Page 18 - The Indian EYE 031221
P. 18

OPINION                                                                    MARCH 12, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          18

        Jihadist radicalisation in tamil nadu

         The Tamil-Muslim mistrust in Sri Lanka has spilled over into Tamil Nadu. About 72,000 Muslims from

                       Sri Lanka’s Northern Province were forcibly expelled by the LTTE in October 1990

                                                                                                                      for distributing jihadi literature
        mathew sinu simOn                                                                                             and radicalising Usmal Ali, who
                                                                                                                      joined ISIS in Syria. The ISIS’
              he  incidence  of  jihadist
              radicalisation in India,                                                                                media wing, Al Isabah, had in
       Tacross all its states, remains                                                                                the past also released speeches
                                                                                                                      of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi in the
        remarkably  low  when  com-                                                                                   Tamil language.
        pared to West Asia, Africa and                                                                                   The Tamil-Muslim mistrust
        even Europe. Of the 177 ISIS                                                                                  in Sri Lanka has spilled over into
        sympathisers arrested by the
        National Investigation Agency                                                                                 Tamil Nadu. About 72,000 Mus-
        (NIA) since 2014, Tamil Nadu,                                                                                 lims from Sri Lanka’s Northern
        at 34, accounted for the largest                                                                              Province were forcibly expelled
                                                                                                                      by  the  LTTE  in  October  1990.
        number of those arrested, as of                                                                               This is suspected to have creat-
        February 2020. The NIA arrests                                                                                ed a sense of resentment among
        have certainly highlighted pock-        Of the 177 ISIS sympathisers arrested by the National Investigation    some sections of Tamil Nadu’s
        ets  of  growing  jihadist  radicali-  Agency (NIA) since 2014, Tamil Nadu, at 34, accounted for the largest   Muslims.
        sation in Tamil Nadu.                             number of those arrested, as of February 2020
            The state witnessed sporadic                                                                                 The     Saudi–funded      Tam-
        incidents of violent extremism  ing in front of a mosque.                migrant populations exposed to       il  Nadu  Thowheed  Jamath
                                                                                                                      (TNTJ) came into the limelight
        in the past, when groups like Al        In April 2015, Subahani Haja  radicalism in West Asia. A large        during investigations into the
        Umma carried out the infamous  Moideen, a native of Tirunelveli  Tamil diaspora reside in South-              2019 Easter bombings in Sri
        Coimbatore blasts in February  district, went to Iraq to join ISIS.  east Asia as well. Radical Sala-
        1998. The blasts were a criminal  After undergoing religious and  fi  jihadist  groups  are  active  in       Lanka. The main group behind
        conspiracy to target L.K. Advani,  arms training, he was deployed  Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia               the  Easter  bombings  was  the
        leader of the BJP who escaped  with  an  ISIS  military  forma- (particularly the restive Aceh                National  Thowheed  Jamaath
        unhurt during an election rally.  tion, Umar Ibnu Khatab Khat- province), southern Philippines,               (NTJ), termed an ‘ideological
                                                                                                                      offspring’ of TNTJ, by analysts.
                                             iba, headed by French national  and Malaysia.                               The focus of study for jihad-
        s.a.  basha, the founder             Abu  Suleiman,  who  was  later         Tamilians constitute a size-     ist indoctrination and violence
                                             killed. Haja Moideen returned  able section of the local popula-
        of al ummah, was among  to India in September 2015 and  tions in some of these countries.                     by Indian security experts has
                                                                                                                      largely  been  confined  to  the
        the more than 180 arrest-            attempted to procure explosive  These people still have active           Af-Pak front or limited to the
                                             chemicals  from  Sivakasi,  with  links with the place of their ori-
                                                                                                                      country’s western coastal states.
        ed and convicted by the  the sole intention to carry out  gin. It is reported that there are                  Equal attention needs to be giv-

        courts.  an accused,  n.P.           terrorist attacks in India.5 Af- almost 19 lakh Tamils in Malay-         en to countering threats of rad-
                                             ter his arrest in October 2016,  sia, about 500,000 in Singapore         icalisation affecting India from
        noohu, evaded arrest for  he was found guilty by the NIA  and 75,000 in Indonesia.                            Southeast Asia as well.
                                                                                     This population is suscepti-
        20 years but was eventually          Special court and sentenced to      ble to the propaganda of various  Mathew Sinu Simon is Research
                                             life imprisonment.
        arrested in Kerala in 2018.             According to the Intelli- Islamist groups in the region,  Analyst at the Manohar Parrikar
                                             gence Bureau (IB) dossier, the  some of whom are affiliates of  Institute for Defence Studies and
            The early and late 2000s  Al-Umma  outfit,  which  subse- Al-Qaeda and ISIS, such as Je-                        Analyses, New Delhi
        did  not  witness  major  extrem- quently  changed  its  name  to  maah Al-Islamiyah and  Lash-                      Views expressed are
        ist activities. However, with the  The Base Movement, carried  kar Jundullah (Indonesia), Abu
        advent  of ISIS in India, there  out several blasts in Mallapu- Sayyaf group (Southern Philip-                  of the author and do not nec-
        were instances of youth getting  ram court premises in Kerala  pines), and Kumpulan Mujahi-                     essarily reflect the views of the
        radicalised locally and through  and outside the BJP’s office in  din (Malaysia).                               Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of
                                                                                                                          the Government of India.
        social media. In 2014, Tamil  Malleshwaram in Bengaluru in                   Analysts  flag  instances  of
        Nadu  police  arrested  two  per- 2016.6  Affiliated  to  Al  Qaeda,  Tamilians getting radicalised             This is the abridged version of
        sons  in  Ramnathapuram  dis- this  outfit  also  sent  out  threat- in South East Asian countries.             the article which appeared first
        trict for printing and selling  ening letters to the judiciary,  In  2014,  a  Singaporean  Tamil,              in the Comment section of the
        ISIS T-shirts. Later, a photo on  prisons and senior government  Haja Fakrudden, travelled to                  website ( of Mano-
        twitter  was  widely  circulated  officials.                             Syria and joined ISIS. Another  har Parrikar Institute for Defense
        showing 26 youths clad in black         Tamil Nadu borders Kerala  Singaporean,  Gul  Mohammed  Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
        T-shirts  with  ISIS  emblem  pos- and Karnataka, states with large  Mariakar, was deported to India                  on March 2, 2021

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