists who have supported
        come to see Iran as a geographically,   pian Sea shipping lines from north-  wake of the changes in the post-Cold   the cause of economic reforms that
        economically and politically import-  ern ports of Iran to Russian ports of   War international system, when the   will  jeopardize  the  economic  dom-
        ant country located at the southern   Astrakhan and Makhachkala as well   possibility  of  balance  between  su-  inance of the Islamic Revolution
        periphery  of its  “near  abroad”  and   as the port of Aktau in Kazakhstan.   perpowers in the bipolar system was   Guards Corps (IRGC) and other pa-
        shares Iran’s interests in promot-  Two more lines are to be added by   suddenly removed and the pursuit   ra-governmental foundations (bon-
        ing  north–south  connectivity.  Since   the end of current Iranian financial   of regional cooperation therefore,   yads) in order to make way for a pro-
        2016, Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia   year on 20 March.               became a geostrategic imperative.   ductive private sector.
        have had a tripartite mechanism       To realize its transit potential,   Iran, has therefore pursued a prag-  Notwithstanding Tehran’s push
        to cooperate on developing transit   Tehran  needs  financing  to  renovate   matic and a Russia-centric policy   for ever-growing partnership with
        and transport infrastructure of the   its infrastructure and manage its com-  in post-Soviet Central Asia and the   Moscow, Raisi administration has re-
        North–South transport corridor on   petition with Baku, which is rapidly   Caucasus from mediating alongside   iterated its “strategy of balancing for-
        the western coast of the Caspian   constructing transport infrastructure   Moscow in the Tajik Civil War in   eign relations” on multiple occasions.
        Sea among other common areas of   in the territories it recently liberated   1990s, to considering Russian ‘count-  Such declarations at once seek to avoid
        shared concerns. The integration of   from Armenia. Given Russia’s transit   er-terrorism’ operations in Chechnya   domestic criticism of overreliance on
        the three countries’ railways will en-  potential is undermined by the emer-  in the 1990s and 2000s as an ‘internal   one power and at the same time try to
        hance their transit capacities, while   gence of new Trans-Caucasus, East–  matter’ of Russia. While Chechen   increase Iran’s bargaining power at a
        promoting trans-continental trade   West routes connecting China and   experience shaped Russian under-  time when its economy is fragile and
        in Eurasia. Still, transport and tran-  Central Asia to Europe, both Iran   standing of threat posed by ‘radical   its international position uncertain.
        sit infrastructure has developed at   and Russia have interest in expedit-  Islam’ to regional stability and ter-  Dr Deepika Saraswat is an Associate
        a modest pace and new geopolitical   ing the work on the north–south cor-  ritorial integrity of Russia, Iran also   Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar Insti-
        realities following Azerbaijan’s vic-  ridor. Furthermore, as negotiations   feels threatened by the spread of an-  tute for Defense Studies and Analyses
        tory in the Second Karabakh War in   are underway for a full-fledged free   ti-Iranian Sunni ‘radical Islam’. This
        2020 have thrown up new challenges.   trade agreement between Iran and   convergence culminated into Rus-  Views expressed are of the author and
        For instance, late last year Iran was   the  EAEU,  a  reliable  land  transit   sia–Iran counter-terrorism partner-  do not necessarily reflect the views of
        forced to look for alternative transit   across the Caucasus is crucial. Raisi’s   ship in Syria.      the Manohar Parrrikar IDSA or of the
        routes to Armenia, a member of the   Minister for Finance and Economic   The Russia–Iran geopolitical        Government of India.
        EAEU, and Russia, after Baku im-  Affairs Ehsan Khandouzi, who was   convergence in the Caucasus–Caspi-  Views expressed are of the author and
        posed custom duty on Iranian trucks   part of ministerial delegation to Rus-  an region and Central Asia is based   do not necessarily reflect the views of
        travelling via Goris-Kapan highway,   sia, noted that Moscow has finalized   on their shared opposition to the   the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        a segment of 400 km road network   previously agreed US$ 5 billion cred-  NATO expansion, popular unrest     Government of India.
        running from Norduz on Iran–Arme-  it line for the completion of three   against region’s autocratic leaders as
        nia border to Yerevan and on to Rus-  power plant projects and finance the   Western-backed ‘color revolutions’   This is the abridged version of the
        sia. Goris-Kapan highway straddles   Rasht-Astara railway line and electri-  and their shared belief that region-  article which appeared first in the
        disputed sections of Armenia–Azer-  fication between Garmsar in south-  al powers should shape the securi-  Comment section of the website (www.
        baijan border or falls into territory   west of Tehran to Incheh-Borun on   ty architecture in Eurasia. Moscow of Manohar Parrikar Institute
        recently liberated by Azerbaijan. As   Iran–Turkmenistan  border,  a  flag-  considers Iran’s participation as nec-  for Defense Studies and Analyses, New
        an alternative, Iran has committed to   ship project Russia had abandoned   essary  in  settling regional crises  in   Delhi on March 4, 2022

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