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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah MARCH 10, 2023 | The Indian Eye 23
Extracting Tool: Ask These 4 Questions
To understand your PAST and PRESENT
mistakes and success in your business
hat could have been done
more efficiently, more
Wquickly and more cost ef-
fectively? A lot, isn’t it?
Start asking yourself these four
questions, and then start investi-
gating how your inner ‘core and in-
sights’ could start providing answers
to help transform your business!
1.What is the biggest Don’t expect to achieve personal, financial and business’s success overnight. It will take its sweet time
mistake you made in the last
one year that you warn others 2. What is the one thing you ness success. Some people struggle without
Employing 6 Best Habits (Daily
to not do? do that makes you successful & Weekly)- Knowing that 8 out of 10 focus simply because they are not
defining their needle movers. Some
which your competitors and businesses fail in the first 18 months don’t have to struggle because they
n the last one year, you must others are not doing or may and only 4 percent make it to the defined theirs. Time to know the big-
have found yourself saying, “I’ll
Inever do that ever again,” only not even know, if these exist? 10-year mark, the daily and weekly gest needle movers which impacted
habits you employ can quite literally
your business, finance and hence
to find yourself doing the exact same make or break you. life, the most.
stuff just a short time later. hat is your secret to suc- If you concentrate on building
The good news is, you’re not cess? We are sure there are
alone. Yes, and now you could warn Wmany factors. Time to find up a large majority of 6 best habits Conclusion:
to have, you’ll all-but guarantee your
others about it, so that they don’t do out that one factor that makes you long-term success.
it! stand out…Also the factor which But don’t expect to achieve per- Asking the above 4 Questions
Not Owning Your Mistake- Did even your competitors and others can positively impact your prolifi-
you own your mistake in the last one may not even be aware of. sonal, financial and business’s suc- cacy, productivity, creativity, hap-
cess overnight. It will take its sweet
year…You should have. The first time. But as long as you persistently piness, and career trajectory like
thing you should do is own your mis- 3. What small daily & weekly employ these daily & weekly hab- building solid habits and routines,
take. Acknowledge it. habits do you perform that its, success will eventually come for thereby transforming your business
While people won’t admit they help add to your personal, and life.
made a mistake, doing so is import- sure. Exercise: List down the 3 things/
ant, if you want to learn from the financial and business 4. Looking back at the last 12 habits that you made mistakes in,
same. Admit. Take a deep breath. success? months, what were the biggest daily!
Apologize for it if the need be.
Finally, keep folks informed he DNA of Success” is a heady needle movers which made
that you’re working on a solution. cocktail of your daily and the biggest impact on your The writer is a well-known Astro
So, the chain goes like this: Ad- Tweekly habits that can help add business, finance and life? Strategist and Business Astrologer
mit-Breathe-Apologize-Inform to your personal, financial and busi- Email: [email protected]