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ImmIGRATION                                                                MARCH 12, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          44

                  President Biden must reject trump era

            h-1B lottery rule and work visa travel Ban

        cyrus d. mehta               effect during this year’s H-1B  a previous blog. In its last days,  also endeavors to reduce the  the COVID-19 pandemic. In
        Kaitlyn Box*                 lottery, the rule will have a dev-  the Trump administration ex-  backlogs in the employment  fact, large numbers of positions
                                     astating impact on internation-  tended Proclamation 10052 to  and family based categories by  remain  open  in  this  field  and
               n March 3, 2021, Dem-  al students, entry-level workers,  March 31, 2021.        adding additional numbers and  would likely go unfilled without
               ocratic Senator Dick   and  employees  of  non-profits,   Given the tremendous  not counting dependent family  highly  skilled  H-1B  workers.
        ODurbin  and  Republi-       all of whom tend to earn mod-  hardship it causes to noncit-  members, among other amelio-  With no cogent economic jus-
        can Charles Grassley submitted   est salaries.             izens subject to the ban, the  rative measures.  However, the  tification remaining to support
        a letter to new DHS Secretary    The Biden administration’s  Biden administration ought  bill had comparatively little to  it, it is hoped that Proclamation
        Alejandro Mayorkas urging the   welcoming  immigration  poli-  to  allow  Proclamation  10052  say about H-1B visas. One of  10052  soon  goes  the  way  of
        DHS to implement the Trump   cies have been a breath of fresh  to expire on March 31 rather  the few provisions that did ad-  Proclamation 10014.
        administration’s H-1B lottery   air, but one must keep in mind  than further extending it. Bet-  dress  the  program  empowers   According to an earlier
        final rule entitled “Modification   that certain members of the ad-  ter still,  the  Biden adminis-  DHS to “issue regulations to  Forbes article,  “H-1B visas
        of  Registration  Requirement   ministration disfavor the H-1B  tration should rescind it even  establish procedures for prior-  are important because they
        for Petitioners Seeking to File   visa  program,  viewing  it  erro-  before March 31 as every day  itizing such [nonimmigrant] vi-  generally  represent  the  only
        Cap-Subject H-1B Petitions”,   neously as a source of “cheap  causes  hardship  to  those  who  sas based on the wages offered  practical  way  for  high-skilled
        which  was  published  in  the   labor” that threatens the inter-  have been adversely impacted.  by employers”, which concern-  foreign nationals, including in-
        Federal Register on January 8,   ests of U.S. workers. The H-1B  The  affirmative  rejection  of  ingly echoes Trump’s H-1B  ternational  students,  to  work
        2021. The final rule would re-  visa indeed requires employers  10052  would  symbolically  also  lottery rule. While the issuing  long-term in the United Sates
        place the current H-1B lottery   to pay the higher of the prevail-  demonstrate that Proclamation  of more green cards to skilled  and have the chance to be-
        system with a preference-based   ing  wage  or  actual  wage  paid  10052 is based on the same xe-  workers is indeed welcome and  come employment-based im-
        system that prioritizes workers   to similarly situated workers in  nophobic premise that led to  absolutely necessary, there also  migrants and U.S. Citizens. In
        earning  higher  wages.  Orig-  the company.  Distrust of the  the rejection of Proclamation  needs to be a complimentary  short, without H-1B visas near-
        inally set to go into effect on   H-1B program could explain  10014.  The Proclamation al-  work visa program that allows  ly everyone from the founders
        March 9, 2021, implementation   why President Biden selectively  ready  conflicts  with  several  of  employers  to  quickly  employ  of  billion-dollar  companies
        of the rule was postponed until   rescinded Proclamation 10014,  the Biden administration’s ear-  much  needed  skilled  work-  to the people responsible for
        at least December 31, 2021.  It   but not Proclamation 10052,  ly immigration policies. Proc-  ers and which also provides a  the vaccines and medical care
        is a shame that Senator Durbin   which restricts the entry of in-  lamation  10052  was  based  on  bridge to the green card. Also  saving  American  lives  would
        would  throw  his  support  be-  dividuals who were outside the  the same tired and xenopho-  another glaring lacuna in the  never have been in the United
        hind a clearly ultra vires regula-  United States without a visa or  bic narratives as Proclamation  bill is the absence of the much  States.”. The H-1B lottery rule,
        tion of the Trump era that is de-  other immigration document  10014, which Biden has already  needed startup visa that would  if  implemented,  will  clearly
        signed to hurt small businesses,   on the effective date of the  rescinded.  Section 5(c)(iii) of  incentivize foreign national  provide a disincentive for in-
        start-up companies and keep   Proclamation, June 24, 2020,  the  Proclamation,  which  aims  entrepreneurs to found com-  ternational students to pursue
        the U.S. from retaining the best   and are seeking to obtain an  to prevent “aliens” (a term  panies in the US, which in turn  higher education in the US. By
        and brightest foreign students   H-1B visa, among other cat-  the Biden administration has  could grow and create jobs for  eliminating the chances of en-
        from  entering  the  U.S.  work-  egories. We have discussed  pointedly  avoided  using)  with  Americans in addition to creat-  try level students from obtain-
