Page 8 - The Indian EYE 031221
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NATION                                                                     MARCH 12, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          8

          frOm afghanistan tO indO-Pacific,

                 Biden set tO engage with india

             The leaders of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue to hold a teleconference as early as mid-

                                            March, with focus on growing influence of China

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    gion. Biden has spoken to each
                                                                                                                      leader individually, but putting
        New Delhi                                                                                                     them together gives an early

                 S State Secretary Ant-                                                                               boost to the burgeoning group,
                 ony Blinken has written                                                                              which  some  have  suggested
        Uto Afghan President                                                                                          could grow into an Asian version
        Ashraf Ghani proposing a United                                                                               of North Atlantic Treaty Organi-
        Nations-facilitated peace confer-                                                                             zation (NATO), Axios reported.
        ence with representatives of six                                                                                  Earlier in February, Biden
        countries including India to dis-                                                                             had spoken to Prime Minister Na-
        cuss a “unified approach to sup-       United States Special Representative for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad   rendra Modi, in which the White
        porting peace in  Afghanistan”.       and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Taliban group’s top political leader sign-  House  said  the  leaders  would
            In the letter sent to Ghani on    ing a peace agreement between Taliban and U.S., in Doha last year (ANI)  work toward “a stronger regional
        Sunday, Blinken said that Turkey                                                                              architecture through the Quad.”
        will be approached to host a se-                                                                                  Last  month,  Secretary  of
        nior-level meeting of both sides                                                                              State Antony Blinken joined a
        in the coming weeks to finalise                                                                               virtual summit of Quad foreign
        a peace agreement. According                                                                                  ministers. They offered a veiled
        to the letter published by TOLO                                                                               criticism of China by pledging “to
        News,  the  UN  should  convene                                                                               strongly oppose unilateral and
        a meeting of foreign ministers                                                                                forceful attempts to change the
        and envoys from Russia, China,                                                                                status quo in the context of the
        Pakistan, Iran, India and the US                                                                              East and the South China Sea.”
        to discuss a unified approach to       External Affairs Minister Dr. S Jaishankar at QUAD Ministerial Consulta-   Meanwhile, the White House
        supporting peace in Afghanistan.                               tions, in Tokyo (ANI)                          declined to confirm the upcom-
            It further said that US envoy                                                                             ing meeting.
        Zalmay Khalilzad should share  this letter,” he added.                   Joe  Biden,  Australian  Prime           The Quad, a security dia-
        with  President  Ghani  and  the        Last year in February, then  Minister Scott Morrison and  logue among four of the region’s
        Taliban  leaders  written  propos- US President Donald Trump and  Indian  Prime  Minister  Naren- biggest democracies, was first es-
        als “aimed at accelerating discus- the Taliban had signed an agree- dra  Modi are also expected to  tablished in 2007. It quickly lost
        sions on a negotiated settlement  ment that calls for a full US with- discuss the fair distribution of  its lustre, in part because Austra-
        and  ceasefire.  These  proposals  drawal from Afghanistan if the  COVID-19 vaccines and efforts  lia  and  India  were  reluctant  to
        reflect some of the ideas includ- terror group upholds counter- to tackle climate change, the  take any action that might antag-
        ed in the roadmap for the peace  terrorism commitments such as  sources said. It would be the first  onize China.
        process”.                            denying safe haven to al Qaeda. summit  involving  members  of               The Trump administration
            While concluding his letter,        Since the deal was signed, the  Quad, a framework that was ini- embraced the Quad concept, as
        Blinken said,  “We are  consid- Taliban has stepped up attacks  tially formed in response to the  the  four  countries  grew  more
        ering the full withdrawal of our  against  Afghan  forces,  which  2004  Indian  Ocean  earthquake  comfortable coordinating their
        forces by May 1, as we consider  US  officials  have  repeatedly  and tsunami but now mainly fo- security postures and more con-
        other option”.                       condemned as threatening the  cuses on regional security, the  cerned about China’s rise.
            “Even with the continuation  peace process.                          report said.                             One month before the 2020
        of financial assistance from the        In another important de-             The  US President  had spo- election, then-Secretary of State
        United States to your forces af- velopment,  the leaders  of  the  ken to PM Narendra Modi in  Mike Pompeo flew to a summit
        ter  an  American  military  with- Quadrilateral Security Dialogue  February  in  which  the  White  in South Korea to rail against
        drawal, I am concerned that the  (Quad) countries -- Japan, Unit- House  said  the  leaders  would  China’s “exploitation, corruption
        security situation will worsen and  ed States, Australia and India  work toward “a stronger regional  and coercion,” reported Axios.
        that the Taliban could make rap- -- plan to hold a teleconference  architecture through the Quad.”                Earlier, President Obama
        id territorial gains,” he said.      as early as mid-March, Kyodo            By putting a Quad meeting  implemented the “Pivot to
            “I am making  this clear to  News reported citing sources as  on the president’s schedule, the  Asia,” complementing the Unit-
        you so that you understand the  saying on Friday (local time).           White House is signalling the  ed States’ traditional focus on
        urgency of my tone regarding            Japanese Prime Minister  importance of partnerships and  European  alliances  with  new
        the  collective  work  outlined  in  Yoshihide Suga, US President  alliances in the Indo-Pacific re- ones in the Pacific region.

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