        force.      If  allowed  to  go  into   Proclamation 10052 in detail in  final  orders  of  removal  from  ing paradigm shifting technolo-  ing H-1B visas, they will pursue
                                                                   obtaining  eligibility  to  work  gies.                   educational opportunities in
                                                                   in the United States does not    If the Biden administration  other countries, which in turn
                                                                   comport with Biden’s new pri-  truly wishes to act in the best  will  adversely  impact  Amer-
                                                                   orities  memo,  which  would  interest of the U.S. economy it  ican universities. As AILA’s
                                                                   allow such noncitizens to seek  must reject the idea, whether it  comment to the H-1B lottery
                                                                   work  authorization  under  an  is championed by opponents of  rule  points  out,  international
                                                                   order of supervision. A provi-  skilled immigration on the left  students comprise over 5% of
                                                                   sion at Section 5(b) in Procla-  or the right,  that H-1B work-  the total number of students
                                                                   mation  10052  requires  mea-  ers are a threat to the United  enrolled in higher education
                                                                   sures  to  prevent  noncitizens  States. The administration must  in the U.S., and contribute bil-
                                                                   seeking admission under the  seek to delay the implemen-  lions of dollars to the Ameri-
                                                                   EB-2 or EB-3 categories from  tation of the H-1B lottery rule  can economy. See “AILA and
                                                                   disadvantaging  U.S.  work-  and rescind it notwithstanding  the Council Submit Comments
                                                                   ers under INA 212(a)(5)(A).  Senator Durbin’s support for it.  Opposing USCIS Proposal to
                                                                   Biden’s February 2, 2021 Exec-  Indeed, Senator Durbin, team-  Create Wage-Based Selection
                                                                   utive Order entitled “Restoring  ing up with known immigration  Process for H-1Bs”, AILA
                                                                   Faith in Our Legal Immigration  foe Senator Grassley (who has  Doc. 20120234 (Dec. 2, 2020).
                                                                   Systems and Strengthening In-  never repudiated Trump),  has  Talented foreign students have
                                                                   tegration and Inclusion Efforts  been a constant and irrational  long  flocked  to  U.S.  universi-
                                                                   for  New  Americans”,  on  the  foe of the H-1B program for  ties, so losing this population
                                                                   other hand, lauds the contribu-  over  two  decades  and  his  op-  would not only financially dev-
                                                                   tions of immigrants to the U.S.  position to the H-1B is not a  astate American educational
                                                                   economy and promised to re-  reasoned voice and lacks cred-  institutions,  but  also  result  in
                      m of                                         duce barriers to naturalization.  ibility. Proclamation 10052 also  the loss of this source of tal-
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                             Biden’s U.S. Citizenship  does not benefit U.S. workers  ented entry-level workers. The
                                                                   Act of 2021 also reflects a cer-  by separating  talented H-1B  notion that foreign students
                                                                                              tain reluctance on the part of  employees from their fami-  after completing a year or two

                                                                   the Biden administration to  lies and preventing them from  of OPT or STEM OPT will be
                            address the H-1B visa program.  performing critical jobs in the  able to command Level 4 wag-
                                                    
             ­       The  sweeping  bill  is  largely  United States. As Stuart An-  es and thus compete for H-1B
              ‚                                              
                                                                   favorable to immigrants, fea-  derson points out in a recent  visas  under  the  new  rule  is  a
                                                                   turing as its keystone a path  Forbes article, many H-1B  canard.
                                                                   to legal status for undocu-  workers  are  employed  in  the   United States companies,
                                                                   mented  noncitizens  who  were  computer and tech field, which  too, depend on H-1B workers.
          2              6th Floor                                 present in the United States  has not seen significant increas-  U.S. employers have long re-
                 as of January 1, 2021. The bill  es in unemployment during  cruited highly skilled and highly

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